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Sega Genesis/MegaDrive Appreciation Thread: Alien Storm > Golden Axe


nuts to you guys, i still play Valis III

I enjoy that one for the most part. It's kinda janky, but it's fun. I've never played any of the others so I have no opinion on them.

I picked up a 32x today, and I've been having a blast with it. Love that the Everdrive MD works for 32x games as well, otherwise I'd only be playing Doom. Darxide looks straight up amazing for when it came out. The system gets a much worse rap than what it deserves. If it had developer support back in the day we'd be talking much differently about it now.

I've got a non-working Sega CD coming in the mail from lilralphie that is hopefully going to be fixed with a fuse replacement. Can't wait to have the full megazord genesis going on!
Probably my weirdest game is my copy of Syd of Valis... because the game works in my 32X, but not in the Genesis that 32X is attached to if the 32X isn't plugged in. No clue how that could be.
Wait, what's different in BK3 to SOR3.....whys BK3 better?
The Western release shifted each difficulty upward, eliminating the Easy difficulty entirely - and then had the audacity to make the new Easy (originally Normal) impossible to complete, as it cuts out after Stage 5.

The original plot involved powerful nuclear explosives, and a plot of the X-Syndicate's to infiltrate the White House with robotic duplicates, including one of a high-ranking general. The Western release removed the bomb plots and replaced the White House and the general with a suspiciously White House-Like Town Hall and the Mayor, respectively.

You originally fought a flamboyant transvestite called Ash in Stage 1, during the segment where you fight enemies on the docks. If you held a button down when you beat him, he even became a playable character, much like Shiva or the kangaroo. He's almost completely removed from the Western releases; a Game Genie code can restore the playable Ash, but that's the only way to see him.

Well-established holdovers from the prior game were changed arbitrarily; Axel wears yellow now, Blaze wears white, "Grand Upper" is now "Bare Knuckle", etc.

There are other changes (doing a special without a full bar takes less HP, for instance), but that's the big ones.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I picked up a 32x today, and I've been having a blast with it. Love that the Everdrive MD works for 32x games as well, otherwise I'd only be playing Doom. Darxide looks straight up amazing for when it came out. The system gets a much worse rap than what it deserves. If it had developer support back in the day we'd be talking much differently about it now.

The 32x is only decent now that time has passed. It's much cheaper now and you don't have any future console releases looming over it.
The 32x is only decent now that time has passed. It's much cheaper now and you don't have any future console releases looming over it.

32x does have some cool stuff on it (You need to play Metal Head at least once, if for nothing else besides the hilarious mission briefings). Honestly, though, there are very few reasons to get one, if you actually wanna play good, exclusive games on it (At this point, Zaxxon 2000, Knuckles Chaotix, and Kolibri are the only ones that come to mind.)
32x does have some cool stuff on it (You need to play Metal Head at least once, if for nothing else besides the hilarious mission briefings). Honestly, though, there are very few reasons to get one, if you actually wanna play good, exclusive games on it (At this point, Zaxxon 2000, Knuckles Chaotix, and Kolibri are the only ones that come to mind.)

Virtual Racing Deluxe is amazing if that's not been mentioned yet.


Completed my tower of power today thanks to some old guy at the flea market selling me a huge box full of sega stuff for $20. Working genesis model 2, sega cd model 2, 2 of the official wireless controllers with the sensor, and about 30 games including a bunch of 32x stuff. Swapped the fuse in the sega cd and it works beautifully. Stoked to play some sega cd stuff finally.


Dude, 20 bucks is an amazing deal! Should take a picture/give a list of games. Its about 150 bucks worth of stuff without the games already

Most of the games are common stuff, bunch of sports, bunch of sonics, few doubles, stuff like that. I did get a ristar, battletoads/double dragon, dragons fury, bonanza brothers, shining in the darkness cib, and a few other good ones. Also a fuck ton of manuals for everything up to n64 was in the box. I come across tons of stuff at the flea market just about every weekend. If there's any specifics let me know and I can always keep an eye out. Like I've got probably 6-7 genesis consoles sitting here so I had to pass up 2 high definition graphics models for $5 for the two today. Just because I don't have any more room.


Completed my tower of power today thanks to some old guy at the flea market selling me a huge box full of sega stuff for $20. Working genesis model 2, sega cd model 2, 2 of the official wireless controllers with the sensor, and about 30 games including a bunch of 32x stuff. Swapped the fuse in the sega cd and it works beautifully. Stoked to play some sega cd stuff finally.

Awesome find! Flea markets, never know what you'll find turn up at one. :)


Most of the games are common stuff, bunch of sports, bunch of sonics, few doubles, stuff like that. I did get a ristar, battletoads/double dragon, dragons fury, bonanza brothers, shining in the darkness cib, and a few other good ones. Also a fuck ton of manuals for everything up to n64 was in the box. I come across tons of stuff at the flea market just about every weekend. If there's any specifics let me know and I can always keep an eye out. Like I've got probably 6-7 genesis consoles sitting here so I had to pass up 2 high definition graphics models for $5 for the two today. Just because I don't have any more room.

goddamn, i wish i could pull from flea markets like that...
any of your many high def graphics models lacking the TMSS? still trying to find one like my OG unit!

lemme know if you find on the cheap:

Alien soldier
Super Bubble Bobble (haha okay lemme stop listing repros)
Bare Knuckle 3
shining force 1
micro machines
world of illusion
Trampoline Terror
Pit Fighter
revenge of shinobi (1st ed!)
Golden Axe
Air Buster
Grind Stormer
Granada X
Atomic Robo Kid
Insector X
Smash TV (was SNES one a lot better?)
Eliminate Down
Steel Empire
Ernest Evans
Grey Lancer

haha lemme stop, im mad broke but you asked, heh


Actually all of mine are TMSS except the one I'm keeping for myself. If I go back next weekend Ill probably pick them up. if theyre non-TMSS ill let you know. I know where quite a few of those games are around town. Most probably $5 some a bit more. I lucked out on my revenge of shinobi, but I still try to check every one I come across to find another.

Another note I just won a menacer for $11.00 on eBay so that's pretty cool.


damn bapho, you're on a roll! add a 2nd menacer to that list if its got alla parts, god knows i wont know if it works till i have a house with a CRT setup anyway, haha

and man i appreciate it, the non TMSS and 1st ed Revenge or way higher than c-tier stuff like trampoline and such, but yeah if you can find those SHMUPs and others for $5 id be down! GunstarHeroes has me adding 1st ed Moonwalker but given how long it takes to test that it's gonna be a bitch, haha

sixteen bit has a bit more access to some decent flea markets down south, the ones out here are barren for retro games and the one consignment shop i used for a bit prices from ebay, so it's no good

snes smash tv is the best due to how the controller is laid out its perfect

yeah, that sounds about right


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Also a fuck ton of manuals for everything up to n64 was in the box.

You got a good selection of Genesis manuals in there? I need a few to complete a couple of games. I see the ones I want on eBay from time to time but they're over $10 each. =(


goddamn, i wish i could pull from flea markets like that...
any of your many high def graphics models lacking the TMSS?

I know the question is for Baphomets, but if he doesn't have one I can check for you as well.

I...uh... also have like 9 model 1s in my closet. lol! I might just have another non-TMSS one in there somewhere...


haha...what the hell, televators
are you storing up for the winter or something?! no wonder i can't offload my s-vid modded unit, ya'll are ready to flood the market! but yeah, lemme know!


You got a good selection of Genesis manuals in there? I need a few to complete a couple of games. I see the ones I want on eBay from time to time but they're over $10 each. =(

Eh, there's a bunch of them, but they're probably nothing you're looking for. If its a few list them in the thread or send me a pm and ill take a look. Don't get your hopes up though, the majority of it is for really common stuff.


haha...what the hell, televators
are you storing up for the winter or something?! no wonder i can't offload my s-vid modded unit, ya'll are ready to flood the market! but yeah, lemme know!

You know... some people stash guns in case of a zombapocalypse... I plan to stay alive through the powah of Sega Genesis. ;) Just in case that ain't enough though there's few Dreamcasts in there along with several SNES.

In all seriousness though lots of these systems were about to be discarded for simple reasons. So I saved a lot of them before meeting their end in a city dump.
televator's closet gonna look something like this



Completed my tower of power today thanks to some old guy at the flea market selling me a huge box full of sega stuff for $20. Working genesis model 2, sega cd model 2, 2 of the official wireless controllers with the sensor, and about 30 games including a bunch of 32x stuff. Swapped the fuse in the sega cd and it works beautifully. Stoked to play some sega cd stuff finally.

Damn! That's crazy! The official wireless sensor alone is worth more than $20.

I thought Stellar Assault/Shadow Squadron was another hidden gem on the system.

I agree, Shadow Squadron is great. I also agree with the comments that Kolibir and Virtua Racing Deluxe are must haves as well.

I really liked Star Wars Arcade and Knuckles: Chaotix as well. It has a good port of NBA JAM T.E. as well.
since no one is mentioning tempo, i can assume it's bad, right?

Tempo's okay. It's slow-paced, but it's a solid platformer from the guy who made Bonk.

The 32X has only about 40 releases worldwide, including the six CD 32X games, but at least a decent number of those very few carts are interesting games... most of the Genesis ports are only slight upgrades (NBA Jam T.E. is absolutely worth it though, nice enhancement!), but the other games are mostly worth a look. The worst of the 32X games that aren't on other 4th gen platforms is probably Cosmic Carnage, followed by Motocross Championship, but I actually kind of enjoyed that latter game... not Cosmic Carnage, though, myself. Doom is also pretty disappointing, because it has awful music and is missing all of the third episode. The rest, though... my favorite 32X games are Shadow Squadron, Virtua Racing Deluxe, and Space Harrier, but Tempo, the Knuckles Chaotix bonus stages (main game is unique, but sadly unfinished and boring -- the levels are empty!), T-Mek, Virtua Fighter, Metal Head, Kolibri, Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000, After Burner, Star Wars Arcade... I like all of those to some degree.

Star Trek Starfleet Academy Starship Bridge Simulator (enhanced SNES port) is pretty interesting as well, if you take the time to get used to it. The Blackthorne port is nice too, though overpriced now (it does have one exclusive level and an exclusive graphical overhaul, but is it worth the price it goes for now?).


televator's closet gonna look something like this

LOL! I wish I had the kinda time and cash for at least one NeoGeo and TG-16 -- not to mention the games.

Anyway ninja, I'm taking inventory for the sake of getting stuff out on the sale thread... It's gonna take some time to get to those Genesis's's's... Genisi? Geneses. Right, but I'll shoot you a PM if I hit pay dirt.
damn man....where and when? yeah id kill for that silly power strip

Me too IrishNinja, me too. Also, i think i'm gonna post a stealth brag pic, since i've picked up a lot of stuff, show off the cool things in my collection thus far (though i may wait til tomorrow when my CIB X-Perts gets here so i can bash my head against the wall. I've heard its one of the worst games on the system, but my love for Eternal Champions knows no bounds).
Trivia: It came out in the US before Valis, which was a late-cycle release.

Actually Valis 1 and Valis 3 both released in the US in 1991, with Syd of Valis (Valis 2) following in 1992. It's the Turbo CD remake of the Genesis remake of Valis 1 that was a later release (it was actually the last of the four Turbo CD Valis games; they were yearly from '89 to '92, starting with Valis II). Between 1 and 3 though, who knows which came first and which came second, I didn't see any months listed for them. It looks like Valis III for Genesis released earlier in 1991 in Japan than Valis 1 for Genesis did there, though, so it's entirely possible that you are right and Valis III actually came first here too. Valis III for Genesis is a port, while Valis I is a remake, so it makes sense that the port would take less time...
Actually Valis 1 and Valis 3 both released in the US in 1991, with Syd of Valis (Valis 2) following in 1992. It's the Turbo CD remake of the Genesis remake of Valis 1 that was a later release (it was actually the last of the four Turbo CD Valis games; they were yearly from '89 to '92, starting with Valis II). Between 1 and 3 though, who knows which came first and which came second, I didn't see any months listed for them. It looks like Valis III for Genesis released earlier in 1991 in Japan than Valis 1 for Genesis did there, though, so it's entirely possible that you are right and Valis III actually came first here too. Valis III for Genesis is a port, while Valis I is a remake, so it makes sense that the port would take less time...

Ow. That was painful to follow.
Ow. That was painful to follow.
To explain better... read http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/valis/valis.htm , or I'll just list all the Valis games below.

The first version was in '86 and was for some Japanese computers (MSX, NEC PC88). Apparently the gameplay is something like the later titles, but worse, and without much story. Japan only game of course.

Next came a NES version, in '87. This one's got large mazelike levels you have to explore around (though still side-scrolling as always). It was only released in Japan, and is also supposed to be bad.

Next came Valis II for Japanese computers (MSX, NEC PC88, and X68000), in 1989. HG101 says that it's okay for the time. I wouldn't know. The last of those three versions is surely the best by far, given how much more powerful the X68000 is than those other two systems. It's apparently the first Valis game with much story in it, and it has an armor-switch system.

Then came Valis II for Turbo CD, also in 1989 in Japan (1990 in the US). It's alright. Decent game, though frustrating as always for Valis titles. It's got full voice acting in the cutscenes, and CD music of course. The armor-switch system was removed, though.

Next was Valis III for Turbo CD, in 1990 in Japan (1992 in the US). It's decent, probably better than the second one. This time there are three playable characters. A Genesis port of the game followed in 1991, without the CD music and voice acting of course, and with some other cuts as well (I think it has fewer levels as well). This released in March '91 in Japan. HG101 says that this released after the Valis 1 remake, but they're wrong, it was the other way around, in Japan at least, and probably in the US as well.

Also in 1991 (in August), they released Valis IV for the Turbo CD. This game was only released in Japan, unfortunately. It's one of the better Valis games. The game has four playable characters, including the only male playable character in the series (it's this giant alien-like guy).

Next was a Genesis remake of the first Valis game, in the style of the newer titles. This released in 1991. I think the game has the same basic story as the old Valis version(s), but the gameplay and levels are of course new, and much better than previous Valis 1 versions. This released in December '91 in Japan.

In 1992, in February, in Japan, they released a superdeformed remake of Valis II for the Genesis. The game was called "SD Valis" in Japan, and "Syd of Valis" in the US, with Yuko renamed to "Syd" here. Ah, localization... The game has different level designs from the earlier versions of Valis II, and puts back in the costume-switch system for Yuko, still with the same basic story. It seems easy at first (you just bounce in pits and take damage, instead of dying, for example), but you've got no continues here, so you will need to be decent to finish it.

In March 1992 in Japan, and about a year later in the US (so early '93), a SNES remake of the game was released. This version has all story scenes except for shortened intro and ending scenes cut out of the game (including in the Japanese version), and drops three of the four playable characters too; instead you have only one character, but can collect multiple different special weapons and abilities which you can collect and switch between instead, which is nice. I miss the other characters though, even so. The levels are longer in this game than the Turbo CD game as well.

Finally, also in March 1992 in Japan and sometime that year in the US, Telenet released an enhanced (and Japan-only) Turbo CD port/remake of the Genesis remake of Valis 1. This is the only Super CD Valis game for the TGCD. It's also the only one of the four that doesn't let you save your progress; the earlier three do let you save, but this one copies the Genesis games and makes you play it in one sitting. Unfortunate. The gameplay's as good as you will find in the series though, though that is mixed praise for sure, but it is better than some of the Valis games anyway. And that was it, as far as actual games are concerned.

In 1993 they released some Turbo CD collections of Valis cutscenes in the Valis Visual Collection, but those didn't have any actual gameplay. That was it for the franchise, apart from some "Valis"-themed hentai visual novel games released many years later.

Dave Long

Picked up Eternal Champions on Sega CD complete for $10, Formula One (Domark) Genesis complete for $3 and Hellfire cart only for $12 yesterday. I could easily have spent hundreds at the store I was in, but I left the Neo Geo AES carts behind since I need tires for my car. :-/


Neo Member
Picked up Eternal Champions on Sega CD complete for $10, Formula One (Domark) Genesis complete for $3 and Hellfire cart only for $12 yesterday. I could easily have spent hundreds at the store I was in, but I left the Neo Geo AES carts behind since I need tires for my car. :-/

Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side is easily one of the best games on the Sega CD (and one of the best console-only fighters from the 90's). Grats for finding it for $10 bucks! Best $10 you could spend for a game.

Its a shame people associate Challenge from the Dark Side, as just Eternal Champions with CD music. Its not just a better controlling game than the original, but its as close to a sequel we will ever get considering all the content Deep Water/Sega of America added. A crying shame the game hasn't been covered more from YouTube videos, in particular retro fighting game fans.

A gargantuan roster for a 16-bit game with 1 secret & totally original character per Eternal Champion vet & Dark Side addition (the senator & a crazy chicken come to mind); totaling something like 40 characters (every single one with their own in-depth story).

Includes some of the best & originally composed music for a fighting game (Riptide's track rocks). Dark Side added a ton of long FMV cutscenes (including new CineKills in addition to a truly epic intro movie) to push the story better, over walls of scrolling text found in the Genesis game.

Also the godlike developers behind the game, really pushed that M rating to the extreme. It was always strange to me, a huge fan of the game when it came out, that Senators didn't go outright crazy over this version of the game in a witch hunt.

If you managed to land the final attack on a foe, and he/she landed in a specific spot (like the original Genesis game), we got to see brand new, redone, and incredibly graphic stage fatalities.

Some of these scenes are still to this day, the most grotesque & disgusting fatalities in gaming (and I'm a gore-hound who has seen it all in gaming), much the result of some amazing animation.

Watching an opponents' flesh bubbling & seeing their skin melt off their bones in a chamber ala 1986's The Fly until their guts explode, while in the same stage they can also fall into a pit and have their body go through a meat grinder, leaving only a few meat chunks & eyeballs (Midnight stage).

Seeing someone's skin melt off in full-view (take that Manhunt 2!!), as they boil/burn & give a blood-curdling scream inside a cannibal's cauldron or fiery cave (Raven's stage).

Watching in graphic detail, someone get gored by a gigantic & pointy log, exposing a huge pile of intestines while they eerily twitch afterwards (Dawson's stage).

How about those people with phobias about evil clowns (seeing a cannon-launched clown car on Jetta's stage, smoosh your opponent into a bloody smear, smack-dab-center of the screen to boot)?

There are many other graphic fatalities, but you get the idea. The game was incredibly edgy in its content. Incredible game & forgotten gem on the Sega CD!


^wasn't aware of the extent of the additions...damn that does sound like a great game now!

Picked up Eternal Champions on Sega CD complete for $10, Formula One (Domark) Genesis complete for $3 and Hellfire cart only for $12 yesterday. I could easily have spent hundreds at the store I was in, but I left the Neo Geo AES carts behind since I need tires for my car. :-/

great prices all around, man - i gotta ask though, which AES carts you leave behind? man you guys have awesome shops, i dont think ive even seen one in the wild out here
My Genesis collection consisted of the following:

Altered Beast
Super Hang On
Phantasy Star 2
Sword of Vermillion
Revenge of Shinobi
Ghouls n Ghosts
Forgotten World
Streets of Rage 1 and 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2
Thunderforce 3 and 4

After that, I defected back to Nintendo due to its 16-bit offerings and third party support.

To me, it's sound quality took it a notch down for me. And after awhile, it just seemed like they didn't care. Games like Chakan the Forever Man and Toe Jam and Earl never drew me in the way that Final Fantasy 2 and Castlevania 4 did.


aw, but TJ&E's music was so...funky
i dunno, looking back i like that both systems had such distinct sounds. i hate that it's become a thing on YT/etc to just label genny as "tinny" when some devs (renovation, etc) were able to get such classic sounds out of it.

good list though, i think i have all but Altered Beast (i refuse to pay for a game that im sure ill just find in a dumpster one day, haha) and Forgotten Worlds which i kinda wanted but i think ima get the TG-16 version instead


My Genesis collection consisted of the following:

Revenge of Shinobi
Ghouls n Ghosts
Forgotten World
Streets of Rage 1 and 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2
Thunderforce 3 and 4

WOW. You played those games and *then* you went Nintendo. Once a fanboy, always a fanboy I guess. I agree with you that Chakan and TJ&E are vastly overhyped, but so are FF and Castlevania IV (it and Bloodlines, while good games, pale in comparison to PCE Drac X).


man how is TJ&E overhyped when barely anyone checks for it/talks about it most times? sega only recently got the rights to put it back into their collections as well

bout to change my avatar's defense force here
Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side is easily one of the best games on the Sega CD (and one of the best console-only fighters from the 90's). Grats for finding it for $10 bucks! Best $10 you could spend for a game.

There are many other graphic fatalities, but you get the idea. The game was incredibly edgy in its content. Incredible game & forgotten gem on the Sega CD!

This man knows, it's an awesome Sega CD game that does not get enough attention. Got my copy on my first trip to the US and I played it so much. Really a massive and overlooked improvement on the original.


man how is TJ&E overhyped when barely anyone checks for it/talks about it most times? sega only recently got the rights to put it back into their collections as well

bout to change my avatar's defense force here

It doesn't need to sell crazy amounts or constantly be in the conversation to be overhyped. It's overhyped because it's an average game but every time someone mentions it, you'd think it was the second coming (thanks for proving my point btw ;) )
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