She was a Goldwater girl.Joe said:hillary was president of her colleges republican club? link please? i know some people i would love to show that to![]()
Thunder Monkey said:And yet Bush was still given the presidency regardless of voter fraud.
Oh wait? It's ok for Republicans to commit real voter fraud, but just because Obama is a Chicago Democrat there needs to be a deeper look? How about in Texas on election day in 2000?
That's fine too?
Makes perfect sense!
Chicago doesn't breed dirty politicians. Being dirty though, is almost a Republican requirement.
Makes perfect sense.
I'm talking about the 50,000 odd people turned away because their names were close to convicted felons. A plan set into action by Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush. No surprise that damn near all were minorities.Tyrannical said:There was no voter fraud in Florida, it was all about wether spoiled ballots should be counted.
Back when my state used "fill in the circle" ballots to pick your choice, you HAD to fill in the circle. You put in an X, check mark or circle the canadites name and your ballot get's thrown out because it is a spoiled ballot.
AniHawk said:Unfortunately, Robert Wexler admits he enjoys cocaine because it's a fun thing to do and that it enhances the enjoyment of being with prostitutes.
Here's a random news article that mentions it, you can google up many others:Joe said:hillary was president of her colleges republican club? link please? i know some people i would love to show that to![]()
This is where he "admits" it:Xisiqomelir said:What a savage
Xisiqomelir said:A 'baby momma' is a ho who pops out bastards for a thug.
Faux News needs to be raked over the coals BADLY for this. I think Obamarama should let Hilldawg do it, since she owes him and it would be a nice gesture of unity.
State Republicans halt voter registration slide
By Joseph K. Cooper
Category: President, LocalTags: John McCain, Zach Moyle
LAS VEGAS - For the first time since December, Nevada Republicans gained ground on Democrats in statewide voter registration in May, according to the secretary of state's office.
Democrats, aided by active voter registration drives by the Democratic presidential campaigns and a caucus rule that allowed unregistered voters to register and participate the day of the Jan. 19 caucuses secured an advantage over Republicans of more than 50,000 voters in the state from fewer than 5,000 last year.
That advantage shrank by fewer than 1,000 voters last month.
"Typical Republican emphasis is always on GOTV and certainly we'll shift to that soon, but right now we understand that voter registration in this state has been really Democratic for the last six months or so and it's been our goal to try to do something about that," said Zach Moyle, executive director of the Nevada Republican Party.
In the last month, the GOP organization in the state has grown, with staff sent in from the Republican National Committee, presumptive Republican nominee John McCain's campaign and the state party making new hires.
Moyle said that the state party has opened offices in Carson City, Douglas County, Nye County, Elko County and have multiple offices in Las Vegas. He estimated the size of the organization as approximately 30 full-time staff in the state.
written by...Tyrannical said:Oh, there is dirt to be found on Obama.
Chicago politics is beyond corrupt, and the slickest thief usualy wins. He's either the only honest democrat to ever come out of Chicago or he has skeletons republican's are just drooling to uncover.
The above is just a general summary of how corrupt chicago is, but it's not the evidence I was looking for. I recall specific allegations on mental patients being bussed in and told how to vote. Since Obama was relatively unknown circa Nov 2000, I don't expect to find his name in any news reports I couls stumble on. But since he was so involved in Chicago vote drives, there is no way there isn't a big smoking gun just waiting to be found.
Now you know why the notion "Americans are stupid lol" went around the world during Bush's presidency.TiVo said:I hate Bush as much as the next Bush hater but I love how people say election fraud and had so much hatred and protested like Hillary nuts and then voted the dude back in the second time.
He stole it twice?
As far as I can tell he stole the election the once, and the second time he got it legit.TiVo said:I hate Bush as much as the next Bush hater but I love how people say election fraud and had so much hatred and protested like Hillary nuts and then voted the dude back in the second time.
He stole it twice?
stressboy said:I get the impression that she wakes up, looks in the mirror, and then smashes it to pieces when she realizes that she is ethnic. Didn't she write a book defending Japanese American Internment?
Mrs. Manky said:She's Filipino-American. Considering what the Japanese did to the Philipines in WWII, you could understand her dislike, though not her thoroughly racist defense of internment.
Tyrannical said:The WWII internment of Japanese and Germans was to prevent sabotage by Axis sympathisers, and it was succesful. It was neccesary and I'm glad they did it.
Tyrannical said:Oh, there is dirt to be found on Obama.
Chicago politics is beyond corrupt, and the slickest thief usualy wins. He's either the only honest democrat to ever come out of Chicago or he has skeletons republican's are just drooling to uncover.
The above is just a general summary of how corrupt chicago is, but it's not the evidence I was looking for. I recall specific allegations on mental patients being bussed in and told how to vote. Since Obama was relatively unknown circa Nov 2000, I don't expect to find his name in any news reports I couls stumble on. But since he was so involved in Chicago vote drives, there is no way there isn't a big smoking gun just waiting to be found.
Dan said:Never underestimate Americans' ability to live with deep cognitive dissonances.
Dont bash Hillary for being a Republican in the 60's. She wasn't a bad one who somehow flip flopped. She felt the republcian party abandoned her on vietnam and civil rights reform.numble said:This is a pretty great article about Obama written in 1995, before he entered politics. Similar to the stories about Hillary as president of the Republican club at her college, or the many stories of McCain's changes in stances over the years, you can really see how different he was back then, as opposed to the finely crafted image he presents now:
Oh, wait, he's the same.
FlightOfHeaven said:Did Tyranical just site the Heritage Foundation?
Boy oh boy.
There was no "strong evidence" of fraud and winning Illinois would not have been enough. Also many of the net errors in Chicago favored Nixon and in general the irregularities pointed to error and not fraud.Tyrannical said:I know, not all the world is liberal and visiting conservative website isn't a crime yet.
Oh, and stupid newspapers rarely have anything old online for free, so it's a tough search to find the article I remember reading in an actual newspaper back in 2000.
Chicago politics being corrupt is the stuff of legends. Has no one heard these stories before? There was strong evidence that Chicago cheating propelled JFK into the presidency. But Nixon who apparently had more integrity then Al Gore did not want to cause the problems that draging it out would cause.
Gore was about to concede the night of the election in 2000. He was minutes from walking on stage and had already called Bush. His staff more or less FORCED Gore to not concede.Tyrannical said:Chicago politics being corrupt is the stuff of legends. Has no one heard these stories before? There was strong evidence that Chicago cheating propelled JFK into the presidency. But Nixon who apparently had more integrity then Al Gore did not want to cause the problems that draging it out would cause.
Tyrannical said:I know, not all the world is liberal and visiting conservative website isn't a crime yet.
Oh, and stupid newspapers rarely have anything old online for free, so it's a tough search to find the article I remember reading in an actual newspaper back in 2000.
FlightOfHeaven said:It's not liberal or conservative. It's what's true or not. I consider myself a moderate; whichever side is correct, in my view, gets my support. Real conservative values, such as smaller government and a hands-off approach to economics, I can understand and partially agree with.
Just as I wouldn't visit a place that only espoused liberal views, I wouldn't do the same for the conservative one. Problem is, the country has shifted so far to the right, that anything remotely centrist is seen as far left.
Tyrannical said:I know, not all the world is liberal and visiting conservative website isn't a crime yet.
Oh, and stupid newspapers rarely have anything old online for free, so it's a tough search to find the article I remember reading in an actual newspaper back in 2000.
Chicago politics being corrupt is the stuff of legends. Has no one heard these stories before? There was strong evidence that Chicago cheating propelled JFK into the presidency. But Nixon who apparently had more integrity then Al Gore did not want to cause the problems that draging it out would cause.
Yeah, we don't get THAT far left in america because of the ridiculous negative connotations of socialism in this country.Zaptruder said:No fucking kidding. You guys need Obama so bad. Like rain storms in a parched desert man.
Obama isn't even that left... relative to the average western leader, he's pretty moderate.
Tyrannical also has a thing for trannies.worldrunover said:Vote early and vote often, yes Chicago has had voter fraud forever.
Oh, and :lol @ Nixon and integrity. Did you really just say that?
FlightOfHeaven said:Huh. I thought I was going to be attacked at first. : p
To extend my example: NPR. We've had debate topics about that here on GAF, and not a few people proclaimed it to have a liberal bias.
It's the mildest "bias" I've ever seen, though. Republican leaders, specifically those of the neo-conservative school, have taken the conservative label and twisted it badly. Furthermore, they took the liberal label and made it dirty. The result? NPR, which is a decidedly moderate station, is scorned as having a strong liberal bias, when it actually presents arguments from both sides of an issue (which aren't necessarily divided along liberal/conservative lines).
It's ridiculous, really, from both sides.
Edit: I apologize if I ramble a bit; I'm sick. : (
BUT PEOPLE NEED TO SEE MINISCULE MOVEMENTS WITHIN THE MARGIN OF ERRORsyllogism said:Might as well stop posting daily tracking polls unless they show meaningful movement or trend.
Some new state polls today though.
GaimeGuy said:Yeah, we don't get THAT far left in america because of the ridiculous negative connotations of socialism in this country.
syllogism said:Might as well stop posting daily tracking polls unless they show meaningful movement or trend.
Some new state polls today though.
the disgruntled gamer said:Of course, the entire party was pretty lousy in 2004. That was back in the "let the rebups walk all over us, maybe people will feel sorry for us" days. But yeah, the guy has been a great surrogate for Obama, and he really does know his shit.
Rally around it, PoliGAF: Obama-Kerry 08
Tyrannical said:Oh, there is dirt to be found on Obama.
Chicago politics is beyond corrupt, and the slickest thief usualy wins. He's either the only honest democrat to ever come out of Chicago or he has skeletons republican's are just drooling to uncover.
The above is just a general summary of how corrupt chicago is, but it's not the evidence I was looking for. I recall specific allegations on mental patients being bussed in and told how to vote. Since Obama was relatively unknown circa Nov 2000, I don't expect to find his name in any news reports I couls stumble on. But since he was so involved in Chicago vote drives, there is no way there isn't a big smoking gun just waiting to be found.
Nice to meet you.artredis1980 said:If there was dirt to be found on Obama, Hillary would have found, the bitch mode she was in the whole election cycle, if the Clinton Machine cannot find more dirt on Obama than what they already did, Republicans will have nothing!
This is awesome.syllogism said:
artredis1980 said:in both those pictures kerry is holding Obama like a child holding his mother when he is afraid
Thunder Monkey said:Nice to meet you.
You might not be here long though. :s
artredis1980 said:If there was dirt to be found on Obama, Hillary would have found, the bitch mode she was in the whole election cycle, if the Clinton Machine cannot find more dirt on Obama than what they already did, Republicans will have nothing!
Hell, maybe I'm just paranoid.artredis1980 said:why is that, i didnt call hillary any names, i just called her model of operation out
Seeing as how McCain has screwed up every single thing he's said since garnering the Repub nom, he might end up calling himself a Manchurian candidate.eznark said:It's more difficult for the Clintons to "use" dirt however, as they have quite a sordid past themselves and also (presumably) did not want to destroy the party. McCain will be more willing to be more forceful in his attacks (or he'll get absolutely smoked).
Barack Obama, enjoying a bounce in national polling since clinching the Democratic Presidential Nomination, is also expanding his lead in Iowa.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the Hawkeye State finds Obama leading John McCain 45% to 38%. This is the fourth Rasmussen poll in the state and Obama had a two to four point edge in each of the earlier polls. A month ago, Obama was up by just two percentage points.
Thunder Monkey said:Hell, maybe I'm just paranoid.
Seeing as how McCain has screwed up every single thing he's said since garnering the Repub nom, he might end up calling himself a Manchurian candidate.
When I was little, the legend was that the old lady who lived two doors down from my house had killed her husband, and he was buried under that creepy shed in her back yard. 0_0Tyrannical said:the stuff of legends