- Platform: PS3 and PSV
- Release Date: November 27, 2012 (Jan 13 for PSV)
- Players: 2 Local (Co-op) 4 Online (2v2)
- Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
What is Full Frontal Assault? It is a smaller Ratcher & Clank title that will be released fr $19.99 at both retail and PSN. It is a cross-buy and cross-play* title. It is a blend of classic R&C gameplay, MOBA gameplay, and Tower Defense. Check the videos section for a clearer idea of how gameplay flows.

Official Trailer:

Gamescom Gameplay:

MP Footage (BETA):

COMING SOON (Sorry, will get them up ASAP).

In a nutshell, it shares very similar core mechanics, with an interesting blend of Tower Defense. You capture nodes (turrets) which feed you bolts (currency) over time. Killing players / minions / crates will reward players with more bolts as well. There are 7 rounds, each round with 3 phases.
Phase 1: This is known as the Recon Phase. During the Recon Phase, you go out across the map and capture your nodes. Nodes are captured by destroying the guards (creeps) that patrol them, and taking out all of the turrets at the node. Once that is done, you may initiate the short minigame to capture the node.
Phase 2: This is known as the Squad Phase. During Squad Phase, you return to your base and purchase either defenses to protect your base, or minions to attack the enemy base. You can mix and match as much as you like, and defenses can be sold for the same amount they were purchased for (if you feel like that extra 1,000 bolts will win the match in a final push). There are two lanes into your base, which you can arm with shields, mines, and turrets (hence, the Tower Defense element).
Phase 3: This is known as the Assault Phase. During the Assault Phase, players will attack / defend accordingly to win the game. In order to win the game, you must destroy all 6 of the enemys generators before the round ends (as you do not have access to them in the other rounds). The round does not end until all squad units have been destroyed or generators have been destroyed. If you cant defend your base, there is a one time use Panic Button that will shield all of your generators for 30 seconds, allowing you to inflict damage on the minions and hopefully end the round before your base is destroyed.
Last round: After 6 rounds have been completed, players enter an all or nothing sudden death round, and you simply fight and attack their generators until one player comes out on top. This is done to prevent a stalemate or extremely long games.
Perk Upgrades: Throughout the match, there are "perk upgrades" you can purchase. These range from regenerating HP, stronger melee, stronger attack units, or stronger defenses. Think of this as your "build order". You can invest in heavy defenses, effectively making you a "tank" player (since it will be very difficult for a player to simply send in squads to destroy your base). Think of your base and your player as extensions of one another, as far as build order is concerned. I'll go more into this later.

FFA isn't a "traditional" MOBA, in that your character doesn't have a specific Build Order. Instead, the "build order" encompass's much more, to include the order in which you procure weapons, which you chose to use most (to make them more powerful) and which perks you decide to buy at your upgrade station, and finally when and what attack forces you send to the enemy base. This is all dependent on your ability to procure and maintain resources (nodes). Nodes delivery bolts (game currency) to your bank, allowing you to purchase these upgrades. You also get bolts for killing enemy minions during the attack phase, as well as killing enemy players at any point.
As an example, here is a build order I have been working on.
Recon Phase 1:
1. Power Weapon (Warmonger)
2. Dopple Banger
3. Sonic Eruptor
4. Thunder Smack
At this point, I feel like anything following is in whatever order, so long as you can maintain control of 4 or more nodes. The power weapons help to quickly recapture already captured nodes, and Dopple Bangers will draw enemy fire (and do damage) allowing you to quickly down a node. The Sonic Eruptor does short ranged area damage, and is excellent for mobs of turrets (2 to 3 can be taken out at a time, if you're aiming well). The Thunder Smack does area damage as well, and can work for defense if you want to capture a node w/out destroying turrets (3 dopple bangers to draw fire, 1 thunder smack to guard you from melee enemies).
Following this phase, I'll generally invest in 1 shield in each lane (to keep the other player out) and spend the rest of my resources, if available, to upgrade to Elite Demolitions minions (they take out shields and turrets rather quickly). If are in an even match, these will come in handy to down enemy defenses so you can send in a tank for big damage (or just as a threat so you can invade their base).
I can go into more detail, but I don't want to bloat the OP. Ask me questions if you have them.

Why Should I Buy This Game?
For one, its a return to form for Ratchet & Clank, with a traditional and controllable 3rd person camera, as well as some fantastic multiplayer! Second, the title is Full Frontal Assault. How could you NOT want that in your collection? Heresy. Also, its a Cross-Buy title for PS3/Vita (Vita Version to release in Jan 13) for $19.99.

NowGamer: 8.0
Slant Magazine: 4/5
Eurogamer: 6/10

Q: Does this game have a single player campaign?
A: Yes!
Q: Will the game have any DLC?
A: Yes! 3 Free skins for purchasing the games initially. Also, jsteveson hinted to a map pack on the Insomniac Games forums.
Q: Does this game support Cross Play?
A: It absolutely does (COMPETITIVE ONLY).
Q: Why aren't there more images in this OT?
A: Because that's silly!
Q: How long is this game?
A: It's comparable to Quest 4 Booty (between 3 and 4 hours), but it also offers a robust multiplayer component that extends replay value.
Q: I'm not sold. Is there a demo or anything?
A: Yes, there will be a trial available on the PS Store on release day.
Q: Does this game have a Platinum Trophy?
A: Yes.

True to Ratchet & Clank games, here are some rejected OT Titles:
Ratchet & Clank Full Frontal Assault |OT| Fifty Shades of Clank
Ratchet & Clank Full Frontal Assault |OT| All In: The Education of Copernicus Qwark
Ratchet & Clank Full Frontal Assault |OT| This Hoe Aint Ratchet
Ratchet & Clank Full Frontal Assault |OT| Softcore Gaming at its Finest
For anyone who has read negative things a out campaign difficulty, patch 1.02 addresses a lot of those concerns!!
Changes are as follows:
- Weapons can now level up to 5! And dont worry, the experience youve earned up to this point will count toward the new cap.
- Need to get back to base in a hurry? Weve brought over the popular base-teleport feature from Competitive to Campaign.
- Weve marked down the prices for most base defenses.
- Enemy waves have been tuned across the entire game.
- We got rid of filtering by cheats and replaced it with an option to limit the games to friends only.
- We have added a visual indicator for hero upgrades. The more upgrades purchased, the more pips youll see above a players health bar.
- Several exploits patched. Rage-quitters beware!
- Bug fixes galore.