So according to IGN's review in progress the PC version is near unplayable due to the crashes..
Our PC Performance Thread tells another story (by JaseC).
So according to IGN's review in progress the PC version is near unplayable due to the crashes..
I've never even touched the first System Shock and barely played an hour of System Shock 2 because the gameplay is just dated today (especially the first game) and I was simply not having fun, the gameplay was outdated even 15 years ago. Which is why I'm waiting for the remake instead.
You would be surprised how many reviewers don't game on PC or played the classics.
So according to IGN's review in progress the PC version is near unplayable due to the crashes..
OpenCritic down to 83/100 :-\
Still a great score but I'm a little skeptical of how reviews are going to come in this week. 4 of the 8 reviews posted today are at 7/10 or below. The few contributors also have reviews that aren't nearly as jazzed, which is unusual (contributors generally skew higher).
OpenCritic down to 83/100 :-
Still a great score but I'm a little skeptical of how reviews are going to come in this week. 4 of the 8 reviews posted today are at 7/10 or below. The few contributors also have reviews that aren't nearly as jazzed, which is unusual (contributors generally skew higher).
OpenCritic down to 83/100 :-
Still a great score but I'm a little skeptical of how reviews are going to come in this week. 4 of the 8 reviews posted today are at 7/10 or below. The few contributors also have reviews that aren't nearly as jazzed, which is unusual (contributors generally skew higher).
Damn the metacritic score went down a lot.
It's due to a few lame reviews which gave it unusually low scores. It will settle into the mid 80s eventually.
They're entitled to their opinions. Doesn't mean I have to agree with them, though"I don't agree with them, so their reviews are lame"
They're entitled to their opinions. Doesn't mean I have to agree with them, though
They're entitled to their opinions. Doesn't mean I have to agree with them, though
Damn the metacritic score went down a lot.
If they expected it to be simply Bioshock in Space, they set themselves up for disappointment.
The demo sold me. I'll absolutely be firing this up in the next day or two.
Anyone else notice how the most glowing reviews tend to be the first?
Yes, but are the lame? Especially when it's not just 1 person. Some people like it, some don't.
And it's fine. I don't see them as lame reviews.The point is that just because you don't agree with them, doesn't make them lame.
Anyone else notice how the most glowing reviews tend to be the first?
Despite its noticeable technical shortcomings, Prey still has some significant redeeming qualities. Its environment is one of the most enjoyable to explore and the way it weaves its overarching story into side quests only helps to accentuate the freedom youre given as a player. If you can overlook its unsatisfying combat and floaty controls, Preys freedom and multiple endings provide a game thats worth experiencing.
I find it quite interesting that the reviews coming out today aren't as glowing as the earlier ones. I wonder if there's a reasoning behind it, as in the early ones rush out their praising reviews to get more clicks?
But then I wonder if I'm surely over thinking this coincidence.
If they expected it to be simply Bioshock in Space, they set themselves up for disappointment.
Anyone else notice how the most glowing reviews tend to be the first?
What Prey lacks in originality it makes up for with meaningful follow-through. Its drawn so many comparisons to System Shock, Bioshock, Alien: Isolation, and the list goes on and on and on.
But, rather than simply aping the superficial elements of its influences, Prey gets down to the core of what made them great and adds its own imaginative flare for good measure. While I may not remember its convoluted and potentially meaningless story, and cant forget soon enough its incredibly long load times on the PS4, I will always remember Preys intricate level design, layered combat and the joy I got from exploring Talos I. Hopefully the day comes when I can say the same about Talos II.
Dishonored provided an array of violent powers, but then asked us not to use them, while Prey dares the player to break the rules, but then punishes them for doing so.
At times Prey skirts on the edge of greatness but ironically for a science fiction game it owes far too much to the past. Rather than looking to push the genre forward its obsessed only with mimicking what already exists.
Prey has all the atmosphere in the world but feels held down by its need to conform to what came before, its lack of enemy and weapon variety, and its refusal to let players choose their own path.
So according to IGN's review in progress the PC version is near unplayable due to the crashes..
So far, Prey is up there with System Shock 2 and Bioshock 1 for me.
Not a fan of the deadzone/input lag in the PS4 version though.
Kind of sad to see consequences in games viewed as a negative. Yes, unlocking more alien powers makes turrets hostile and other reactions, but the game also gives you the means to counter those effects and you're forced to adapt your playstyle to effectively play in that way. Criticisms like that seem to be imply that a game should let you do whatever (why give me the powers but have negative effects) without risk/rewardYoud think that a game would want you to enjoy creating geysers of fire or mimicking chairs and turrets, but every character in the story warns you against these powers and that puts you on may be hesitant to spec in this direction.
From the Guardian:
I disagreed strongly with this critique for Dishonored, and it seems like more of the same here. I think it's excellent game design to have a well-realized world like the ones Arkane provides feature some logical push-back for unleashing your full potential. It made sense that high kill-counts would lead to more weepers and rat plagues in Dishonored. It makes sense that a station with defense mechanisms in place to stop the Typhon would react against the player the more Typhon powers are used.
Kind of sad to see consequences in games viewed as a negative. Yes, unlocking more alien powers makes turrets hostile and other reactions, but the game also gives you the means to counter those effects and you're forced to adapt your playstyle to effectively play in that way. Criticisms like that seem to be imply that a game should let you do whatever (why give me the powers but have negative effects) without risk/reward
In the OT, one person is doing a powers-focused build with little to no guns. Another focused on wrench and stealth. Another, upgrading his movement and agility to "Doom-like" speed. I'm doing a mix of guns and a few abilities so I can still use turrets
I thought that was fixed in the release?
I always hoped that the "bad ending" nonsense regarding Dishonored was some weird GAFism. To see it come up in reviews for another Arkane game is pretty sad. Everyone wants choices, no one wants consequences.
I thought that was fixed in the release?
Most games wouldn't have consequences. Like the Bioshock games, or Dishonored, or HR/MD to an extent. Most games wouldnt lock you out from things or make certain playstyles less viable due to your build. Look at how easily you can switch between combat and stealth in Deus Ex and DishonoredYeah. It's a damn shame.
Like why the hell would you not expect consequences if you acquire alien powers?
Kind of sad to see consequences in games viewed as a negative. Yes, unlocking more alien powers makes turrets hostile and other reactions, but the game also gives you the means to counter those effects and you're forced to adapt your playstyle to effectively play in that way. Criticisms like that seem to be imply that a game should let you do whatever (why give me the powers but have negative effects) without risk/reward
In the OT, one person is doing a powers-focused build with little to no guns. Another focused on wrench and stealth. Another, upgrading his movement and agility to "Doom-like" speed. I'm doing a mix of guns and a few abilities so I can still use turrets