I really want the 3D Blu Ray update =(
Coming soon
just a little patience! :-D
I really want the 3D Blu Ray update =(
I think Sony said they would keep Resogun/Contrast as the PS+ game for a while considering the library is limited at this point.
Wouldn't be a big shock to me.
Sony knows the majority of sales of a multi-plat FFXV will still go to the PS4- especially since we now know how (most?) multi-plats will be on PS4 vs X1. They didn't bite on exclusivity for FFXIII and that ended up being a very wise move for Sony in hind-sight.
FFVII is a symbol for the PlayStation brand in general. I think it would be more important for Sony to maintain that image than allow a big event FFVII:RE (and possibly some kind of FFVII-2) to go multi-platform.
If FFXV (and to an extent FFXIV) resurrects the brand name/power as much as fans think it could, a following FF exclusive could be massive again.
If a PS Plus member registers a PlayStation 4 as their "primary" system, anyone who uses that system has the ability to play online multiplayer, regardless of whether or not they are PS Plus members. Additionally, as many as four players can simultaneously play online on the same console, even if they don't subscribe to PlayStation Plus.
Have people here tried Music Unlimited? I just thought I'll give it a shot, and it's really good! $5 a month for unlimited songs and skipping (for radio)? Damn you, Sony! You have my money!
The UI is still a bit laggy, but not too bad. Hope they can improve it to match the usually snappy PS4 experience.
I use Music Unlimited a lot. I love it and use it to listen to music in every game I've played so far. However...
...it is one of the most unstable apps I have ever used. It crashes on me constantly. It crashes when I back out of a game and try to go into the app while music is playing. It crashes if I try to reload the app after it crashes. It'll stop playing music sometimes at points in a game where the original game music would have stopped. If it crashes I have to restart my PS4 just get it to work. Annoying.
Ah I see. Haven't tried it with a game yet. Hope they resolve these issues. It seems like great value for money. Would be a shame if it fails because of stability.
Looks like the UK launch is going to be huge
for reference the PS3 sold 165k on it's opening day here.
Coming soon
just a little patience! :-D
Do we know yet if DLC/season passes and such bought on US PSN works with European games? Should right, games are universal now?
Do we know yet if DLC/season passes and such bought on US PSN works with European games? Should right, games are universal now?
how long does it take to charge the PS4 controller?
Perhaps someone can help me out a bit. I'm having some problems with the "last 15 minutes recorded" feature. Something hilarious happened in AC4. I punched a guard and he flew about 100 feet in the air. When I hit the upload video button, it wasn't the last 15 minutes I had played. It was way before that. Anyone have any idea as to why this happens? It's done it twice in two separate parts of the game.
Less than an hour. It felt really quick.
I've heard this happening when you have too many videos saved. I haven't reproduced the issue yet. Do you have a lot of saved videos?
I have one clip saved and it's less than 30 seconds.
Hmmm maybe I'll buy another game off of psn (been wanting killzone and nba 2k14) aand see if it goes faster. The current download that is stuck is a blackout patch. I think I already have all the ftp games, and given my bandwidth cap I don't want jack it up intentionally with something I've already downloaded.
If this is the situation firmware updates and patches are going to be though I'm not going to be able to handle it. Couldn't even pull the firmware down from pc...
Not being able to import photos, videos etc is a real bummer to meNot to mention custom themes and wallpaper. At the moment it just feels kind of dull. I'm sure things will change as it's still very early but I think that the PS3 was much more feature rich when it launched compared to the Quad.
Not being able to import photos, videos etc is a real bummer to meNot to mention custom themes and wallpaper. At the moment it just feels kind of dull. I'm sure things will change as it's still very early but I think that the PS3 was much more feature rich when it launched compared to the Quad.
The PS3 could barely do anything at launch. There was like a firmware update every week and it was still months before it to could do anything useful apart from play Blu-rays.
You could import photos and videos, but that might have had something to do with the million different memory card slots they included for reasons nobody ever really understood.
Even then, you couldn't set wallpapers iirc, no themes, no folders, no playlists, no upscaling (was there?), no games (oh, except PS2 games, God of War 2 was probably the best PS3 game for a while, either until they took out bc or warhawk released, whichever came first). Lots of firmware updates though.
And look at that sexy beast now, obsolete. Good times, wonder when my PS4 will arrive.
Do game invites pop up on screen during games like ps3/xbox360? Only played some Resogun, Ghosts, and 2k14. Not much since I've been busy, so no parties yet. Was playing Resogun earlier and after the match ended I see that there was a co-op game request from ShogunPore. Did I miss the popup, or was it not there? He had obviously moved on 10 min later when I finally saw it.
Do game invites pop up on screen during games like ps3/xbox360? Only played some Resogun, Ghosts, and 2k14. Not much since I've been busy, so no parties yet. Was playing Resogun earlier and after the match ended I see that there was a co-op game request from ShogunPore. Did I miss the popup, or was it not there? He had obviously moved on 10 min later when I finally saw it.
you missed it. i got a pop up and it said hold PS button i think
Just went to PlayStation Store, found there was a demo for Trine 2: Complete Story.
Being that I have never played a Trine game before on any platform, this is just, whoa. ..What a magical experience this is.
Kinda reminds me of the splendor of playing Magician Lord for Neo Geo for the first time way back in 1990-91.
I guess Trine 2 makes up for Magician Lord 2 never seeing the light of day, a game that was rumored to be in the works for Neo Geo CD almost 2 decades ago.
Frozenbyte,Please take my money.
20 is a little much for a game I already own on 2 platforms though.Just went to PlayStation Store, found there was a demo for Trine 2: Complete Story.
Being that I have never played a Trine game before on any platform, this is just, whoa. ..What a magical experience this is.
Kinda reminds me of the splendor of playing Magician Lord for Neo Geo for the first time way back in 1990-91.
I guess Trine 2 makes up for Magician Lord 2 never seeing the light of day, a game that was rumored to be in the works for Neo Geo CD almost 2 decades ago.
Frozenbyte,Please take my money.
Is Sony releasing an iPad version of their playstation app?
I'm on day 5 of my L1 and R1 buttons stickying when I press them, how the hell is this possible? I haven't spilled anything on them (or had any type of food near them). It's becoming a chore using them because I have to jam them hard so they pop up. How can I counter this?
It's fustrating to know that I have to drop $60 for another controller
Anyone getting the "Ps4 database is corrupted" when viewing text messages or party invites?
I had to restart the Ps4 twice now
I really want the 3D Blu Ray update =(
Nope... did you happen to place the console on standby when sending a message?
Try deleting your party chat room and your messages