They are pretty hard on most hardware as of late. There are, of course, exceptions. At least that's my perspective.
edit: I feel like you are overstating their positivity towards the Series consoles. They liked them for sure, but they also displayed measured skepticism.
There has never been console generation, where one side just didn't show up. The dreamcast had soul caliber, sonic adventure 2, phantasy star online, and the list goes on.
Xbox had incredible amount of marketing going into the generation. They had article after article about being ready, and having the most powerful console. 12 teraflops. And generation starts:
-No launch games
-Almost all exclusives 30 fps(initially), starting with the medium
-The most powerful console failing to deliver on that promise.
- no new controller
- no new UI
- Unable to go tit for tat with games. Where are the game list?
This has truly been generation like no other, many stores dropped xbox. Xbox games are now on ps5. EU market has completely rejected xbox this year.
How much worse must it become, for them to be more then just skeptical?