((Since Fhiess and Galen don't seem like the types to pile on, and since I actually have time to respond right now, I'm going to go ahead and address what's been said. If Fhiess and/or Galen want to speak up though, I'll address them in a separate post))
Keranos drinks in his teammates' grievances, and when they're done, at first he doesn't say anything. In fact, he turns away from them for nearly a full minute.
When he again faces them, he is wearing an easy smile - a veneer he has, until now, only employed when schmoozing with strangers and evangelizing to townspeople. This is a side of Keranos that the rest of the party has never been on the receiving end of.
"Sagishi," he begins. "I sincerely apologise for the bodily injuries I caused you. Had I known you were going to get on that boat, I would have acted much differently."
His facial expression is contrite. A beat passes, and while his face remains the same, his tone of voice shifts to that of a parent gently scolding a child. "But as you suggested, you should never have been on that boat to begin with. You knew perfectly well that those criminals had the capability to easily screen their cargo for invisible creatures. What was your plan for when - not if, but WHEN - you were discovered?
"I can only imagine how these Kin would react when they found you. Like as not, they would have held you for ransom, and we would have been in precisely the same situation you got us into when Peaseblossom was taken, except we would be out of glurg to trade. If anything, perhaps you all should thank me for preemptively rescuing Sagishi from what would have been another hostage situation."
He turns to Thosar next, and his tone shifts to one of sympathy. "I do not blame you for your scholar's tendency to not see the trees for the forest, Thosar. You've spent your whole life cooped up in the halls of academia and have spent precious little time out in the weeds of the real world. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and you seem to be so preoccupied with the greater good that you're willing to ignore the evil right in front of you.
"You speak of my lack of morality, but you saw - we ALL saw - what that glurg is capable of. Mere drops of it will drive a man mad, right up until their painful and untimely demise, not to mention the collateral damage they'll cause before burning out. These Kin are dangerous criminals, as clearly demonstrated by their willingness to kidnap Peaseblossom and hold her for ransom. They would have no qualms using the stuff for nefarious purposes that we haven't even dreamed of. By destroying their supply of glurg before they had the opportunity to distribute it, how many innocent lives did I save today? Hundreds? Thousands?
"And if you think we could have feasibly waited to destroy the entire batch at once, you're frankly fooling yourselves. The rest of the batch is almost certainly long gone by now, as I'm sure Fhiess, no stranger to the shipping industry, can attest to.
"I do feel bad for the position I've put Barrow in, but he is no innocent bystander in all this. He is a willing actor who has already gotten his hands dirty, and he knew the risks. I think you underestimate the political capital he possesses; I think he will be fine, but yes, Ludwig, if it comes to it then I will happily fight side by side with you to rescue him from the clutches of oblivion.
"As to the voting rights of the Drow citizens, I believe your concerns are unwarranted. They already HAVE voting rights thanks to our efforts, and it's too late for the Kin to do anything about it. The vote never even factored into it.
"And finally, regarding our ability to return to the city. I admit that this may have been jeopardized, but I would posit that the cause is not entirely lost. The Kin will be loathe to make public their dealings in glurg, which would almost certainly be illegal if knowledge of its existence were made widespread. So their only option would be to frame us for crimes not committed, a mammoth undertaking when you consider the powerful political allies we already possess in the city, including Vess Talbot and Majority Leader Sahalish, of the Chamber of Ance.
"But even if we are never again able to return to Hammerfell, our temporary inconvenience of needing to find another route pales in comparison to the lives that will be saved by virtue of that glurg not infesting the streets of the city."
He pauses for a few seconds, for dramatic effect, and shifts to a tone of quiet resolve. "I make no apologies for the decision I made today, and I would do it again, given the chance. I will not compromise my morals for anyone, not even my closest allies. My responsibility to those who worship me is too great. If you take issue with how I conduct myself, then I'm afraid that's too bad."
Again his tone shifts to mild cheerfulness. "Now, are we ready to put this behind us and continue on?"