In the IGN review he also complains about items in the inventory not stacking.
It literally takes one button press to autosort your inventory and give you maximum free space possible. You barely need to touch inventory management if you pay attention.
On PC yeah? The combat feels amazing to me. Especially once you've got more mobility, upgrade wrench, get shotgun, pistol, GLOO. Always dodging, shooting fire extinguishers, throwing nullwaves or recycler grenades, enemies throwing things at you and running away... Enemies wailing on you, you fleeing and hiding, doubling back around, ambushing them... using turrets in strategic places or choke points...
So good. Was it just the feel you didn't like? Combat becomes increasingly avoidable as you move forward, too.
He petered out after < 2 hrs to get his steam refund. The early game combat is pretty bad before you get any of the other weapons or powers, too bad they couldn't stick with it.
His (or her) loss, I suppose.