Anyone have an ETA on the next patch? I want to check out that new arena.
Word is that the arena patch is coming on the 12th.
Anyone have an ETA on the next patch? I want to check out that new arena.
Word is that the arena patch is coming on the 12th.
Nice. I know I could load up the PTS and I did the other day but I waited 10min in queue for it and it never popped.
I do like how I can claim all sorts of goodies since I was level 30. They have tiers of rewards now for leveling which I thought was cool. Didn't see that in patch notes but I may have overlooked it.
They did show it off on the patch livestream. From what I saw it doens't seem super useful.
It basically gives you Gods or costumes for a small rental period. A free costume would be great but maybe too big a reward for just leveling to 30.
Yeah I just like free stuff. So I'll be claiming a ton of rewards since I'm 30. I enjoy a good dish of favor.
Xbox is feast or famine. It seems like either people who have played on PC and are really good or people who've never played a MOBA before. Had a guy earlier who stayed in the jungle the whole game and tried to solo fire giant at level 5. I just to stay positive and give people hints but its hard some times.
We made a tough call today to delay the new Arena map. Needs more time in development to ensure it's the highest quality for SMITE.
Apparently I own Guan Yu. I have no idea how I unlocked him, but I did. I've never played him before so I checked out a Smitefire build and went for it.
Apparently I own Guan Yu. I have no idea how I unlocked him, but I did. I've never played him before so I checked out a Smitefire build and went for it.
Online on Xbox is still in shambles.
Sometimes you get a good game with people that sorta know what they are doing, but most of the time it's 'anything-goes' and that's just no fun for anyone.
Am seeing progress though in the general audience, will be nice to see if anything differs, in terms of play style, to the PC version later on.
XBox is still very hit and miss. As you level up it gets better. It's going to get worse before it gets better (OPEN beta), but eventually it will be just like on PC.
Guan Yu should be one of the five heroes you get off the bat. Without owning any other gods, I think players get access to 10 gods at default: the five on rotation, and these five gods: Neith, Thor, Ra, Guan Yu and Ymir; one of each class.
If you made your account in beta guan yu wasn't a starter.
Not too long ago there was an event that unlocked every god for everyone.
After you kept any of the current starters you didn't already have.
I had this happen to me with guan yu aa well (although I managed to get 200 free gems out of it).
i start with frostbound hammer off the bat then warrior tabi, runeforged hammer, jotunns wrath, magis blessing then the last item is situational if i need more defense ill get that but if they arnt doing much damage ill get a damage item
Thanks. For some reason I am just terrible with him. I played another game and went 0-8. I had awful teammates both times but still, I just couldn't seem to do anything without getting quickly burst down. For comparison, I also played Sun Wukong for the first time yesterday, and went 3-4 and won. I felt way more in control playing SWK.
I've been running Guan Yu in arena a lot recently. I generally build tanky but even then he's not as tanky as say Geb.
Also you should initiate most attacks. Us the stun at the end of your ult, as long as your team is watching they can then all fall on the 2-3 people you've stunned a.d kill them.
You'll rarely get a big amount of kills but your assists should be large.
You shouldn't buy it, it's racist as hell
But yeah it's pretty sweet
Thanks, I will build him tanky. My teams were not following up my ult, not once. There is nothing worse than playing a tank on a team that doesn't back you up. If I had a penny for every Ymir stun that got no follow up...
Do the skins that come out for league ever end up for sale at a (much later) date? I want that new AMC skin but there's no way in hell I'm going to play league. I won't even play conquest on the PC at all.
Yeah, she is super powerful but has avoided nerfs because most players don't really understand what to do with her. The dash also has a chance to crit which is what make crit really good for her also.
Damn, they switched up the free rotation so I can't play Sun Wukong anymore. I was really enjoying him. I might go ahead and spend the favor; his recent buffs make him a pretty solid pick in Arena.
Damn, they switched up the free rotation so I can't play Sun Wukong anymore. I was really enjoying him. I might go ahead and spend the favor; his recent buffs make him a pretty solid pick in Arena.
I love SWK in arena. Every now and then you get someone who will say you shouldn't pick him. I had this happen then I went 13-0-9. Best way to shut those people up.
Buy the god packOne of the best values in gaming.
Dat Hou Yi ricochet + Ymir wall:
Dat Hou Yi ricochet + Ymir wall:
Sorry I missed you guys playing earlier. Got caught in an Assault then went to watch Arrow, lol.