I'm loving the PS4 so far. How do I view upload video clips from other people or my friends? Also how can I join a multiplayer game if I'm watching the stream like Shu did at E3?
Games I have:
Killzone (digital)
NFS (digital)
I really hope Sony drops the digital prices so that I can go all digital.
In the "Live from Playstation" section, if you own the game that you're watching, the option "Join" appears![]()
Does the PS4 finish downloads when the system is off? I started to download DC Universe, but it said the download would take 3 hours. Since I'm going to bed, I shut the console down, but I'm not sure if it will continue download now or not.
my ps4 should get to me in 2-3 days. Hey, what games are available on PSN? full games that is.
I have to say this guys. I was all about next gen graphics and what not. On a whim I purchased Sound Shapes.
My god! It reminded me why I love gaming. The experience is top notch. The atmosphere, the platforming, the music!
I am a little sad that I didnt know this existed on ps3.
Definitely a game changer in my eyes!
Gimme more demos, FIFA isn't enough. I have zero interest in that![]()
I'm used to random crashes on PC because of the nature of the platform, but the one perk about console gaming is that shit isn't supposed to crash.
So the UI remained intact through the crash... This is actually a good thing. Crashes are going to happen. Nothing worse than freezes that force you to hard reboot the machine, which is what would've happened on other consoles.Oh, wow. First negative experience with my PS4 just happened. I was playing ACIV and all of a sudden the game crashed and went to some screen that said this application closed unexpectedly or something with an option to add a comment and to report the issue.
The fact that they have a unique UI screen and a comment section for reporting shit like this has got me worried. I'm used to random crashes on PC because of the nature of the platform, but the one perk about console gaming is that shit isn't supposed to crash. All I can say is, wow. Still enjoying my PS4, but that makes me nervous as fuck. Dedicated gaming consoles aren't supposed to crash. Freeze up or lock up occasionally? Sure. Comes with the territory. Crash to the UI and would like to report this problem comment section? No.
Other than that, my only other gripe is the crappy battery life of the DS4. I've had the console three days and have had to recharge the controller twice so far.
According to a post I read on reddit the Logitech G35 works on PS4..can anyone confirm?
The live areas are now visible on each game!
Trine 2 has a demo!
I can't wait for a tennis game.
Goddam, so many weird tiny things that are so weird about the interface. We really got to get together and make an official PLEASE FIX thread, gather a list and try and get it seen.
I still have NO idea how to edit clips, do you have to connect to Facebook to do that? Also, I SWEAR I heard that there was a separate Friends List for Real-life friends... where is that? That would be a great idea.
And what the hell is the point of the About Me section? It allows for like 3 words. "I LIKE CATS". So many weird things like that.
I one the game and I still don't see a join option I don't know what's going on.
Playing Killzone Shadow fall on a 144" screen, (BenQ W1070). I can't believe the graphics in some parts of the game. Amazing.
Well Sony can't plan for "user error". The system always records the last 15 mins. When you press the share button it save the last 15mins and takes a screenshot by default. In the share settings you can make it do different things than that.The PS4 interface, well it really seems crappy to me. I get it is supposed to be simplistic but I just don't like it. It's like when I boot my PS4 up I expect to hear crickets. I have seen so many app crashes, weird things from stand by mode where I have to reboot the system, and then just plain mysteries how I am suppose to navigate this "simplistic" approach. It really just seems amateur compared to where MS is with the 360 UI. It's not intuitive.
The share button, I thought it would always record last xx time of gaming, then you hit the share button and it would save it. However when you hit the share button it is now recording. I either don't understand or the system expects you to know when to record, or you have to do this every time you start a game. A major selling point to me of having a share button is to quickly save the action from something you didn't expect, and have it to share.
Really, 8 years of planning and this is what they went with?
Well Sony can't plan for "user error". The system always records the last 15 mins. When you press the share button it save the last 15mins and takes a screenshot by default. In the share settings you can make it do different things than that.
HOLY CRAP. I hadn't thought about that! I can imagine how many top players are going to get bombarded with challenges by random scrubs, just to body them easily, all while broadcasting it. The Kappas and the Kreygasms will be GLORIOUS.Live from Playstation is great and actually i tried it after reading about it on here.
Something about jumping in on different peoples games and jumping back out instantly is appealing. Ha Ha
Maybe it is just me but now instead of reading about games i can jump in see them play.
Good potential for FGC down the line. (FGC-I hate using that by the way)
That's why I said "either I don't understand"... I also looked under options, it changes what the button does if you hit it once, twice, or hold it. Doesn't really explain if it records all the time however. Then why when you try to use the share button it shows a now recording icon?
What is the interact option in live from play station supposed to do?
Well, it's been a fun launch weekend, hasn't it? All this below is coming from someone who played the 360 99% of the time and the PS3 for the 1% of the time when an exclusive title really forced me to pick up the DS3 (Last of Us, Heavy Rain, etc.).
I was pretty excited to get my hands on the PS4. From the first day possible, I had preorders in on the PS4 and the XB1, always knowing that I'd eventually have both anyway. Well, obviously Microsoft made tons of poor PR moves after the big unveilings, and at E3 2013 I was far more excited about the stuff I played and saw for the PS4 than the XB1. So from around that point, I've been more hotly anticipating the PS4, which is surprising given my overwhelming preference for the 360 over the PS3.
At launch I got Killzone, Battlefield 4, Assassin's Creed 4, Resogun, and Contract. Most of my PS4 time has been with Resogun so far, with Battlfield being next. I hated the Dual Shock 3 for FPS games and dual stick shooters. Heck, I hated it for everything, really. A weekend of time with the DS4, and I'm a convert. I like the controller a lot. I still wish that it didn't have symmetrical sticks, but at least it works well now.
Resogun is a great freebie, and I can't wait until more people on my friend's list upgrade to PS4 and start putting up scores for me to chase. It's this generation's Geometry Wars.
But aside from just enjoying what I have, the PS4 has me thinking that I probably don't need an XB1 right now. I think that I'm going to cancel my Day One Edition preorder and just go through the holidays with my PS4, Wii U, 3DS, and PC as my primary platforms. There's just nothing at launch that makes me interested in XB1 other than new hardware envy. Sony has won me over.
I hope that everybody is enjoying the launch, I certainly am far more than I anticipated. I never would have guessed this a year or two ago, but the PS4 very well could be my primary platform in the coming generation, and I've never gamed primarily on a Sony machine before.
I was thinking of getting it on December 16th after my last exam but then I realized that's 9 days before christmas and it will probably be close to impossible to find one. Any suggestions on how I can get one aside from pure luck around that time?
Play station website lists 2014Octodad got demo'd everywhere but when is it actually coming out?
Play station website lists 2014
Can the android app be used as a remote?
Live from Playstation is great and actually i tried it after reading about it on here.
Something about jumping in on different peoples games and jumping back out instantly is appealing. Ha Ha
Maybe it is just me but now instead of reading about games i can jump in see them play.
Good potential for FGC down the line. (FGC-I hate using that by the way)