Trying to hunt a ps4 down for my brother. They are no where to be found. They better ship a ton on black friday.
Yeah, my friend is looking for one too. Best Buy is sold out online and in-store pickup.
Trying to hunt a ps4 down for my brother. They are no where to be found. They better ship a ton on black friday.
Most stores should be selling the pre-orders that people haven't picked up yet by now I'd assume. Try calling around asking about that
Quick question. I made a new account for my ps4, just cause I didn't like my old username and I wanted one that was related to breaking bad. Haha. Anyway, in my old account, I have about 5$ in there. Is it possible for me to use the 10$ included with the ps4, redeem it using my first account, buy a PSN game, but play it using my new main account?thanks!
How PS4 works with Samsung TV's? I heard it has some problems with Bravia ones
Right now or this holiday, if you're buying a game console, you should buy a PlayStation 4. The game selection on both consoles is about equal, and the benefits the Xbox One offers outside of gaming currently aren't worth the extra dough. Even if you're all about live TV or fantasy sports, $500 is prohibitively expensive for a device that specializes in either (or both, for that matter).
The situation will change as time goes on, of course. When Titanfall launches in a few months, the Xbox One gets its must-own game and the PlayStation 4 is still missing that big system-selling hit. And prices will drop, and broadcasting will arrive, and any number of other things could change the equation. You're not making a mistake buying either console right now, but if you're looking for the best game console of the two to buy this holiday, the choice is clear. And, thankfully, less expensive.
The glossy part of my PS4 is heavily scratched.... no dents or anything, but hairline scratches you can only see in the right light. I'm into wabi-sabi and all that, so it doesn't bother me much, but it was kind of disappointing to get that out of the box.
If you share a video to Facebook and make it private in FB can PSN users still see it in the what's new section?
Thank you for the answer!when you are in standby and PS4 is working (downloading/installing/updating), it is really quick.
When you are in standby and PS4 is doing nothing, it has to start OS all over again and it takes 20s.
Try Resogun, Warframe is good fun as well. I have Assassin's Creed BF and am loving that. NFS is the sleeper hit of the console launch as well. Try more games! Although I disagree with you on BF4, I realize it has many problems, but the game is improving and when it works, it's amazing.
Try Resogun, Warframe is good fun as well. I have Assassin's Creed BF and am loving that. NFS is the sleeper hit of the console launch as well. Try more games! Although I disagree with you on BF4, I realize it has many problems, but the game is improving and when it works, it's amazing.After hotly anticipating the arrival of PS4, I have to say that a week on, I am left irritated and unhappy.
The two games I pre-ordered, Killzone and Battlefield, have been big letdowns for me. Killzone's single-player campaign was obnoxiously frustrating when it wasn't simply bland, and the multiplayer didn't do much for me, either.
BF4 is simply broken. Even post-patch, some modes do not work properly. I have no sound, glitchy sound, and frame drops. And the single player? I've had to restart that thing three times now due to the game inexplicably losing my save. I doubt I'll try it a fourth.
Killzone has already gone back to Amazon. BF4 might fly out my back door and into a bush upon posting this message. If I had known the next gen would start like this, I never would have bothered. I have a crap-ton of 360 and PS3 games to play, and even better, a whole spate of great new Wii U games.
How disappointing.
Is there a way to tweak the quality of a Shared video? The contrast is bad.
For broadcasting you can actively select the quality. Default isn't the highest quality. For upload? No idea.
Is hotline miami coming to PS4?
Thank you for the answer!
I wonder why that is lol
But you knew what kind of software lineup you were in for, whether it's BF4 or KZ:SF it's history just repeating itself. Just like previous launch lineups this one is mediocre too.After hotly anticipating the arrival of PS4, I have to say that a week on, I am left irritated and unhappy.
The two games I pre-ordered, Killzone and Battlefield, have been big letdowns for me. Killzone's single-player campaign was obnoxiously frustrating when it wasn't simply bland, and the multiplayer didn't do much for me, either.
BF4 is simply broken. Even post-patch, some modes do not work properly. I have no sound, glitchy sound, and frame drops. And the single player? I've had to restart that thing three times now due to the game inexplicably losing my save. I doubt I'll try it a fourth.
Killzone has already gone back to Amazon. BF4 might fly out my back door and into a bush upon posting this message. If I had known the next gen would start like this, I never would have bothered. I have a crap-ton of 360 and PS3 games to play, and even better, a whole spate of great new Wii U games.
How disappointing.
Yes, I'm installing AC4 now. And Resogun is truly wonderful. But that's an awfully thin launch. I've been there Day One or close for a lot of console launches, and never experienced so many problems.
What does the Netflix interface look like? Anyone got any pics?
But you knew what kind of software lineup you were in for, whether it's BF4 or KZ:SF it's history just repeating itself. Just like previous launch lineups this one is mediocre too.
Guess I'm not the only one, and thanks for telling me this as I was on the verge of initializing console and redownloading everything on it to see if it would fix it (now I know it wouldn't)
I have good news though - five minutes ago I started PS4 and lo and behold, the correct newest name shows everywhere! I guess it just took time to propagate or something. Or the PSN was still recovering over the past few days.
I have two questions:
1. Anyone else not getting 5.1 from Netflix? Games work fine but Netflix seems to only be stereo regardless of what Netflix tells me.
I have two questions:
1. Anyone else not getting 5.1 from Netflix? Games work fine but Netflix seems to only be stereo regardless of what Netflix tells me.
2. Yes. I do that right nowI have two questions:
1. Anyone else not getting 5.1 from Netflix? Games work fine but Netflix seems to only be stereo regardless of what Netflix tells me.
2. Can I charge the controller with a cellphone charger? I have one right next to where I sit but it obvious sends more power than the standard USB method. I don't want to damage the battery.
Weird, mine too. Took it to Target and they gave me a new one in box.My R1 button is starting to stick. Grrr.
Thanks for clarifying. Hopefully they get that mode up and running soonwhen it is doing something, it is basically on, just not outputing video... when it isnt, then it is "real" standby where APU is off completely and it spends much lower amount of energy.
so obviously, since it is already on, it starts in a second or two...
pretty sure they are planning to speed up standby in the future, when suspend mode gets working, so will this.
GameStop: 2.3 Million PlayStation 4 Units on Backorder
Any chance of a restock anywhere before next weekend?
Ya, I only get stereo with Netflix. Curious, are you able to get 5.1 for games through HDMI? I can only get it through optical.
2. Yes. I do that right now
Weird, mine too. Took it to Target and they gave me a new one in box.
As far as i remember, they don't work right now, but they will eventually will a firmware updateI'm sure this has already been answered but does this headset work with the PS4:
Has anybody seen this ?
"I was extremely happy to be able to tell them both personally that their walk-out music choices for this E3 were absolutely kickass," said Chiu, a lifelong gamer whose favorite titles on PlayStation come from the Metal Gear series.