I am so close to tears right now. My favorite god gets a skin based on my favorite StarCraft race. This patch is perfection!Kukulkan?:
And thank God because that skin sucks.
Seems like the SPL ticket thing will cost 300 gems. So not too bad if you're after the Nem or Kuk skin.
That skin sure is busy....
Art for the new Anubis model:
I just got my first Penta Kill! Probably my best game as Scylla too.
Will achievements be retroactive? If not, I'm going to be so sad...
Does anyone here even follow the pro scene?
I'm on and off with it. Caught the Spring LAN though.
Glad to see Cyclone exerting his dominance as the best player in the game and bringing AFK along for the ride.
Does anyone here even follow the pro scene?
I'm on and off with it. Caught the Spring LAN though.
Glad to see Cyclone exerting his dominance as the best player in the game and bringing AFK along for the ride.
I normally follow it. I pretty much kept up with season one, but I've kind of lost interest.Does anyone here even follow the pro scene?
I'm on and off with it. Caught the Spring LAN though.
Glad to see Cyclone exerting his dominance as the best player in the game and bringing AFK along for the ride.
I think I heard dm dogging on Jerbie today for talking shit about other pros. It's like every week there's some bullshit going on. .
Yeah, doesn't surprise me. I used to enjoy watching Jerbie play but his stream is horrible. It's either him begging for money or talking shit about people. It's no surprise his viewers took a nosedive.Yeah, I was watching that.
From what I understand, Jerbs insinuated that AFK wouldn't get far without him when he left the team. Don't know if it's true or not, but Weaken took a shot at him after they won.
I really don't agree that it's the same as other sports. I follow tennis pretty closely and there's almost no newsworthy drama even at major championships. There's also an overwhelming amount of sportsmanship. I think the last big drama case was Serena getting disqualified some years ago.Drama is in competitive gaming just like it's in any other sport. Most of the drama that surrounds Smite is mostly DM stuff though. Most of the higher tier players are at least pretty decent human beings from the looks of it.
Does anyone here even follow the pro scene?
I'm on and off with it. Caught the Spring LAN though.
Glad to see Cyclone exerting his dominance as the best player in the game and bringing AFK along for the ride.
This weekend, we'll be running a new Special Event: Omnipotence queue for players to join!
With this patch there is a new "Special Events" Achievement that can only be progressed by playing the Special Events queue. Complete each stage of the Achievement to unlock Gem rewards and Achievement Points! The first stage unlocks with 5 wins, provides 100 Gems, and it only increases from there! Special Events will be available throughout the month - this is only the first of many that will contribute to the achievement.
With this patch Match of the Day has been moved to be a Special Events queue, running the most popular modes from MoTD with special achievements and new rewards.
I am so close to tears right now. My favorite god gets a skin based on my favorite StarCraft race. This patch is perfection!
I'm kind of confused. How do you buy the SPL loading frame/Xba skin? Do you have to buy one of the team chests?