I completed a replay of one of my very favorite RPG's, Shining in the Darkness, tonight. I dearly love dungeon crawls, in particular first person crawls. That love was born in the original Phantasy Star when I was a kid, and carries through to Skyrim.
The combat system is rudimentary, but has just enough to it to keep things semi-interesting, through a slightly higher than preferable encounter rate. But the star of the game is aptly the dungeons. In particular I love how it's well populated with secrets and traps; doors you pass early on deep in a trial can't be unlocked until near the end of the game.
There's a good degree of challenge to the game, and my party got wiped out many times despite my generally cautious and thorough approach. Opening treasure chests is always a nerve-wracking event, as is walking over puddles and under pits from the level above. Enemies that can demolish your party often lurk around the next corer, and later in the game you get chances to pop into the next level up early for some loot - and often a thorough clock cleaning by the dudes lurking up there.
For the very first time, including the many play through when I was a kid, I defeated a full group of four Crystal Oozes. One more round and we'd have been toast. That's one accomplishment off my bucket list. (The XP, OMG.)
I only made light references to the maps I created a few years back, which themselves are replicas of the ones I made when I was playing this on the Genesis after it came out.
I just wish the Ultimate Genesis Collection had The Sword of Vermillion in it; when I was a kid I mapped the entire over world on about a half dozen sheets of graph paper, taped together. I think I'm just itching for another first person dungeon crawl. There really weren't many of them this gen that I encountered (at least, not on the 360).
Love this game.