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Sega Genesis/MegaDrive Appreciation Thread: Alien Storm > Golden Axe


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Thanks for not helping. I understand it's a popularity contest - I just hoped after all these years people would have a better sense of the real classics - guess not.

But you're seriously expecting that a game like Musha should show up on a popularity list, as rare as that game is?


so down for ya'lls poscast idea! also some nice finds rygar, only familiar with the first 2 though

I will never agree with a list that ranks SoR2 over BK3. My $.02.

i really gotta play BK3 then, SOR3 wasn't 2 at all for me

Ahh Technocop....I lived in the same town Razorsoft was in. They always had their games front and center at most game stores in the area. They're all pretty awful except for Death Duel. First company to really push the limits as far as gore on home consoles. I'm pretty sure most of their games had some sort of disclaimer on them long before the VRC started rating games.

that's pretty cool, was reading an interview by one of those guys (i wanna say?) by sega-16 once...Outlander was a pretty cool concept too i thought

I don't think Battlemania 2 ever made it out of Japan and while I love the PCB, the genny conversion of The Punisher is brutal. Just some weird selections leaving out a bunch of classics for some very average titles.

ah, was it? i co-op'd it with a friend and had a blast, might be meaner 1 player though

Strider is kinda bad. It was neat at the time but it aged so poorly, I can't imagine someone still liking that.

aw man i gotta disagree here; maybe cause i played the living shit out of it in the day, but game still holds up for me...so many different areas, and at that point when running down a landslide of mines/fighting upside down/hijacking a battleship and murdering everyone on it felt like some awesome action movie shit

I was serious! I'm former press! Seeing how badly current "press" and podcasters screw up the facts of retro drives me bonkers. :(

ah remind me where you hail from Dave? because my resume is like, i think i got a letter or high score printed once, and a few tricks to EGM...yeah, weak like clock radio speakers, haha

But you're seriously expecting that a game like Musha should show up on a popularity list, as rare as that game is?

true but i had it in my head it was kinda well known, then again that's what happens when you follow the retro scene....you hear stuff like herzog zwei come up again and again and forget that like practically no kids you knew in the day saw/heard of it
i really gotta play BK3 then, SOR3 wasn't 2 at all for me
BK3 and SoR2 feel pretty similar. I mean, BK3 has running, unlimited specials that don't damage you (assuming you let the bar charge up), a much darker plot (provided you can read Japanese) and a faster overall pace, but the difficulty is about the same for both games.

SoR2 has the better soundtrack, of course. Motohiro Kawashima's contributions to BK3 were fine, but I have no idea why Yuzo Koshiro thought the "melodies" the random music generator he was playing with (seriously) were ready for primetime; most of them are pretty damn awful.


What gets me is that on the back of Technocop's box is an in-game image of somebody exploding.

It's like they gave away the best part of the game before you even played it.

That image was burned into my 7 year old mind. If only the game were as cool as that picture.


I'd just like to say that Sol Deace has a great soundtrack, and is actually fun.

EDIT: People say TF3 is pretty easy, but it still seems like it'll take a little practice.


Thanks for not helping. I understand it's a popularity contest - I just hoped after all these years people would have a better sense of the real classics - guess not.

I think some really good games are extremely hard to get hold of in the UK so a lot of people might never have played them plus for a lot of them you would need a NTSC console too and I doubt many people would have an import console.

I've been looking for a while for a copy of Target Earth without having to pay crazy amounts but I still haven't found one that is under £50. £50 isn't too bad but having to get US console too adds to the cost.


I think some really good games are extremely hard to get hold of in the UK so a lot of people might never have played them plus for a lot of them you would need a NTSC console too and I doubt many people would have an import console.

I've been looking for a while for a copy of Target Earth without having to pay crazy amounts but I still haven't found one that is under £50. £50 isn't too bad but having to get US console too adds to the cost.

That's a good point as well. I'm guessing the majority of the readerbase is UK since it's a UK magazine so stuff that was bigger in the US would get sidelined in the poll.


aw man i gotta disagree here; maybe cause i played the living shit out of it in the day, but game still holds up for me...so many different areas, and at that point when running down a landslide of mines/fighting upside down/hijacking a battleship and murdering everyone on it felt like some awesome action movie shit

With you all the way on this. Strider is still a very good game - in fact I'm hunting down the PCB as we speak. The genny conversion is amazing, particularly when compared to the filthy PCE ACD conversion. If you enjoy Strider, take a look at its spiritual sequel - Cannon Dancer/Osman. Arcade only and very expensive, but I'm sure there are other ways to play it ;)


I'd just like to say that Sol Deace has a great soundtrack, and is actually fun.

EDIT: People say TF3 is pretty easy, but it still seems like it'll take a little practice.

Thunder Force III is quite easy; a good game to break in genny shmups to get you ready for stuff like it's sequel or MUSHA, etc.


That image was burned into my 7 year old mind. If only the game were as cool as that picture.

Speaking of things burned into people's minds - this is something that I've been unable to erase:



thank you bar! i am so looking into Osman now.

also i'd rock that hair for a day to get that shirt. imagine going to a SHMUP meet/challenge rocking that thing? still got my Sonic Tuesday release shirt (Mortal Kombat Monday one too) but sadly my old roomate jacked my Dreamcast launch one.

Dave Long

ah remind me where you hail from Dave? because my resume is like, i think i got a letter or high score printed once, and a few tricks to EGM...yeah, weak like clock radio speakers, haha
I spent about eight years freelancing for Computer Games Strategy Plus which later became Computer Games Magazine. Most of my work was on the PC games side of things until they introduced console game coverage in 2005 around the time of Xbox 360 shipping.

I also spent two years as Editor In Chief and longer as reviews editor and columnist for GamerDad.com. I pretty much had free reign to write what I wanted about gaming in my weekly column at GD which was similar to what I did when I got my start writing on the web for Evil Avatar around 1998 or so.

Finally, the last work I did was for Games for Windows: The Official Magazine (freelance reviews... Jeff Green was EIC), and then for the original vision of Crispy Gamer, a site that tried really hard to get together great writers and pay them well for good work while taking no advertising dollars from the games industry. It was run by John Keefer of Gamespy fame. Turns out gamers don't want that kind of integrity. Who knew?

I wrote reviews, previews, features and more. I don't update anymore but lists of a lot of what I reviewed are available here... http://davelong.wordpress.com Not complete, but close. All my editorials for GamerDad are probably in the wayback machine (along with a lot of reviews and stuff), but I never sussed it all out.

TL;DR version... I wrote about a lot of games.


thank you bar! i am so looking into Osman now.

also i'd rock that hair for a day to get that shirt. imagine going to a SHMUP meet/challenge rocking that thing? still got my Sonic Tuesday release shirt (Mortal Kombat Monday one too) but sadly my old roomate jacked my Dreamcast launch one.

Wish I had that Lords of Thunder shirt from that old promo. lol felt strange going to lunch back in elementary, and no one knowing what Lords of Thunder was. I thought everyone got the video in the mail :p


Man...seems like its best to play PS2 in bursts. Havent had to grind in an rpg in awhile lol.
I remember playing it on GBA, and would focus on grinding during my bus commute to/from work. Made the time somewhat productive, lol. (Then I'd pop it into the Game Boy Player to play at home.)


Hey guys,

I am in need of a copy of "Castlevania Bloodlines"; even a loose cart would be fine since I happen to have a replacement case handy, as well as a decent scan of the insert.

What would be a good price for the game, be it loose or CIB?

Won't be easy to find one for me since almost none of the Amazon sellers and most of the eBay people are not shipping to Germany. :(


ah, misread that bit

also wanted to say thanks again to Rygar, finally got to spend some time with Wings of War/Gynoug (can only find a mega drive replacement cover, heh) and Biohazard Battle...they're both a lotta fun, the latter surprised me though cause i never saw/heard of it before and once i got some of the extra weapons down it's really cool


ah, misread that bit

also wanted to say thanks again to Rygar, finally got to spend some time with Wings of War/Gynoug (can only find a mega drive replacement cover, heh) and Biohazard Battle...they're both a lotta fun, the latter surprised me though cause i never saw/heard of it before and once i got some of the extra weapons down it's really cool

I still cant get over how Gaiares bosses remind me of Lords of Thunder's scale. Still impressive to me today.

It is strange that the cover project only has Megadrive covers for Wings of Wor though.


So. Emulation talk.

Before I start delving into buying a retrode add-on for my Sega games, what's the best emulator for Android? All the ones I've tried have horrible stuttering or slowdown. None have even been able to play Sonic 1 properly for Christ's sake.

I have an HTC One. For reference, SNES9x EX runs full speed with no frameskipping.
I wouldn't get too upset at that list, it's just a very mainstreamy list. Anything best of is going suck anyways. Honestly, doing a top 50, or a top 100 would be really difficult, so many good games. Strider didn't age poorly, I really liked the gravity levels. I wish more games would play with that sort of thing more often.

Also, I had tons of fun with Madden '92 backin the day. That was a really great game and I remember having so many crazy games of every type. Defensive struggles, shootouts, and everything in between. I suppose I'm different than most on here, I could care less about any rpg's, but most here could care less about the sports games.


for the other half: i wanna say GunstarHeroes said he had another copy up for trade? might wanna go a page or more back & contact him! it's worth it man, great game

Well, I contacted him and didn't receive any reply, in spite of him having been online a couple of times, so I guess that ship has sailed. :(

Which brings me back to my original question: What would be a fair price for a loose cart of "Castlevania Bloodlines"?


damn, his sega collection is tight. i respect only getting the carts you want and having that many too!

SNES could use work but even his sega-CD & saturn shelf aren't slouching. good stuff, and i didn't even know about those chinese ones, Beggar Prince looks interesting

Well, I contacted him and didn't receive any reply, in spite of him having been online a couple of times, so I guess that ship has sailed. :(

Which brings me back to my original question: What would be a fair price for a loose cart of "Castlevania Bloodlines"?

ah, he's notoriously terrible at returning PM's so don't lose heart! took me a month or two to sort out a trade but i was glad i did, he works at some game shop that gets that stuff so he's got access to the goods, but yeah, you can go weeks waiting to hear back, haha

to answer your question: i had to watch like a hawk last winter/early spring to pull both Hard Corps and Bloodlines for close to $30 shipped, i don't know how much that's changed but i'd check the sold (not completed) section of an ebay search for it & go off the most recent ones. typically (unless it's rare/CIB) you're gonna do better with open bidding than buy-it-now's but if you see one for a price that strikes you as fair, i say go for it!


yeah, that's the only Valis game on Genesis i lack, and that's why, heh. also Gunstar, you still got a copy of Bloodlines for sale/trade? Samuray here was asking
yeah, that's the only Valis game on Genesis i lack, and that's why, heh. also Gunstar, you still got a copy of Bloodlines for sale/trade? Samuray here was asking

I just looked at my PMs. Sadly, i do not have that extra anymore.

Also, Syd Of Valis is pretty rough......at least i got about 15 other games recently!


Also, I had tons of fun with Madden '92 backin the day. That was a really great game and I remember having so many crazy games of every type. Defensive struggles, shootouts, and everything in between. I suppose I'm different than most on here, I could care less about any rpg's, but most here could care less about the sports games.
Exactly. Sports games were a blast for me before. I used to play Madden/Bill Walsh/NBA Live/NHL Hockey all the time with my brother when we were growing up. That's why I picked up used copies of some of those games eventhough I wouldn't really play them that much.

Also just picked up a small lot of 11 Mega CD games for 1100 yen (1800 yen shipped, about $18). I guess people aren't that interested in Mega CD games as their was only one other bidder.
There were some games that I already have like Anet Futatabi, Popful Mail and Lunar that I can get rid of. There was some other stuff that I wanted though like Sonic CD and Dark Wizard and some interesting looking games like Burai and Death Bringer.


I completed a replay of one of my very favorite RPG's, Shining in the Darkness, tonight. I dearly love dungeon crawls, in particular first person crawls. That love was born in the original Phantasy Star when I was a kid, and carries through to Skyrim.

The combat system is rudimentary, but has just enough to it to keep things semi-interesting, through a slightly higher than preferable encounter rate. But the star of the game is aptly the dungeons. In particular I love how it's well populated with secrets and traps; doors you pass early on deep in a trial can't be unlocked until near the end of the game.

There's a good degree of challenge to the game, and my party got wiped out many times despite my generally cautious and thorough approach. Opening treasure chests is always a nerve-wracking event, as is walking over puddles and under pits from the level above. Enemies that can demolish your party often lurk around the next corer, and later in the game you get chances to pop into the next level up early for some loot - and often a thorough clock cleaning by the dudes lurking up there.

For the very first time, including the many play through when I was a kid, I defeated a full group of four Crystal Oozes. One more round and we'd have been toast. That's one accomplishment off my bucket list. (The XP, OMG.)

I only made light references to the maps I created a few years back, which themselves are replicas of the ones I made when I was playing this on the Genesis after it came out.


I just wish the Ultimate Genesis Collection had The Sword of Vermillion in it; when I was a kid I mapped the entire over world on about a half dozen sheets of graph paper, taped together. I think I'm just itching for another first person dungeon crawl. There really weren't many of them this gen that I encountered (at least, not on the 360).

Love this game.


...i wish my maps in the day were half that quality, Ghaleon. damn.

off to check how your wasp thread fairs!

No update today, sadly. I'm a bit under the weather and didn't feel like going to battle with them. Tomorrow, though, I'm going to try digging it out. That could get interesting.

I'm debating what to play next on the Genesis Collection. I'm oddly tempted by Phantasy Star II (another game I drafted a few maps for); it's not first person but it's one mean grindy dungeon crawl.


oh, that baphomets <3

ghaleon - just in case you weren't aware, there's a version on JPN PSN (with english!) that im told makes PS2 a lot less of a chore: faster walker, less grind, more XP etc. easy mode for sure, but if you've already done i say there's no shame in it!
I think Valis kind of sucks. I get the appeal of it - cult dev, (was a) obscure series, grainy "dark" Genesis graphics, anime cutscenes (better on PCE-CD!). It's got a cool vibe.

But damn, you have to be into these hoary 16-bit action platformers to be a fan. Go play Alisia Dragoon or even El Viento!

Somehow I own all three, though?

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
I think Valis kind of sucks. I get the appeal of it - cult dev, (was a) obscure series, grainy "dark" Genesis graphics, anime cutscenes (better on PCE-CD!). It's got a cool vibe.

But damn, you have to be into these hoary 16-bit action platformers to be a fan. Go play Alisia Dragoon or even El Viento!

Somehow I own all three, though?

ugh i still need to find a complete of el viento for my renovation collection that and todds adventures in slime world seem to be hard to find
ugh i still need to find a complete of el viento for my renovation collection that and todds adventures in slime world seem to be hard to find

I hear you. They were sold at such a high MSRP back in the day that mostly only rental places had them, so finding good quality CIBs of Reno games is a pain in the ass.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
eh that solves one problem after i posted that checked up on amazon and someone had a todds adventure in slime world complete for $29 not bad
I think Valis kind of sucks. I get the appeal of it - cult dev, (was a) obscure series, grainy "dark" Genesis graphics, anime cutscenes (better on PCE-CD!). It's got a cool vibe.

But damn, you have to be into these hoary 16-bit action platformers to be a fan. Go play Alisia Dragoon or even El Viento!

Somehow I own all three, though?
The Valis games really are annoying twitch games. I mean, you have to either memorize the levels, or be good enough to react very quickly, because enemies zoom in at you from all directions and you have only an instant to respond before being hit, a lot of the time... argh. Yeah, they definitely are pretty annoying and flawed games. They are okay games, but definitely could be better. The Genesis and SNES games don't have the voice-acted cutscenes that made the Turbo CD games popular, either... without that, part of the appeal is lost.
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