Sony having things to show that resonates better with the people who didn't think much of Microsoft's games doesn't mean that they "steamrolled" the competition. The two of them didn't have that much of a difference in presentation, the only differences was one of them decided to fire their guns early on and at the very end while the middle was pretty bloated. Both of them still battled in making the most compelling case for buying third party games on their consoles for the most of the part, and they even had indie showcases to go along with it.
Both of them have the equally serviceable line-ups that have one or two interesting exclusives for this year but is saving the bigger guns for the upcoming ones. As far as I'm concerned neither of them "won", they're on equal grounds when it comes to content. Presentation wise I think Sony did slightly worse due to their lack of balance the way I see it, but that's just me. Neither showing was particularly spectacular and I think the whole "who won" question won't amount to anything as important as "did the gamers win?"
I pretty much agree with all of this.
Although I thought both conferences were spectacular. Tons of games shown by both and that's all I want in the end.