It's pretty simply really. Your guy said it himself, so I will quote it again:
He got hit with a technical roadblock, became resentful about it and lashed out with a 4/10. So like I said in the post you quoted, why don't you ask him if he's resentful towards the fact that he didn't get an early review copy, and then got hit with a roadblock while "racing to get a review up while its still relevant on Google and YouTube". The game itself is supposed to be reviewed and not take into account politics surrounding the environment that you find youself having to review the game in.
If you encounter a bug while reviewing a game it is your duty as professionals to figure out how widespread the bug is before deciding how much weight you're going to give to it. While this bug is game ending, it doesn't appear to be widespread judging by impressions here, on steam and from other reviews of the PC version of game. Further to that, a patch addressing the very issue was released on the day the review went live. But yet that isn't event taken into account nor is it even touched on in the review. In its current state, the review is misleading.
And for what it's worth, no, I'm not accusing him of making the save bug up. So please, save the evidence, I never suggested as such.
But hey, he wanted to raise a
giant red flag. I'd say it was quite successful to be honest, many people will find it difficult to take his reviews and your website seriously anymore. I hope you guys like Internet firefighting.