Street Fighter Anniversary Collection. (Far superior)Lisa Lashes said:What is SFAC?
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection. (Far superior)Lisa Lashes said:What is SFAC?
Vargas said:SFAC=Street Fighter Anniversary Collection.
Lisa Lashes said:No thank you. It's 2004 last time I checked. Not 1991.
Journeywalker said:Wait, the GCN version sold the most! It must be the best!
Hero said:You have no soul.
DarkGiygas said:After playing SFAC I've concluded that no one should purchase it, because Capcom is retarded and somehow made the graphics worse than ports from years ago.
dark10x said:I play so much better with a Cube pad.
DarkGiygas said:But don't buy SCII either though, its equally as bad in the gameplay dept.![]()
Eggo said:Don't understand all this love for 720p. Soul Calibur 2 in 720p sucks on Xbox. For some stupid reason, 720p doesn't support widescreen TV's, but 480p does. Although I have the option to run in 720p, I play in 480p all the time. The Xbox version suffers from no slowdown, which the PS2 has in abundance.
The PS2 version is the one most tournaments are run on, so if you're in it for the $, might want to go PS2.
NGC's controller is good if you like it, but you'll have a major problem switching over to Xbox, PS2, or arcade if you learn on that controller because the buttons are laid out completely different from the other three.
Because 1) not everyone has taste/skill or 2) they want to be unique, damned middle children.CVXFREAK said:Why is it that really good games like SCII have its share of haters? ::sigh::
Okay, I'll correct myself then:dark10x said:No, actually it isn't. However, you've just admitted that you know little about Soul Calibur...
I'll take good taste over soul anyday of the week. SF has been milked beyond belief to the point where it has become a parody of itself.
ourumov said:I don't see the good taste in choosing SC2 over ANY SF title...but that's me.
About your question I liked the PS2 version the best, although I own the GC one.
Link < PS2 controller + Sharp IQ
Neither could I until the opportunity presented itself to me. I bought the other two versions at $17 each. And I'm a completist to a fault, so please envy me.Red Dolphin said:I can never understand ppl who buy a version of a game for each console. What is the point exactly? Do enjoy unlocking everything 3 times over and paying 3 times the price for the same game?
Anyway I would have voted GCN version unless you can take advantage of the Xbox's nice features.
segasonic said:Okay, I'll correct myself then:
Buy the Dreamcast version. It's the better game.
dark10x said:No it IS NOT. Where the hell are you getting this?
Shompola said:From his own opinion. what a shock.
Red Dolphin said:I can never understand ppl who buy a version of a game for each console. What is the point exactly? Do enjoy unlocking everything 3 times over and paying 3 times the price for the same game?
Lisa Lashes said:One quick question guys. Does SC2 have that gallery mode where you can see each fighter perform their moves as the DC version of SC had?
You know we're talking about Soul Calibur II right?Serafitia said:Because 1) not everyone has taste/skill
Nos_G said:Futureshop has a deal where you could get a free game from a selected list when you buy the Soul Calibur 2 arcade stick. *
Check it out folks.
*(just saw it in this week's flyer, not sure when it starts or ends)![]()
Hero said:720p is awesome. Too bad it doesn't support 16:9.
Link > Spawn > Heihachi.
Imported the GCN version last year.
Drinky Crow said:Heihachi > Link = Spawn
However, since all three games have Necrid, NO-ONE WINS.
Matlock said:Heihachi sucks. Oooh, I'm an old man who has extra-lame combo abilities.
Completely unbalanced.
That TV doesn't accept nor decode 720P, so no it won't look good.Demigod Mac said:Would 720p look good on an HDTV such as this?
Doesn't look like 16x9....