out of curiosity, what exactly on xbone is that appealing to you compared to the offerings on ps4, seeing as you own both plus a PC? not talking about what may come in the future, talking about what is there today on both.
i think everyone can agree that first party launch offerings on both consoles aren't great. its basically ryse, killer instinct and DR3 vs killzone, resogun and knack. all of the third party games are better on the ps4 by some magnitude (resolution, framerate, etc...)
if DR3, killer instinct and ryse are > killzone, resogun and knack then sure thats a good enough reason to switch
the reason i ask like this is if you are looking forward to something that may be in place on the xbone in the future, but isnt there today, then switching isn't going to provide any benefits until those features are actually there. unless i'm missing something.
Forza which you failed to mention is a big deal for me. I love driving games but have not been interested in the arcade side of it for a while. Being able to play a sim leaning driving game with a wheel is a big thing for me.
My other games consist of FIFA, BF4, killer instinct and Max:The curse of brotherhood.
Once I'm bored of those things, I still have ruse and dead rising three to get into.
The selection of things on xb1 that aren't just things I already played on pc are much greater on xb1.
I'm more than happy to have bf4 on the xb1 and not the ps4 just to keep my console gaming unfragmented for now. I already have it on pc. If higher res was all I cared about if have stuck to my Pc version.
My favouring the xb1 comes from more than the games as the post you quoted pointed out.
I stream music/video to it when I want.
I use my phone/tablet/laptop to control it.
I find music/video to play on smartglass and start it on xb1.
I use a miracast adapter in the hdmi in to mirror my phone/tablet screen to the TV app on the bone so available apps don't even matter. For instance, the sky go app for xb1 won't arrive till next near, but I can just stream the sky go app from my phone while keeping it part of the xb1 app. There is also no crunchyroll app, but again "Xbox watch TV" and loading up crunchyroll on my phone or laptop is enough for me to be watching whatever.
The conscious implementation of speech recognition into almost everything, apps and all and the fact that Kinect comes in the box.
There is just a much larger amount of pure flexibility and new experiences, gaming related or not that I have with the bone that PS4 can't touch for now.
As you're aware I'm a pc gamer and one that got bored with chasing pixels a long tome ago. That isn't what games are (all) about to me any more and the overall experience is more important to me these days. Plus I just like gadgets.
PS4 has put its heart into gaming over all, but FOR NOW, its purity is not shining through FOR ME. If anything its serving as a negative until it starts to hit its stride.
Edit: holy crap I thought this was the 'i like the xb1 line up but want a ps4' thread...... maybe this post is a bit too much for this thread.....