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Reign of Fear: A NeoGAF DnD 5e Play by Post Campaign

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=171773]Health: 1D10 + 2 = [6]+2 = 8

((Learning how to use Gimp isn't happening tonight, so I'll save a more colorful leveling up for another time. Also, question I should have asked a long time ago: Now that Ludwig has extra attack, how is that going to interact with trample? Can he make two hoof attacks and knockdown attempts off a charge, a knockdown attempt and a sword attack, or just the hoof knockdown attempt?))

Ludwig stays up late, celebrating with the rest of the party. As revelers begin to drop and the endowed begin to head off to sleep, Ludwig makes his way towards whatever nearby barn or shack will put him up for the night. Before going to sleep, Ludwig says a prayer to the spirits of the free market, thanks them for their guidance in swaying the more capitalist chambers, and, as is tradition, uses his bestowed holy power to preemptively head off his hangover.

He wakes up the next day feeling as if the spirits of liberty are particularly pleased with his efforts, and senses additional freedom-fueled energy flowing through his body.
Upon returning to the inn and checking in, the receptionist at the counter hands Fhiess a package delivered specifically for him. Of course, it's a thin manual to study third level spells for aspiring bards.

His evening in his room is spent trying out spells before committing them to memory. He listens to the little kitten express its thoughts in common through one of the spells. After being told it likes scratching the blanket, Fhiess flips the pages to see what spells might be more useful. He places a finger on one spell description, a new way to create imagery.. that can speak.

In that moment, images of one of his mother and father's adventures from their younger years appear around him. It is at a campfire where they, the adventurous visitor with the wolf from so many years ago, and a couple of others are present. Although the elf with a wolf appears to be a ranger, he seems to be the one keen on playing a string instrument among the group. Even with the sharp, twangy sound the instrument plays, the player's skill still produces a gentle melody that allows the mind and their worries to drift away. Surely, this ranger is as much of a bard as even the most dedicated in their craft.

Once the song is finished, only Fhiess and one other in the party around the campfire remain awake: a seemingly nocturnal ranger Dwarf that is not quite ready to call it a night. The dwarf hehs, "Seems like we don't get to talk much, what with that song of yours. The lute player closes his eyes and smiles, "So it seems. I suppose I can't help myself, the song is like my way of speaking." Curious, the other ranger can't help but ask, "Your way of speaking? How is that?"

The musician has to take a few moments to think on a way to explain his answer. After awhile, he says, "The sound of music without words, is pure." His off hand starts to express to give emphasis, "A melody is honest, it cannot lie. It expresses feelings with an open heart always. Perhaps there are times when it expresses the right feeling at the wrong moment, but I like to think that the reason music is so inspiring or moving is because there is a hidden truth most are drawn to finding."

"To put simply, I like to play music to show how I feel."

The images of the party and the campfire fade from view, and the inn room returns to normal.


The next morning has Fhiess rubbing his eyes at the breakfast table, having gotten fewer hours of sleep than he would have liked. Whenever others are present, he asks a question that has been weighing on his mind ever since he returned to the inn after visiting the Chamber of Narn, "Does anyone know if Peaseblossom ever made it back?"
Keranos is smug during the meeting with Barrow and Oliff, believing that he is single-handedly responsible for convincing two separate houses to side with them (conveniently forgetting the help from Thosar and Galen). He nods along in agreement at the talk about potential sinister outside forces, but does not add anything to the conversation; Oliff and Talbot seem to have a fairly accurate assessment of the situation.

At first Keranos is inclined to find a spot to proselytize in lieu of joining the others to drink, but when he steps outside the building and looks up at the suffocating cavern ceiling, he decides that maybe dulling his senses isn't such an awful idea.

The evening is something of a haze to him, but when he awakens, he somehow feels stronger than before (after accounting for the headache). Rising from the pile of straw that he'd been sleeping on, he yawns. "Breakfast, anyone?"

((Taking another level in Warlock, bringing me to Warlock 4, Cleric 1. Going to skip out on a feat and get +2 Charisma instead. Adding the spell Earthbind to my list. It's not particularly great overall, but it is very in-flavor, and could be situationally very useful.

Also gonna take the 5 HP bump rather than rolling a die))


Their party's success in helping the drow refugees to a better life puts Sagishi in a good mood and lets him forget the terrible encounter from earlier. Happily he joins the festivities, entertaining everyone who cares to listen with a series of short tales about some Shipponashi Bakamaru, an infamous laughing stock from Nihaanese legends whose most characteristics feature was the lack of any additional tails, beside his old age.

Shipponashi travels the provinces to help people in need in order to earn his second tail, but due to his general incompetence he usually makes the situation worse and catastrophes are only avoided by sheer coincidence and luck. The short tales usually end with Shipponashi cursing the gods for not granting him his wish, unable to see that it was not by his doing that the day was saved at all.

Sagishi was just playing out a scene in which Shipponashi nearly burned down a village by accidently setting a goat on fire. When he comes to the part in which the goat runs panicking through the streets and collides with a variety of inflammable objects Sagishi launches into his fox form to run zig zag through everyone's legs.

"And wooosh a stack of hay here! And wooosh a sack of tea there! Meh-eh-eh, it bleated all the way while..."

He stops when he suddenly becomes aware of a change. If asked, he wouldn't have been able to describe it properly but it was as if from one moment to the next a small part in his mind had become active, that hadn't been there before. Understanding hits him and he knows what he'll see before he has twisted his head to look at his backside.

Sagishi has grown an second tail.

He stares at the additional body part. It is weird, he remembers that when he was younger he had often dreamed of growing his second tail. おしりせいちょう as it was called in his native tongue were among the most important reasons for festivities in his homeland and a lot of the stories his mother had told him from her life in Nihaan has taken place at such banquets.

Back in those days Sagishi had always liked to imagine having one of these splendid parties for himself when he grew his second tail. His parents would be so proud...

Well, this party might not be like he had imagined it as a boy, but it WAS a party and so Sagishi decides not to dwell on melancholy thoughts about his parents, though if someone were to pay attention, they might notice that the kitsune's good spirit is ever so slightly subdued.

When they finally leave for the inn, Sagishi will check to see if Peaseblossom has returned and what she has to tell him.

After that he goes to sleep, afterall they still have to meet with Chamber Mafun the next day to sell the rest of the Glurg and he wants to be well rested for that.

((I'm going to assume we made an appointment with Mafun for the meeting sometime after breakfast.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I figured the meeting with Mafun would be after the vote, to ensure they met their end of the deal and all that.

Peaseblossom isn't hanging out around the inn that Sagishi can find.))


((Oh right, well after the vote it is then.))

Sagishi joins the others at the breakfast table. When Fhiess asks after Peaseblossom he shakes his head.

"She hasn't returned yet. Maybe she got distracted on her way back? I just hope they haven't discovered her..."
"What if she is trapped somewhere that we can't find?"

He frowns.

After rubbing his chin, he says, "The girl at the desk when we went to the chamber was willing to tell us where the Kin were having a meeting at. I wonder if she also knows any other places the Kin would go to. We would be able to expand our search for the glurg and hopefully Peaseblossom."
((I don't actually have time to give this post too much substance, but I managed to sort out my confusion regarding this inexplicable rise in levels: it's Ranger 5, not Ranger 4. There's a reason 4 seems wrong.

As for actions in this time, I will note that Galen has not been imbibing these intoxicating substances at the party, rather remaining alert. Apparently he is the designated driver of the party... after Barrow, of course. He also figures Peaseblossom would be hanging out in Barrow's room at the inn, so he does not notice her absence until it is brought to his attention.

As Galen should be at his normal level of alertness, and as Sagishi brought attention to himself, I figure Galen will notice the change in mood.


((Huh? Nope I'm all done. Posted HP somewhere above and my sheet is updated as well. Sagishi only gained uncanny dodge and the ability to use invisibility once in a long rest.

Edit: Well, ok. I DID forget to change my level from 4 to 5 in the sheet... but I changed everything else the moment we leveled up.))

Mike M

Nick N
The next morning finds everyone bright and early--or at least as bright as the subterranean city can manage. Barrow meets everyone down in the common room of the inn, a steaming mug of something dark and bitter-smelling in his hand. He's wearing his uniform from the previous day, but this morning he's forgone the bullwhip.

At the mention of Peaseblossom, he quirks an eyebrow. "I haven't seen th'blasted little imp since yesterday," he says. "Hm, maybe she wised up an'took off. Wouldn't that be a relief, I ask ye?" Though he gives no outward indication of any change of mood, his gaze repeatedly flits back to the door to the common room as he absentmindedly tugs on his beard.

Pulling out a time piece, he studies the face for a moment and returns it to his pocket. "Hm, they'll be opening th'chamber floor t'start th'session soon," he says, standing to his feet. "I should probably be there. What about the rest of ye? Are ye going t'come and witness th'fruit of yer labors?"
Fhiess responds in a scolding tone, "Bartholomew! That's no way to think of a friend! We had asked her to look after something, and now she might be in danger... and if she is discovered, the vote might fail as a result."


Sagishi had hoped that Peaseblossom might show up with Barrow. Learning that she is indeed still missing deeply troubles him, afterall it had been his plan that might have put her in danger.

"I guess for now we should see if the vote goes through, after that finding Peaseblossom should be our main priority."
Fhiess calms down a bit and nods, "You're right, that is the the best plan. We still don't know where they're keeping the stash of glurg." He stands up and joins Keranos to follow Barrow.
"You sent that innocent little sprite with those fiends? Sagishi, she may have some powers to stay hidden but did you account for the fact that they probably have multiple ways to eliminate invisibility? Not to mention how easily they could talk her out of hiding? They could well have taken her prisoner or worse. Not to mention how much she might reveal even without, ah, persuasion...

Nothing for it now, though. I hope she's alright."

Thosar sits back and finishes breakfast, following Barrow and the others.
"Now, now," says Keranos. "There's no guarantee that something sinister is afoot. That pixie is about as reliable as a weather forecast. I'd say it's more likely that she simply lost interest in what she was doing and flitted away. Perhaps she grew bored of this grim city, or perhaps she decided to explore. She could even have forgotten whatever mission you sent her on to begin with."

A beat passes, and then he adds, "Of course, if those Mafun fellows really have kidnapped her and are trying to do something as foolish as to ransom her for that poison, they'll have the God of Storms to deal with." He cracks his knuckles, for dramatic effect.
Sticking his neck in trough this inn's window of choice, Ludwig eats breakfast with the others and responds to Barrow's question with "You know, I liked bringing the free market to some chambers with gambling and coercion, but watching legislative proceedings still sounds revolting." A bit more jokingly, he adds "That, and more importantly, I'd have to drink another one of those expensive shrinking potions to fit. I think that counts me out by default."

On the subject of Peaceblossom, he says "That is a little worrying. Hopefully she just got distracted. I could sense her if she's close, but she'd have to be so close that it wouldn't really help in looking for her."
((I wouldn't actually say Galen's level-up is complete, but all he has left is for me to decide on a new spell, of which I am mostly considering three. If you want to see the candidates, you may quote this post to view them.

Also, what of the fliers?))

Galen frowns, visibly concerned at the news of Peaseblossom's absence.

"While we should attend the session, if only to keep some eye on the proceedings, it also seems pertinent to seek out our missing friend. Is there, perhaps, time to mount a quick search and still make it in time?"


Sagishi shrinks visibly in his seat when Thosar questions his reasons for sending Peaseblossom after the glurg.

"She did so well when we took down the gnoll camp and it seemed like a good idea at the time..." he answers feebly.

At Galen's suggestion he brightens up. "Yes, we could go right away!"

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, the printers will take care of the delivery of the flyers. You'll just have to wait to see if they were effective. Sounds like everyone but Ludwig is heading to the vote, is Ludwig going to actually search for Peaseblossom, or just hang outside the building?))


((If Ludwig goes searching for Peaseblossom, Sagishi will come along, since finding her is a more pressing matter for him than the vote, which he deems won.))
((Thosar is less confident about the result due to the circumstances of Peaseblossom's disappearance. He will attend the vote but is able to provide and hour of invisibility for a pair of party members should they want it.))
<Fhiess should really be going with them since he has connections to the Kin he can take advantage of, but that might be leaving too few to attend the vote>


<Fhiess should really be going with them since he has connections to the Kin he can take advantage of, but that might be leaving too few to attend the vote>

((If Fhiess tags along and Thosar, Galen and Keranos go to the vote it'd be an even split.

Splits are awesome. I propose that, to save some time, once we return from the icy north, we split up to tackle two of the light beams at the same time. The west is already more or less taken care off. So one party can go south and the other east!


/s Just in case. Though I really don't mind another split in the current situation.))
((Noisy Ninj4,
those are the two I'm thinking might be best, though Silence would have good synergy with Galen's Mage-Slayer longbow. PWT would work especially well with certain members of the party, though.

If Fhiess tags along and Thosar, Galen and Keranos go to the vote it'd be an even split.
That seems reasonable. Galen is not going to want to leave the session unattended, especially with Peaseblossom's disappearance, but also cannot just not have some manner of search.

Splits are awesome. I propose that, to save some time, once we return from the icy north, we split up to tackle two of the light beams at the same time. The west is already more or less taken care off. So one party can go south and the other east!
A splendid idea! In this manner, the world could be saved in a matter of weeks! And since we all know that party splits are awesome, a split of such magnitude is only the most worthy course of action. Perhaps we could have a cart-bearing group and a super-fast forest trek group? Maybe a mercantile branch of the party to help fund this joint expedition?

/s Just in case. Though I really don't mind another split in the current situation.
I expected as much as soon as you suggested splitting up to head to two very separate destinations, but it is an entertaining thought.

Though, you know, this recent split was quite good. In fact, it even received glowing reviews.))
((Last minute idea. Take the dirt we have on Majority Whip Taskil to Lionel Pawthorne (probable leader of House Rios) in exchange for a vote in favor of the bill. Since Rios votes by fiat, it could work. Probably should be done by someone with a better persuasion than Thosar, though. This is in case Mafun feels its been jilted by an extra fairy with the glurg.))
((Yup, Ludwig's fine with looking if Fheiss and Sagishi are too. He wouldn't know where to start otherwise. Rios idea is good, though only other high charisma person not in the search group is Keranos so it would fall on him))

Mike M

Nick N
((Alright, my understanding: Ludwig, Fhiess, and Sagishi are going in search of Peaseblossom, Thosar has the idea of making a last ditch appeal to Rios in case Mafun bails on the deal because of Peaseblossom (presumably with Keranos and Galen in tow, if they agree). If everyone left now, they'd get to the chambers by 8, which would give them two hours to scramble for everything before the bill went to vote.

That basically the game plan at this point?))
((I'll go along with it but I don't understand why Rios would care about the dirt we have on Farni and how we could use that to influence their vote. We don't even know which way they're leaning toward voting.

Basically what I'm saying is, you can have my +7 persuasion roll but I don't know how to word the request))
((I figure, perhaps, if this is the course of action taken, the Rios Persuasion Party may be trying to figure out good Mr. Pawthorne's vote before trying to make the deal, as well as if he would be interested in the goods offered, so as to not just hand over incriminating evidence to him for no reason. This whole ordeal should be taken in a lighthearted manner, rather than serious, seeing who we are dealing with.
you can have my +7 persuasion roll
And you have my bow.))
((I'll go along with it but I don't understand why Rios would care about the dirt we have on Farni and how we could use that to influence their vote. We don't even know which way they're leaning toward voting.

Basically what I'm saying is, you can have my +7 persuasion roll but I don't know how to word the request))
((His newspaper, The Gadly, regularly publishes dirt on societal figures through his editorials. If he likes to put out discordant stuff that rouses and shows off hypocrisy, then we've got a great scoop for him. Assuming I'm correct about all this.
He's also able to produce a stack of copies of The Gadfly for review. It's a pamphlet that's printed weekly, the front page of which is devoted to a scathing editorial by Lionel Pawthorne where he mercilessly skewers some politician, policy, or bill under consideration with biting wit and sarcasm. The interior has a few more smaller articles of similar nature (though slightly more gentle in tone) and a large number of advertisements for various sponsors. Oliff points out that the ideological overlap between the various stances staked out by The Gadfly is practically nonexistent; By all appearances it seems to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, perpetually sowing discontent with the political process.
((I'm gonna pretend that Thosar made that suggestion in character. Thanks for the out of character refresher :) ))

Keranos's eyes light up. "Pawthorne? Of course, that's brilliant! If anyone would be willing to sell their vote for a choice bit of opposition research it's him!"

He glances at the nearest timepiece and nods. "We still have two hours to make our case. That should be plenty of time. Onward, to the Chamber of Rios!"

He marches at a near-sprinting pace through the bustling streets of the political district. When he, Thosar, and Galen make it to the receptionist overseeing the lobby of Rios, he flashes his lobbyist's badge and says:

"We have urgent business with Majority Leader Svift. Please inform him that there is pressing news, and that we have some information for him - information for which he wishes he could have been a fly on the wall to hear. And make sure to quote that to him word for word!"
Meanwhile, Fhiess decides to start talk with his part of the group as to how they may approach trying to find Peaseblossom, "Hmm, where should we look first? They wouldn't be at their favorite club at this time."


"I honestly don't know, but maybe we can ask that young girl from before." He winks at Fhiess. "She gave you her address after all. You could talk to her artist to artist or one inadvertent kin member to another."
Ludwig shrugs. "If you know a girl, that's as good a lead as any. I was going to suggest checking around whatever passes for a park here otherwise. We probably don't want to probe the kin too hard before the vote though, so if you plan on sneaking near them, I should probably stay pretty far back for that. I kind of stick out."
((Ludwig can go with them. He just won't try to do anything that involves sneaky infiltration if they escalate. Being a giraffe has to be like double disadvantage in sneaking through a city XD))
<Yeah that seems like the plan.>

Once it is settled that they're going to visit the address on the map, he starts by asking somebody for directions and starting to make his way there.

Mike M

Nick N
The Chamber of Rios is decidedly unlike the other chambers that Thosar and Keranos have visited. Keranos probably has no frame of reference to recognize the atmosphere, but Thosar's university days may have equipped him to recognize the atmosphere of a college dormitory full of students who are too enraptured with their newfound sense of freedom to be particularly mindful of their studies.

Indeed, it looks like the pair of Endowed have arrived in the aftermath of a particular raucous party; The corridor is littered with crumpled papers, the decor and artwork is out of place and askew, and there are people sleeping on the floor and on benches situated outside offices, many of them wearing pointed hats. Some people stagger forth into the morning, clutching their heads and casting bleary-eyed, confused glances at Keranos and Thosar.

The receptionist is a slightly dweebish looking dwarven man with a bushy mustache and the sort of clothing worn by commoners trying to put on their very best apparel. He ruffles through the things on his desk, stammering "Uh, uh..." repeatedly. "Apologies, we don't really get a lot of lobbyists here," he mutters. At last, he gives up and flags down one of the hungover partygoers. "Excuse me!" he calls. "Excuse me, how do I contact Majority Leader Svift?"

The partygoer sways on unsteady legs and scratches the stubble on his chin. "Isn't... Isn't that you, Tom?"

With a melodramatic gasp of exasperation, Svift plants the heel of his palm against his forehead. "Oh that's right, how could I have forgotten?" He turns back to Keranos and Thosar, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Now, what sort of news do you have for me, gentlemen?"


Sagishi, Ludwig, and Fhiess don't have any difficulties in tracking down the address on the paper given to Fhiess by the girl at the Chamber of Mafun, though on more than one occasion it requires getting someone's attention a second time to draw them back from craning their neck upwards to stare at Ludwig. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the address is in a well-to-do part of town, with large houses carved into the stone of the mountain. There's no telling how deep the homes go, but they're fairly wide with elaborate facades facing the street.

The address turns out to be the largest house at the very end of the street, reaching around to both sides of the avenue as though trying to seize them in an embrace. There's an imposing pair of wooden doors, but no readily apparent security to worry about.
Keranos hunches over and leans in close to Tom, placing a well-meaning hand on the man's shoulder. "We have in our possession incontrovertible proof that a certain high-ranking government official is but a puppet of a chamber to which he does not belong. In exchange for Rios's vote to pass the Drow voting rights act in a few short hours, we are willing to let you have this evidence, and you will be free to do with it whatever you like.

"If you agree to these terms, we will give you the names and details, and the first page of the file, upfront. Upon completion of the vote, you will receive the remainder of the documents.

"Pretty good deal, don't you think?"

((I'm going to hope that Thosar is casting Guidance on me before we try this and adding a d6 to my roll. If that's not proper, then we can just remove it.

Persuasion: d20 + 7 + d6 = [18] + 7 + [3] = 28))
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