The movie teaser got me into Ratchet again. Just picked up the Crack in Time DualShock pack.
Beat the campaign for FFA on PS3, but hoping to do it again on Vita.
I'm hoping to do the same. Got back into MP yesterday, but couldn't find any matches
The movie teaser got me into Ratchet again. Just picked up the Crack in Time DualShock pack.
Beat the campaign for FFA on PS3, but hoping to do it again on Vita.
I'm hoping to do the same. Got back into MP yesterday, but couldn't find any matchesHoping that Vita release + New Content will boost the activity and hopefully get more people talking about this awesome MP title (because it is absolutely awesome).
I really doubt the multiplayer will get popular again. Most people have played the PS3 version by now and had their fun. Add to that that Vita doesn't have a larger base anyway, people will maybe play through again for fun or to get the trophies again. And new content is nice but unless someone actively follows the game, checks out the blog posts, see's that there PS3 downloaded a patch or Sony auto emails people with the game, then they aren't going to know there is new content.
I think it is so important that the PS4 should have a news feed of updates for games you own/play.
I have no idea what the stats are for active users, but I can't imagine that they justify the awesome continued support. Maybe one content release after the Vita version is out then drop support for it and focus efforts on whatever the NC studio are working on (PS4 Ratchet Movie Tie-in/prequel maybe)
I don't have any delusions that they'll continue support after this next patch, lol. It just sucks that so many people are so "elitist" that they won't play this awesome MOBA-esque game just because it doesn't have gritty guns, etc. Everyone always bitches about "brown" but here's this awesomely colorful game with great MP, and it's cheap...yet no one buys it. Absurd, honestly.
No online pass.
No day 1 DLC.
Tons of free support.
...I just don't get it.
I think the game suffers from All4One being universally panned, as soon as they hear 'it's another spin off at a cheaper price' lots of people aren't interested. Wrongly I might add, it is back to more classic gameplay (Dunno if there was/is a demo?).
'Great multi-player' is definitely subjective, I am not a fan of it, though love the single player.
There was Day 1 DLC in the form of skins, though that isn't people problem, their problem is in meaningful playable DLC being day one. Skins as DLC at launch, that's fine.
The problem is that it is small and cheap and followed A4O, people unfortunately won't give it the time of day. A demo, F2P multiplayer, a sale, any good PR would help. The Vita delay on top just didn't help.
To play online there are things like Killzone 3, Uncharted 3 that are F2P, and uncharted is colourfull fun and not gritty. Right now God of War's multiplayer is tons of fun.
People want big single player R&C games, there is absolutely a need to mix it up and try new things as well but I can't blame people for trying them and not liking them.
R&C 3's online was great, not without flaws, but since then maybe only Size Matters online has been good.
No online pass, no meaningful DLC day 1, lots of support, those are all things people want, but they don't make someone buy a game, the game makes people buy it, all that stuff is gravy on top.
I dunno, I feel the MP is balanced, has tons of depth, and a lot of options for custom games. I think that constitutes "great", as far as standards are concerned. Maybe it's not something you prefer, but I don't think that lessens the achievement of the team with a significant MP product.
The game has a demo, which has free MP, and SP content.
I suppose I'm just burnt out on all the negativity around videogames anymore. No one is willing to give things a chance, or have fun. It's all first impressions and review scores anymore, which is really unfortunate. I feel like every gaming community out there, in some way, is jaded to the bone and very irritating to me.
I have no idea what to do once the other team gets warmonger. They can be a distance away and kill me with that thing.
As far as the Warmonger, while I do believe it is better than the PBL, it is simply because of the egregiousness of auto-aim applied to rounds to compensate for latency. It allows players to fire "straight" with a very good chance that the auto-aim will adjust and launch your rockets north to hit a player, should they be close enough. The only way to effectively neutralize the Warmonger is to create distance between the two of you, which unfortunately means wasting time not capturing nodes.
Even still, some decent planning and prediction can really help you defeat a Warmonger easily. Keep away from nodes they capture, and try to stay ahead. Jungle the bolt crates early on, build Warmonger Turrets and Extra build pads at your base (and sell the turrets that come with the upgrades for a profit). From there, you can build up proper defenses, and go jungle during the squad / assault phase (unless they rush your base). Beat down their nodes, and get very fast captures early in the next recon phase, giving you the upper hand.
Here's a good video to watch for some ideas on how higher level players attack nodes:
New content streaming here:
Check it out, pretty cool stuff. Kinda iffy on how I like the new mode.
Was cool watching you play today. Learn so many tactics watching you.
EDIT: incase people dont know
Vita version out next week.
New mode added to PS3
New skins
New Map
The framerate for the Vita version is like... really bad
For clarity's sake, the port was not handled by Insomniac, but by Tin Giant.
I didn't say YOU, simply putting it out there to avoid confusion.Who said I was blaming Insomniac?
I asked James Stevenson on Twitter about the port, apparently Insomniac had no involvement in the port and it was completely outsourced:
Well it does have more detail and resolution than the PSP game, but the PSP game is at least consistent in it's look.Holy crap. That almost looks worse than the PSP games.
I really feel like we should be warning people on how bad this Vita port is. Its borderline unplayable. There is not a lot of discussion going on about it.
I can't believe this studio has been helping out on pretty much every most resistance 1 title w/ Insomniac and this is the port they produce. I know Insomniac didn't have their hands in this port, but i imagine they'd be quite upset with the state its released in.
I really feel like we should be warning people on how bad this Vita port is. Its borderline unplayable. There is not a lot of discussion going on about it.
It's a real shame. FFA is actually a really good game, and Ratchet would be right at home on Vita. FFA was MADE for portability.
played first mission, didn't like it. will give it one more try
Wow, the writing in this game is making me worried for the movie. I turned my PS3 off when theyused the Trololo song.
Decided to hop on this again after who knows how long.
I'm getting dominated by the pros. I'm used to using the strat of getting the lead in nodes while my opponent goes for #1, but that doesn't seem to work anymore. Even tried using tips i've seen on youtube but still ends with me getting destroyed. I always end up having to go on the defensive and only able to keep two nodes.
The game is EXTREMELY competitive. Despite people ragging on it, the Mp is extremely competitive, the community is just kinda small.
Weapon upgrade speed and choice is most important.
This is the problem I'm having. I really don't know what upgrades to go for. I really just try to upgrade the combuster, cryoshot, and doppelbanger.
I'd try multiplayer but it's pretty dead. Can't get a game going. :/
So I just finished the the single player for this and its not that bad. I was pissed when I first played it and had to go to generators to get weapons, but I got used to it. I thought it was going to be like all 4 one with weapons not upgrading and you having to upgrade them every level. Turns out its like regular ratchet and clank which is good. It's nice short campaign that was definitely worth the seven bucks I paid for it. Got all of the medals now and am just watching the credits.
I'd try multiplayer but it's pretty dead. Can't get a game going. :/