This game. Has a fucking.gun. Seriously what are they talking about?Nerf
Gameplay wise it's an extremely polished version of modern Deus Ex, with a Bioshock-esque world to explore. The Goo and Nerf guns are great additions but the latter is barely used.
It does really lack a unique soul though - the areas evoke the black and gold of Deus Ex and are well made but uninspired and the characters utterly forgettable. There's two I cared even remotely about in a cast of dozens. The aesthetic isn't strong enough to make an impression visually and the story doesn't drive you like in Bioshock. There's something to be said about solid gameplay being the main hook but that's not quite enough in an immersive sim that clearly wants to be so much more.
6/10 is a little harsh but the game has some flaws that become pretty evident after 10 hours in.