NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
Don't you love it?The design tho...
Don't you love it?The design tho...
Well these are the same people that said Cowboy Bebop was a good anime, and we saw how bad that turned out. Its reasons why one should see Tomorrowland instead.
Romeo no Aoi Sora (Romeo's Blue Skies)
Can't you, like, ship Jet and Spike together?
And Ed can be headcanoned as a shota.Can't you, like, ship Jet and Spike together?
It's probably one of my favourite anime ever made, yeah
It's probably one of my favourite anime ever made, yeah
Manga > Anime, tho.
The anime tacked on somebizarre drama at the very end that I didn't like.
Manga was a lot more psychological and existential.
original seriesWhich is best, Dirty Pair or Dirty Pair Flash? Flash is just a remake, right?
original series
Seitokai Yakuindomo ep.1
I wanted something funny to watch on break, so I threw this one on, and wow, this is umm, interesting? I think it was mentioned, but is there really no plot? Do all the episodes just jump around randomly like the first one did? Thete were some funny 1-liners in there but a majority of it was pretty random. Does it get better? I know, I know, the "3 episode rule" right?
You should watch Magnetic Rose too.It's about garbagemen in space.
Neon Genesis Evangelion - 10
So in this episode NERV tries to catch an Angel before it hatches, so they send Asuka to do some super mecha scuba diving.
I think the biggest question on my mind for this show is what exactly the Angels are. Like, where did these things come from? If they're showing up from like, beneath the earth and within the sea or something, they're not invaders from outer space or anything.
Are they being controlled? If so, who's controlling them?
They're just these deformed things that just show up and attack. That's it.
Considering some of the "things", I've heard about this show and how it ends, I don't assume I'll receive a particularly decent answer for these questions.
Blood-C 12 [End]
I can't remember, was this show on 'the list'?
I can sort of see why people recommend this censored it probably turns what is just graphic gore porn into laughable censorship.Though, honestly, I can't imagine this show doing much for me either way. They found a ton of ways to turn my stomach with gore and body horror, but I mean... so? It's not even an unexpected heel turn since the violence just gradually ramps up until the final scenes with the bunnies. I know I'm probably not supposed to be taking this show seriously, but it really did strike a particular feeling of soullessness whenHaha, at the end of the day who the hell was this for? It's just sort of sad. There was absolutely nothing of value to be found in this story.the bunnies started gathering people into a meat sack and blendering them.
I guess the surprise at the endIt has the irreverence for a weird, pulpy horror, but not the competence. Too bad.that the town was a big setup just for the experiment with Saya was an ambitious turn, but without any proper characterization with the main cast, who the fuck cares that they're all actually dirt bags? And they were already supposed to be dead, so...? It's almost like they brought them back just to kill them again, haha.
I decided to pick this up from the sort of notoriety it has around here so that I could maybe get a laugh out of it or be surprised, but getting any of either was few and far between. There's really no reason to watch this show unless you're into really abject body horror. Mizushima's pretty good at that.
The design tho...
Kanon 8
Hmm, the past couple of episodes haven't started with that ominous narration about "the dream". Wonder if that's important.
And here we go.Out of the blue, Yuichi remembers Makoto's last name. Looks like they knew each other as kids?
Whoa, what?
They, uh, haven't equipped GFs at some point, have they?
This is set in the winter, so why does this hilltop and forest seem to be in a summer state?
Hmm,I'm sensing a connection here.they find a clearing in the woods and Yuichi's inner narration states that this is where he and Makoto parted ways. Last episode, she stated that when things have no use, they are disposed of.
And more flashbacks...wait, what?
i first watched evangelion on a shitty crt at 8pm at night on some sweltering summer night while my parents were out. good times. i don't think sbs even ran ads back then so it was probably a whole episode in one go.
This was me. Good times. Now I look back and wonder why I was watching Evangelion when I was only 8 years old.
Then, bam!,the amnesiac runaway is a fox with a terminal case of humanity.
You should just criticize the later seasons for being rote and unfunny.i dunno, i feel like criticising seitokai yakuindomo for its lack of plot is like criticising a stand up special for its lack of characterisation. I mean, you're right, but you're wrong, you know...
From what I heard a lot of people like the series despite the slow start.I though about checking it out but yeah, those designs kind of scared me away.
Oh my.Danmachi dakimakuras (NSFW)
"Nisekoi" Anime to Adapt "Magical Patissier Kosaki-chan"
I believe that would be about the upcoming anime episode that will adapt the Nisekoi spinoff about Magical girl Onedera.
@Crunchyroll: News: "Non non Biyori Repeat" Broadcast Schedule Revealed
im aware
of everything
Marika's school uniform is also oddly familiar. It's on the tip of my tounge but I can't come up with it.
I thought the shock was so great you needed it stated twice to believe it
I just didn't notice the crunchyroll link
Looks like a variation on the Love Live uniforms?
It's like, everything is normal. Sure, the memory loss is a bit weird, and that demon hunter girl is probably just a chuuni, but nothing really out of the ordinary. Then, bam!,Not gonna rule anything out just yet.the amnesiac runaway is a fox with a terminal case of humanity.
Unless Yuichi is schizophrenic?
Yup, that's what did it for me. It's so... stupid. Perhaps if the reasoning behind it was more fleshed out thanthen it'd be easier for me to accept, but the real issue is how Yuiichi reacts to it; no one would believe something so utterly ridiculous without questioning it first! There is no reason for him to accept it so blindly when what he's being told is completely preposterous! If anything, shouldn't he be offended that someone had the gall to offer him such an awful explanation whenshe turned into a human because she loves you and it's a miracleI just couldn't take it at all seriously after that point, and it didn't get any better for me.Mikoto, someone he cares deeply about, is clearly dying?
So one week after Etotama Vol 2 released and bombed, the publisher releases Vol 3 to bomb at 553 sold.
July 7th
Marika's school uniform is also oddly familiar. It's on the tip of my tounge but I can't come up with it.
So Windows 10-tan is here, and they open for name submissions currently.
A few days ago I said that Tokyo Ghoul was going to be the most popular cosplay and what do you know? I was right! I probably saw 10 different Kanekis as well as assorted members of the supporting cast. Highlight of the show was finding a stall selling imported blurays and I will definitely be using their website in the future.
I got a lot of what I wanted and the free KlK tote bag was super useful, not pictured is my Log Horizon part 2 as it has already been lent out to a friend to watch.
Without a doubt. Both the song and the visuals are perfect. I think it's my absolute favorite ending.
Hey guys, you know what was pretty good? D-Frag!. D-Frag! was preeeeetty good.
They doing a second season of that or what?
Did some quick Google since SSY means nothing to me, that's a show called Shinsekai yori right? Just hard a look at the ED, its pretty nice. The show seems pretty popular, but having a little look at the show, an easy pass from me. Still, nice ED!
Thanks, not into fan service personally at all, so that makes me a little weary, but having said that I'll give it a shot since it's short enough!![]()
ANN review said:Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works is 100% about mascullinity and not just "ideals"... Let's go back to the most relevant example in FSN's prequel, Fate/Zero. That work succeeded as a study in idealism because it depicted men struggling with toxic conceptions of masculinity.
If you're still interested in it you should give it a shot when you get time, it's been absolutely brilliant so far.Hey, I remember wanting to check this once but I kinda... forgot about it.
I just detest the way it looks, puts me off straight away and just doesn't grab me at all. I'm the sure the show is good but my backlog is just way too amazing right now, things that are making me squeal just at the notion of finally watching them that 'going of course' and watching anything else doesn't sit well with me.SSY is extremely good. You are doing a disservice to yourself by not giving this show a chance. It is a remarkably deep and atmospherically powerful story. Very foreboding and multi-faceted, where you can tell there is something very very strange going on beneath the calm exterior. Oh to watch this show again for the first time!
Man, I just made some killer sirloin steaks, kilbasa, asparagus for my daughter and baked potatoes on the grill; might be time to watch some Soma soon.
Windows 7- Nanami Madobe (voiced by Nana Mizuki)
Windows 8- Yu and Ai Madobe
Azure- Claudia Madobe (voiced by Eri Kitamura)
Microsoft Singapore created Inori Aizawa (Internet Explorer). Microsoft Taiwan created Hikaru Aizawa (Silverlight)
Here is Nanami and Claudia anime shorts
Well these are the same people that said Cowboy Bebop was a good anime, and we saw how bad that turned out. Its reasons why one should see Tomorrowland instead.
I was at an anime convention over the weekend, ended up seeing some Bubblegum Crisis for the first time.
I really want to watch this now.
What world did I just woke up to...
Tis' not a lovely day indeed.
Yeah some of the subplots kinda go nowhere (especially the one with that...girl). But I think at least it still resolves the main fight pretty well.