You could at least pretend like you bothered to read his issue with the game.
I always read reviews and in this case it's downright stupid to give this game a 4/10 just because you encountered a bug which corrupted your save game or because the game crashing a lot. Furthermore, since the issue with corrupted save files and crashing has already been fixed in the latest beta patch for PC, this review is absolutely pointless and does not help anyone right now. If anything, this should have been review-in-progress and not a final review with a fucking 4/10, which this game simply do not deserve.
Many people playing the game right now and so far it's got really positive reviews on Steam and just overall from other press outlets etc. But nope, someone in IGN has encountered a game-breakling bug and crash problems (which is not common at all, otherwise you bet this game could have recieved mixed or negative reviews all across the board) and now the game is shit because of this and deserves to be aworded with 4/10. Fucking no, it's not. Period.
Also, no one can tell if you'll 100% encounter this bug (which again - already fixed) or not. It's the same fucking thing with PC port reports - you can't tell if people will have the same problems as you and based on your personal experience with the game on your rig you can't tell them what they should do based on your experience alone. If the game is downright broken and unplayable, if no one can enjoy it at launch, if it has a ton of issues and all that like BAK (or Dishonored 2) had 2 years ago... then yes, you've a right to tell people that they should not buy the game on PC cuz it's fucking unplayable, but this is absolutely not the case with Prey here.
Anyway, this review is fucking pointless and serves no one, not to mention that this whole situation is just another indication that review scores is fucking stupid and must go the fuck away, permanently.