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Sony E3 2014 Conference Thread

Ran Ran

Sony having things to show that resonates better with the people who didn't think much of Microsoft's games doesn't mean that they "steamrolled" the competition. The two of them didn't have that much of a difference in presentation, the only differences was one of them decided to fire their guns early on and at the very end while the middle was pretty bloated. Both of them still battled in making the most compelling case for buying third party games on their consoles for the most of the part, and they even had indie showcases to go along with it.

Both of them have the equally serviceable line-ups that have one or two interesting exclusives for this year but is saving the bigger guns for the upcoming ones. As far as I'm concerned neither of them "won", they're on equal grounds when it comes to content. Presentation wise I think Sony did slightly worse due to their lack of balance the way I see it, but that's just me. Neither showing was particularly spectacular and I think the whole "who won" question won't amount to anything as important as "did the gamers win?"

I pretty much agree with all of this.

Although I thought both conferences were spectacular. Tons of games shown by both and that's all I want in the end.


Both MS and Sony had solid conferences.

They both made mistakes here and there.

MS focused soley on games, which is great. But they went by too quickly, and you felt bombarded with game after game, that you couldn't really savor what was being shown.Also the #memories felt way too forced in.

Sony started strong, lots of interesting indies, some surprises like LBP3 and Grim Fandango, but they stumbled badly with the Tv and Powers stuff. Their wonderbook moment this E3.

On the third parties, I enjoyed Ubi's a lot more than I was expecting.

AC and Far Cry looked rad. Not a R6 fan, but the demo was entertaining. And I actually liked their Shape up presentation surprisingly, probably the most entertaining live kinect demo I have ever seen at E3 (even though that is not saying much)

EA.... ugh. Just concept videos and sports,sports,sports.

Solid E3. Can't say there was a definitive winner, but EA was certainly the loser.


Neo Member
Getting them 'I believe in Phil Spencer' stickers already fuming in the AM, I see.

I don't think either next-gen console manufacturer won this E3. Just like last year and the year before, IMHO Ubisoft had the strongest showing.
A throughout entertaining show with great games and a perfect pacing. Microsoft's was good, too structured as they had CG trailer after CG trailer in the end for their 2015 and beyond-lineup and no real surprises.
Sony had a few megatons to drop (e.g. LBP 3 out of nowhere, Far Cry 4 co-op and dat white PS4), but almost ruined their overall still good showing with the middle part,
where they completely drifted off to TV, TV, POWERS, shit talk. If they'd cut that out or shortened it to minimum, their press conference would have been the best of the decade.
Apart from those 30 minutes of horror their pacing was real good and their end was well as well. Heh.

Overall, I'd give the following grades:

Microsoft: B- (good show, but CG trailers and PC gameplay for Division/Witcher -.-)
EA: E (I don't think, we have to argue about that one, lol)
Ubisoft: A (no low-points and Aisha Tyler, pacing was perfect and they have the greatest games)
Sony: B+ (Strip that 30 minutes of horrific sute talk and we have ourselves a solid A as well)

So out of the two console manufacturers, yes, Sony won. They had more games, more gameplay and also a broader array of genres.
Nintendo do their own little thing, where they're not competing with the rest of the bunch. We'll see what they have planned out for their clap-lacking Direct today.

I think it's possible that the Division was running on PC kits but Witcher 3 looked like it's on Xbox One. It even had Xbox button prompts iirc.


The persecution is strong with this one. I imagine people will be whining about the media's perceiving of Sony winning for the next few days, but the MS fans will get over it.

Persecution? For what?

I'm just talking about the fanboy wars in this thread. Bundy, Kazuma Kiryu, Impeccable and you (among others) vs The Kayle. It's not even a contest.


Games are what matter and Sony absolutely eclipsed MSFT and handily.
Really? Like really? Just look at a list of all the games that were shown/announced. Can you really with a straight face say that Sony "eclipsed" ms? I mean, wow...
Saying that Sony won is fine by me, but "eclipsed" is just delusional


Sony having things to show that resonates better with the people who didn't think much of Microsoft's games doesn't mean that they "steamrolled" the competition. The two of them didn't have that much of a difference in presentation, the only differences was one of them decided to fire their guns early on and at the very end while the middle was pretty bloated. Both of them still battled in making the most compelling case for buying third party games on their consoles for the most of the part, and they even had indie showcases to go along with it.

Both of them have the equally serviceable line-ups that have one or two interesting exclusives for this year but is saving the bigger guns for the upcoming ones. As far as I'm concerned neither of them "won", they're on equal grounds when it comes to content. Presentation wise I think Sony did slightly worse due to their lack of balance the way I see it, but that's just me. Neither showing was particularly spectacular and I think the whole "who won" question won't amount to anything as important as "did the gamers win?"
Overall I agree, neither one really outdid the other. Both relied way too much on exclusive DLC for third-party games, which makes me feel like we "gamers" lost. As for the presentation style themselves I prefer the MS show, I found the Sony show cringe worthy when they started to throw mud at MS. That said, LBP3 was the most fun to watch and that's saying much coming from someone that didn't like LBP1/2.



I don't see how anybody could say with a straight face that Sony 'outclassed' MS even when they weren't making me want to claw at my skin from boredom. I would put them on squarely even footing.

MS had a great pacing and they delivered on the "games games games" thing.
On the other hand half of the shit was CGi, which was basically the equivalent of showing a spreadshit with a list of future project they'll be working on.

Sony had some more gameplay, but most of it not really that good at all, a lot of CGi, too and an horrible pacing.

So yeah, i'd put them at about the same level.
I don't see what's the harm in free crossovers that impact anyone or anything. It's just a neat 'nod'. That TV show thing was by far the worst thing I saw yesterday, it wouldn't have been so bad if they had a trailer or something for the show ... but concept art? Please.

That's when I almost fell asleep (no lie, I started to struggle around then - long day.)

Eh, I'd rather it not be in there. It's like Darth Vader or Ezio in Soul Calibur, it just sticks out. It's lame.


Annouced - Dualshock 4 Urban Camouflage - 59€.


On reflection the Sony conference was solid but for me no system seller however next year looks brilliant for everyone.
Sony did a good job and showed their system seller.

Just remember what Watch Dogs bundle did to PS4 (UK and others official reports) and now think what this one will do...

They just set the sales juggernaut that PS4 will show in the second half of the year.
Persecution? For what?

I'm just talking about the fanboy wars in this thread. Bundy, Kazuma Kiryu, Impeccable and you (among others) vs The Kayle. It's not even a contest.

Fanboy wars? Oh, you mean calling people out on their silliness? Yeah, that's fanboy wars alright.


Neo Member
I personally think Sony had much bigger wow moments, and those kind of pushed a lot more positivity on the conference. It was an overall stronger showing as a results. Microsoft on the other hand had a very well paced conference that delivered really well on their promises. It didn't have as many wow moments as Sony did, and that was the ultimate differentiator.

Sony 8.5-9/10, Microsoft 8/10


Unconfirmed Member
I think a lot of people forget that E3 presentations are best used to showcase the most popular, best-selling franchises, and not necessarily every single game each platform has. I have to say this because, although we are trying to rate each conference standalone based on what was shown, I can't help but to feel that some people are insinuating that if it wasn't shown, then it doesn't exist.




Sony did a good job and showed their system seller.

Just remember what Watch Dogs bundle did to PS4 (UK and others official reports) and now think what this one will do...

They just set the sales juggernaut that PS4 will show in the second half of the year.

White PS4 gonna get Sony paid. They just needa market the crap out of Destiny and hype it up. I still cant believe some of my friends think it is an exclusive.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Not the same Edge I used to read, which had a love of games and passion for the industry. Console wars stuff is fun on a forum of fans but has no place in journalism. That article praising the Sony conference for things they then begrudgingly were relieved was not in the Xbox conference, TV and entertainment, was pathetic. More sad that it was the same writer.

I'm not sure how far back you're going, but Edge has been editorialising about industry competition and 'leadership' and 'dominance' and 'who won e3' as far back as I can remember.

The furthest back I can remember with Edge coverage is E3 '97 or '98 and breakdowns of each platform holder's showing, and who Edge thought came out best from the show. N64 v PS1 v PC. Then later, lots and lots of column inches about PS2 vs Dreamcast, the Dreamcast's attempts to compete, how it could be 'repaired' etc. And then latterly Xbox and its market position over time.

I don't ever remember it being a games-only, 'not interested in the politics' publication, quite the opposite. Maybe pre-PS1/N64?


T'was a typical sony presser: Poor timing, a segment for hardware, numbers, and services.

That said, the content was there. Awesome games, not too much live demo's, not too much CGI bullshit. No man's sky and Bloodborne hit like a brick. the rest was predictable but good. But the real exciting part was what wasn't showed: Sony's first party stables and the stuff they're cooking. Media molecule, guerillia, santa monica studio's, London studio, clap hanz, Housemarque, and more, cooking software for next year and more. Will we see another '2009' style collumnation of first party software ? Can't wait to find out!

Back to the presser, the playstation ecoloy looked brimming and healthy. Andrew House was an improvement over Jack, channeling the pride of confidence of team Sony and rightfully so: They has the important thing giftwrapped and bowtied: the software.
This was a solid 8/10 for me.

Ran Ran

White PS4 gonna get Sony paid. They just needa market the crap out of Destiny and hype it up. I still cant believe some of my friends think it is an exclusive.

After seeing the white Xbox One and now the white PS4, I wish they would have came in white to begin with lol


I loved the first half, hated the second where they couldn't shut up about tv, tv, tv. (Bad memories of last year Xbox One anouncement)

LBP3 did it for me, as a big fan of the series. Didn't see it coming, so an honest and happy suprise. Bloodborne looked rad, but to bad it was a CGI trailer. Suda game looked Suda, so day one prolly. Far Cry 4 was awesome.

Loved how they showed gameplay in stead of relying in CG-trailers all to much (allthough they had their part in the show). I can't really get worked up about gameplayless trailers anymore, unless it's a really promising look à la Bloodborne.

And then came No Man's Sky. I was so hoping for it to be on PS4 ever since the VGA's. Wishes came true (well, in the mean time I have a Xbox One too, so wouldn't have minded it anymore if it was an MS exclusive)

Second part just fell flat and could hardly be redeemed by GTAV (not gonna double dip), Batman '(looked awesome though) and a disapointing no gameplay Uncharted reveal... MGS5 was awesome though.

But in the end I had better vibes with Sony then with MS, whose show was solid, but didn't have any Oh Snap!-moments (Well, Conker was for a second, before they killed it with a big fuck you to the fans). Had the impression Sony relied less on multiplats too.

So yeah. Not the best show they've put together. But for me easily the better of the two. But as an owner of both systems, I'm not complaining. Some great stuff for both this holiday season and beyond


Sony did a good job and showed their system seller.

Just remember what Watch Dogs bundle did to PS4 (UK and others official reports) and now think what this one will do...

They just set the sales juggernaut that PS4 will show in the second half of the year.

is it weird that I want a white PS4 with a black controller? haha. I think the console looks great but that controller is fucking ugly


Sony will probably have the best conference in terms of content but Nintendo's will be more entertaining if the Tomodachi Life, Kart and Smash Directs are indications and they will win E3 as they spread their announcements throughout the whole event and have several absolute top tier games in fully playable form this year.

If they show X, they win automatically for me. I need a JRPG.

is it weird that I want a white PS4 with a black controller? haha. I think the console looks great but that controller is fucking ugly

Opposite for me hahah, I really want the controller but prefer the console as is.



I don't see how anybody could say with a straight face that Sony 'outclassed' MS even when they weren't making me want to claw at my skin from boredom. I would put them on squarely even footing.

Ok, let me give it a shot.

CGI trailers? You saw two from their 1st party. And they weren't "CGI". They were in-engine. They were Uncharted 4 (confirmed to be in-engine by Corrine Yu) and Bloodborne.

You saw SEVERAL timed exclusive games.

You saw a lot of 3rd parties with extra incentive to be played on the ps4. All of them with exclusive features. They weren't timed dlc like everything microsoft showed regarding 3rd parties. They were exclusive. Exclusive maps, weapons, game modes, missions, classes and the ability to play online co-op with a friend that doesn't own the game.

Basically they said that "why would you buy Far Cry 4, Batman Arkham Knight, Dead Island 2 and Destiny on the other console when in ours you get a full better package for the same price?"

The games will look better, play better (arguably) and have exclusive stuff on them that you won't find elsewhere no matter how long you wait.

If THAT doesn't make it a better conference than shooter and CGI stuff, then you clearly show your bias.


Really? Like really? Just look at a list of all the games that were shown/announced. Can you really with a straight face say that Sony "eclipsed" ms? I mean, wow...
Saying that Sony won is fine by me, but "eclipsed" is just delusional

Its not delusional, its a fact.


Like the conference or not but one thing that Sony did well was variety, it made the PS4 seems like it had something for very many.

MS on the other hand, for the most part, had a very focused conference giving most of the attention to a specific crowd it felt like, with some other stuff thrown in on the side. They even made Fable look like a shooter of sorts.

Either way, both weren't amazing but at the same time not really terrible.


Sony will probably have the best conference in terms of content but Nintendo's will be more entertaining if the Tomodachi Life, Kart and Smash Directs are indications and they will win E3 as they spread their announcements throughout the whole event and have several absolute top tier games in fully playable form this year.
I guess the Nintendo issues is they don't have a traditional E3 conference show... so most people and impress didn't see what they show.

They need to change that.


I didn't care about the Powers segment (even though I like the comic and will watch it when it comes out -- I don't think it needed to be in the conference).

Other than that, I loved pretty much everything else. Not getting The Last Guardian again was a real blow, but there were so many awesome games revealed, not to mention the crowning glory that is Bloodborne.

I think Sony destroyed MS and EA. Ubi put up a better showing than usual, but still.


Unconfirmed Member
Like the conference or not but one thing that Sony did well was variety, it made the PS4 seems like it had something for very many.

MS on the other hand, for the most part, had a very focused conference giving most of the attention to a specific crowd it felt like, with some other stuff thrown in on the side. They even made Fable look like a shooter of sorts.

Either way, both weren't amazing but at the same time not really terrible.

This is what I said in my post a few pages ago. It felt as if they had more.
It's always entertaining watching people argue over which company won. Why do you care what company won? Can't both be good without needing to define if they won or lost based on your specific gaming taste?

You know who won? You won, Every gamer won, developers showcased on stage won, because no matter what console you own, good cases were made why you should own both systems and drown in Fall 2014/ Spring 2015 gaming bliss.


hide your water-based mammals
Really? Like really? Just look at a list of all the games that were shown/announced. Can you really with a straight face say that Sony "eclipsed" ms? I mean, wow...
Saying that Sony won is fine by me, but "eclipsed" is just delusional
I'm not making a list but outside of all the main showings, did you miss the giant wall of indiesz the Devolver/Croteam multigame deal, and the Paradox deal? Are we moving goal posts? I'm not even mentioning the big games or superior multiplatform games. No credit is even given when Sony absolutely smothered MSFT in games. If it was actually even I would say so and this is even after I game MSFT the best grade I've given them at any E3. Sony was simply better this year and it's all due to games.


White PS4 gonna get Sony paid. They just needa market the crap out of Destiny and hype it up. I still cant believe some of my friends think it is an exclusive.
They are making everything to sell it like "exclusive"... it is the lead platform, have exclusives content / Beta / Alpha and a marking deal to only show the game on Sony conferences.

I will say it is a win win win.
It's always entertaining watching people argue over which company won. Why do you care what company won? Can't both be good without needing to define if they won or lost based on your specific gaming taste?

You know who won? You won, Every gamer won, developers showcased on stage won, because no matter what console you own, good cases were made why you should own both systems and drown in Fall 2014/ Spring 2015 gaming bliss.

Quoting this post because it's one of the only intelligent things I've read in this thread.


I think it's possible that the Division was running on PC kits but Witcher 3 looked like it's on Xbox One. It even had Xbox button prompts iirc.

You could play Witcher 2 on PC with an Xbox controller if I'm correct, and it had the prompts to. Doesn't really say anything, does it?
I don't know if you're trolling, or if that's your actual opinion, but holy hell do I disagree with it in almost every way regardless.

So you like immature coop games, animated movies and low brow humor from a vulgar chick. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe I am just a little bit more mature y'know?


It's always entertaining watching people argue over which company won. Why do you care what company won? Can't both be good without needing to define if they won or lost based on your specific gaming taste?

You know who won? You won, Every gamer won, developers showcased on stage won, because no matter what console you own, good cases were made why you should own both systems and drown in Fall 2014/ Spring 2015 gaming bliss.

I lost because TLG/FF15 wasn't there. Everything is meaningless.
Honestly I just do not see Nintendo doing anything to really shake it up. I would love to eat crow, but Nintendo will not have any huge reveal like Grim Fandango. However, I do think they will have a decent show if they reveal Zelda and Pokken Fighters. X in 2015 is my guess with an actual title. Nintendo tends to do better when a game gets out of beta.
Sony was clearly leaving surprises and game announcements for other shows and later in the year. Microsoft almost seemed to be putting all their chips on the table with these cg trailers about titles that won't release till like 2016. I think the grand majority of ps4 titles showed were 2015, or at least scheduled to be. We also should have more surprises on tgs.

Microsoft had a strong show but that's cause it gave the illusion of such with these trailers a lot of these games will make their actual appearance in the next e3.

Even if the tv bit was boring it all amounted to "add more value to ps plus that it already has". Which is great for a current owner I love 'free' shit. It did last longer than it needed to though. That cannot be denied.
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