Sadly you're being hopeful at least for now. Gaikai will stream PS3 games later on, but haven't heard a thing about Vita.
Damn, there goes my hope of playing Last of Us this year.
Sadly you're being hopeful at least for now. Gaikai will stream PS3 games later on, but haven't heard a thing about Vita.
Why is it taking so long to be Friday.
I'm getting Knack, Killzone: Shadow Fall, & Need For Speed rivals.
Damn don't you guys ever get bored of pew pew bang bang boom boom?
I wanna have as much variety as possible it's too bad driveclub got delayed.
I hope you're not removing that GameCube to make room for it!
Why is it taking so long to be Friday.
I'm getting Knack, Killzone: Shadow Fall, & Need For Speed rivals.
I'm still kinda having a hard time processing that I'll be finally be hooking up my PS4 in just 2 short days. I placed my order the very minute Sony dropped the price bomb at E3 and it became available on Amazon. The wait has been so long and filled with so much hype, Shu tweets, Kaz GIFs, Mortimer, CBOAT, some controversy, and of course some crazy and thought provoking discussion here on GAF.
All of that is almost over, I know it's just an electronic device and some would find it strange that a grown ass man is going to revert back to being an 8 year old getting an NES for Christmas. But since we are here on GAF I suspect I'm not alone.
So excited.
Ending at 6.. thats when gamestops system for the preorders final transactions close.Gamestop is sounding like your best bet. They will be selling their non-preordered PS4s starting at 6:00 pm for the midnight release.
Welp guess im out again,
got short changed $100 from a family member.
guess I will have to wait. ugh.
Is it true that the PS4 review embargo expires in.. 9 hours and 20 minutes?
PS App is out on the Google Play store!
Wow, before iOS? sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit.PS App is out on the Google Play store!
Wow, before iOS? sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit.
Sony favors google..
Clearly Sony is trying a lot harder with online/social this gen but I think they still have a lot of work to do, even with basic stuff. I went to the PS site today to look at my friends list because I want to get it into shape for PS4 and it boggled my mind that you can't do something as simple as send/manage friend requests from the site.Yuck. Store just forwards you to the web browser mobile site.
This isn't as advertised.
There were very few Injustice units for PS4 at my local Best Buy and Amazon says 1-2 months. I wonder if that's a limited run.
NVM Im back in again!
going to be sitting in line Thursday morning.
I really wished I could have taken Friday off. but, too many casses already planned. plus a big meeting on Saturday .
Sony makes Android phones.Wow, before iOS? sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit.