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Sony E3 2014 Conference Thread

I thought Sony's conference was easily the best. A lot of surprises and some great games. Microsoft's conference seemed like it catered to the typical Xbox gamer. Nothing really interests me there other than Platinum, and there wasn't any gameplay for that.


You're also assuming lol

Nope...sit outside a GameStop for a few days...ask everyone that goes in if they have heard of Shenmue..

Bullshit. Adam's shout-out to gaming forums/sites completely undermine your
assumption that his segment was aimed entirely at the average consumer.

Like another poster mentioned, Grim fucking Fandango?!

I didt say the segment was aimed at the average gamer..It was in response to the poster that said nobody wanted a zombie game...and that everyone was requesting games like Shenmue...

When in reality..many more gamers would be interested in a zombie game...

And like I said about Grim Fandango..the avg gamer won't have a clue, and it will sell accordingly...

It will be heavily discounted at launch for PS+ dubbers...if not IGC right off the bat...

Zombie games are popular and people love them. That's why they always do well. People exploded in my theater when Dead Island 2 came up. You guys should be more positive. It was refreshing watching this conference in the theater without all the negativity.
the problem is that most of us forum goers are even more out of touch with the general gaming public then we accuse devs/pubs of being...


I don't know, it seems like a natural progression.

Sully is older, a little wiser, probably isn't too keen on seeing his protege, who seems to have something of a deathwish, throw his life away on yet another scheme. It's been a while since I played 3, but I'm vaguely reminiscent of the idea that Sully had a hint of regret sometimes about bringing Nate into this world (although he's glad Nate was in his life), and by the end of it he wanted Nate to settle down with Elena. He doesn't want Nate to repeat his mistakes. Meanwhile, I think Marlowe was right in UC3 when she said that inside Nate is still the same runaway, looking for glory to validate his existence. And not really being as mindful of what it takes to get that glory, as he should.

it may be a natural progression. to me it's still a shitty way to end the conference. maybe instead of coming to terms in sort of a negative way, he embraces it as who he is, and decides to make the best life for himself because of it.

sony had very little that was light and playful. the uncharted 4 trailer was ho-hum and similar to a lot of other trailers that had come before it (it wasn't even the only naughty dog trailer of the night). instead of standing out, it blended in, and then did so in a very depressing way. ending a sony conference with a uncharted 4 trailer sounds like a climactic way to end things. ending a sony conference with that uncharted 4 trailer was a super anticlimactic way to end things.


Neither one are confirmed as JRPG, I suppose there is a strong possibility Bloodborne is. I actually did not like what I saw of those two, they definitely crossed some sort of boundary in my head. Perhaps I'm just a baby, but Bloodborne made me avert my eyes due to the gore, and I didn't really have much of an opinion on Let It Die other than "that bat with all those nails sure looks like it would hurt".

Let it Die has more RPG elements than Bloodborne.
+10 attack axe, HP bar with dmg counter, users with different "equipments".

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
your not alone, it annoys me to

Where the FUCK was The Last Guardian?

Disappointed to see Project Beast did not get a gameplay trailer.

White Destiny Bundle is day 1.

LBP3 was a surprise.

Uncharted 4 yesss but no gameplay

Disappointed overall.


This is Nintendos E3 to take. MS and Sony both have a relatively weak 2014 exclusives lineup, with MS's a little stronger because of Sunset Overdrive and the Halo Collection as opposed to TLOU remake.

Nintendo swoop in with the goodies and dat wiiU is mine


Let it Die has more RPG elements than Bloodborne.
+10 attack axe, HP bar with dmg counter, users with different "equipments".

Yeah, I just went back and re-watched it, you are right, maybe it will be an RPG. Still not a fan of the snuff; but hopefully it will be enough to keep PS4 alive in Japan.


Have... Have, have, have, have, have.

Sorry, I hate to be a grammar nazi, but it seems the number of people who mistake have and of grows every day. Even some of my ESL students started doing it because they saw it on the internet.

oops my bad I was just frustrated when typing and didn't bother to check my grammar.

Thanks for correcting me : )


Nope...sit outside a GameStop for a few days...ask everyone that goes in if they have heard of Shenmue..

I didt say the segment was aimed at the average gamer..It was in response to the poster that said nobody wanted a zombie game...and that everyone was requesting games like Shenmue...

When in reality..many more gamers would be interested in a zombie game...

And like I said about Grim Fandango..the avg gamer won't have a clue, and it will sell accordingly...

It will be heavily discounted at launch for PS+ dubbers...if not IGC right off the bat...

the problem is that most of us forum goers are even more out of touch with the general gaming public then we accuse devs/pubs of being...
You're assuming dude, just like others are. Don't see how your view is any better than anyone else's here.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I think it really hurt the presentation that Project Beast got leaked tbh. They could have redeemed themselves by at least mentioning TLG, but nope.

2014 looking really thin, I would've gladly bought a ps4 toward the end of the year, but not like this.

I can wait for Bloodborne
The games content aside, the format of Sony's conference was poor. Devoting nearly solid 30 minutes or so, minus MKX footage, to services after No Man's Sky made an already bloated conference feel like it was dragging. I also didn't like that 'fan letters' schtick. It also didn't help that the only (unless I am mistaken) new retail games announced for this year were GTAV and LBP3.

Apart from that, the games they announced and showed were pretty good and I'm excited to hear more about them.


You're assuming dude, just like others are. Don't see how your view is any better than anyone else's here.
Please...are you really going to argue that the average gamer:

- Knows what Shenmue is?
- Knows what Yakuza is?
- Would rather a FFVII remake or Crash than a new Zombie killing game?

Really? Do you REALLY think those games appeal to today's average gamer?

Do you think Grim Fandango is a system seller?...no, it has IGC written all over it..

I'm not downplaying this games...I'd KILL for a FFVII remake, or a new Crash game...Grim Fandango is a classic that deserves a remake...

But I'm not the average gamer..you're not the average gamer..nobody here is..


Please...are you really going to argue that the average gamer:

- Knows what Shenmue is?
- Knows what Yakuza is?
- Would rather a FFVII remake or Crash than a new Zombie killing game?

Really? Do you REALLY think those games appeal to today's average gamer?
We're getting off topic so this will be my last reply. Do you know what gamers want?

Also note I haven't said anything about what the "average" gamer wants. I just criticised how you were against others assuming when you were also doing the same.


Incredibly Naive
Ehh it was good not spectacular. I'd give MSFT a 7.5 and Sony an 8. They both showed a ton of games, but judging on the 2 for- Exclusives is where I give the points, since that's the real system seller. The order has a ton of potential, UC4 was jawdropping and it's one of my favorite franchises, I absolutely love LBP and am so excited it's coming out so soon! Bloodborne of course looks incredible, and I'll get a hands on with Drive club real soon hopefully. I don't really count remasters, but TLOU looks like a damn good upgrade, and hopefully there's a revamped MP included. MSFT has fable which has potential, FH2 which is as consistent as it gets, SSO which is really the one that interests me most, and damn at that Halo collection, but that was pretty much it for the big titles that they showed or at least that caught my eye.

Sony also had the better hardware announcements even though they neglected morpheus. Vita TV is an amazing deal at that price, ESPECIALLY paired with PSNow and plus, and the white PS4 looks so damn nice.

The indies thing was pretty much a wash, both had some truly great looking indies, but for me indies aren't as important as the bigger titles as it is.

And I stand by the idea that companies should focus primarily on exclusives when giving their presentation. I understand you're selling the device as a whole, and that's great, but we got yet another 10 minutes of destiny that we didn't need. That being said I still thought the segments sony chose, were more fun than the ones MSFT chose. GTAV was a huge announcement, Batman is arguably game of the show out of everything, Far cry 4 was a ton of fun, and MKX looked so damn good.
I'm very satisfied. Not blown away but I think it was solid and they showed many games I want to play. I keep the faith for The Last Guardian though...


We're getting off topic so this will be my last reply. Do you know what gamers want?

Also note I haven't said anything about what the "average" gamer wants. I just criticised how you were against others assuming when you're doing the same.
I'm not against assumptions...I'm against people acting like we (as in GAF posters) have likes/dislikes/agendas that align in any way with the majority of gamers..

Like I said..acting like nobody would have asked for a zombie game, and everyone wanted Shenmue or FFVII...that's not even really an assumption...its just wrong..

1er tigre

I didn't think Sony did well at all and Microsft did outstanding. They gave you a vision, a lineup which didn't always consist of sequels to existing IP and didn't show GTA, MK or a multitude of multiplats to fill the time. Did they show all gameplay? No, but you know what their library looks like and that's all that matters when making decision to buy.
Are you kidding ? MS showed COD, AC unity, the division , tomb raider, evolved, the witcher 3, etc. All multiplat...


I liked the way Sony handled third party this E3. Unlike past years, they choose appropriate top tier content and didn't allocate too much time for on-stage demos. I hope they carry that strategy forward in the upcoming shows.


Now that the hype's died down, I think both companies have had fairly even conferences. Presentation/pacing issues aside, both parties had a decent amount of exclusives, objectively speaking. IMHO there's no clear winner between the two, both consoles have stuff I'm genuinely excited to play. That said, there were a ton of CGI trailers; both consoles' software libraries aren't going to take off till next year, or this holiday at the earliest. Tons of potential and not much else. Looks like this E3 is Nintendo's to win then


Lot of good games overall. But why did Sony think we'd give a crap about a comic book TV program, and dedicated far too long to it. Also, Shawn Layden can stay behind the scenes - don't let him back on stage at another conference.


Was a decent conference.
Didn't sell me on a PS4 right now, but still expecting to pick one up at end of 2015.

If I had to give it a mark I'd say 6/10 compared to 8/10 for MS.

Still a good conference though. Well done Sony.


Pretty meaty show. Content are good, pacing and execution not so much.
I thought those third party deal have some interesting stuff like Farcry 4 can join a friend game without having the game? Neat feature! Save data transfer from ps3/360 to PS4 GTAV was big deal for some.
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