dont think any do just want to run down my cd based systems every time i boot one up i feel its going to die any minute
Yeah for sure. I'm having mad trouble finding a working CDROM2 for my PCE :/
dont think any do just want to run down my cd based systems every time i boot one up i feel its going to die any minute
Can't you just rip a JP game, change the region code, burn it to CD-R and toss it in the console?
Yeah for sure. I'm having mad trouble finding a working CDROM2 for my PCE :/
I know we have a (not too long) thread now, and I know the SNES won that in a dominating victory, but even so, Genesis prices have DEFINITELY gone up in recent years. Locally at least, I'm probably paying (or seeing stickers for) twice as much for plenty of Genesis games, versus what I paid for them back in '06-'07, after I first got the system....Yeah the SNES vs Genesis thread.
Just buy a broken one and have someone at PCEFX fix it. That's what I did for the CD drive for my TG16 CD.
I know we have a thread now, and I know the SNES won that in a dominating victory, but even so, Genesis prices have DEFINITELY gone up in recent years. Locally at least, I'm probably paying (or seeing stickers for) twice as much for plenty of Genesis games, versus what I paid for them back in '06-'07, after I first got the system....
Well, you can't do the usual trick of importing the "cheaper Japanese version" so often because there weren't printruns for games in the same way they were done for SFamicom (or other systems). The "big" print runs tended to be the North American print runs.
I'm seeing similar things (excluding EA/Sega Sports yearly sports games, of course).
Sounds to me like you're fine, honestly. "Better sound hardware" means it doesn't have the somewhat muffled-sounding audio output that late Model 1s/non-late Model 2s have; if you had bought an NTSC-U Genesis, it'd be the ones saying "HIGH DEFINITION GRAPHICS" on the upper part of the circle surrounding the cartridge slot.Posted this in the other thread, but seeing as there's more fans of the console here, I'll repost.
Just brought a console (itself, no wires or pads) for £20 on ebay with free shipping. It's 50/60hz modded, JP Model 1, and region free. Here's the ebay photo:
Does that look alright? Did I get a good deal? According to the description it's got the better sound hardware, whatever that means.
AVGN reviewed it. Presumably that bumped recognition of it up.Take this game for example. Awhile back I bought it with 10+ other games all with boxes & manuals for ...$20? Probably less.
Yeah the prices of Genesis games have definitely gone up.
The collection I put together several years ago would cost about four times as much today.
Take this game for example. Awhile back I bought it with 10+ other games all with boxes & manuals for ...$20? Probably less.
Pulseman is going for $200+ now. I shoulda never sold my copy.
Pulseman is going for $200+ now. I shoulda never sold my copy.
Pulseman is going for $200+ now. I shoulda never sold my copy.
goddamn, i bought a copy of this complete and NM in Japan for like $30 dollars a few years ago. lmao
anyone got any good suggestions for relatively inexpensive, fun Japanese Mega Drive games? I'm trying to rebuild some of my collection.
Puyo Puyo Tsuu is super fun and cheap as fuck.
AVGN reviewed it. Presumably that bumped recognition of it up.
Yeah that was my thought as well. The price started to surge shortly after the AVGN video came out.
it's a pretty fun licensed game if memory serves though.
compile developed it, right?
Yes and sorta yes.
Some compile devs are listed in the credits, but Compile themselves didn't take credit.
Went to this local retro game store I've been hearing about earlier. Oh man, some seriously good stuff there, majority of it complete and boxed. Was tempted to buy a Donkey Kong Game and Watch, but resisted the temptation.
Picked up these two for cheaper than they would have been on ebay:
Both are absolutely mint. Game has all the manuals inside. Now, just to wait for my console + rgb cable (with stereo jack) and power adapter. hooray
Also, as a kid who grew up with the SNES and only played SEGA at a mates house, I now understand why only three SNES games were boxed in the store, whereas ALL of the SEGA games were complete and boxed, not a single one loose. these cases are awesome. Why didn't Nintendo have them?! Cheap fucks.
well some genesis games came in cardboard too at some point.
I hated that shit
The clamshells were so much better.
did the Japanese Mega Drive titles ever have them? I sort of recall seeing one or two but then again I have some later gen Mega Drive (Dynamite Headdy) titles and they are plastic.
I'm starting to get into RGB in a big way so I decided I'm going to mod my Mega Drive so I can play other region games (I have a few already) and in 60Hz with no silly borders.
Now I got the cover off okay, and now I've got all the screws off the motherboard shield just fine too except for one, argh! It's the raised one and it had all this weird green glue around it (that had crystallised) and no matter how much of it I scrape off I can't get this screw undone (and I don't want to strip the thread by trying too much either). Is there anything that will dissolve that glue?
how are sega cd's doing today? I've been interested in buying one, but don't really want to spend lots of money on a cd drive from that long ago. There's a bookstore near me that has the genesis-cd model two combo for $70, but I already have a genesis.
I should probably just go ahead anyways and buy that given the prices on ebay.
I want a Model 1 JP Mega CD so bad.
Much difference between that and a PAL or US one?I want a Model 1 JP Mega CD so bad.
The fuck? Dev kit?nah....this is what you want
So if I were to buy the JP release of Alien Soldier, I should be able to play it no problem with a Game Genie (I know a code might be needed).
Holy shit, the guy was selling it for only 1,200 pounds? That seems like a goddamn steal, especially considering what it contains!yup. imagine that thing with the karaoke unit on the side, and a power base converter on top! man, the true tower of power is starting to form, after all these years...
Gamefreak fans going in, lol.
Game is definitely not worth it though. Kinda average tbh.
edit: Also available on VC if you want to try it.
Puyo Puyo Tsuu is super fun and cheap as fuck.
I hated that shit
The clamshells were so much better.
Don't they use the same video out?
(I honestly don't know, I've never seen a 32x in the flesh)
Holy shit, the guy was selling it for only 1,200 pounds? That seems like a goddamn steal, especially considering what it contains!
Have to guess that it came from a UK dev that just never got rid of it... likely one that closed down not long prior. Possibly Bizarre (who developed Wiz 'n' Liz under the name Raising Hell)?