by the way, i've not watched or know anything about it really, but is assassination classroom like a school series where kids are learning how to be assassins, or what?
Yes, so they can kill their teacher.
by the way, i've not watched or know anything about it really, but is assassination classroom like a school series where kids are learning how to be assassins, or what?
by the way, i've not watched or know anything about it really, but is assassination classroom like a school series where kids are learning how to be assassins, or what?
This makes me sad, we will never get an ending now.
So one week after Etotama Vol 2 released and bombed, the publisher releases Vol 3 to bomb at 553 sold.
Bebop is fucking good, but I've seen soo much awesome shit since I last watched Bebop which was over 5 years ago that I don't really care for it anymore. Even in the OST department, I'm just tired of Bebop. It's good, its fucking great, but so much other amazing shit is out there that its a disservice to them all to hold Bebop as the one and true savior of anime like a lot of people do.
That's obviously fine, its a mighty good show to say the least, but it gets tiring when you hear people act as if anime doesn't matter outside of Bebop and Eva, and that comes from my stupid closed off ass, the guy who doesn't watch a load of shit for no reason whatsoever is saying this for pete's sake. I think it's good, but I don't have orgasms whenever I see it, and I get the impression a lot of people do, which is fine I guess![]()
Feels like I'd get tied up and used as blood bag if I admit Age of Ultron was more entertaining to watch.
Thanks for answering my questions from before everyone. Hopefully I didn't cause a shitstorm
Also, there's a new "anime is doomed" thread in OT so ............ yeah..........
So what's everyone's new hobby going to be when anime dies?
*Search on Google and saw pics of screenshot*
Um...okay then. Why did I search this show.....
So what's everyone's new hobby going to be when anime dies?
Okay, does anyone have a gif of the finishing blow from this past weekends battle with the minotaur
I just want to compare the two of them side by side. Both were awesome.
So I'm guessing no "Fundamentals of Sniping", "Social Engineering 101", "Laundering your Awesome Suit" or "How to Poison one specific person in a Banquet serving 500" classes huh
Oh man, I was going to put it all in spoilers, but screw it. You need to watch the next two episodes and it will all make sense. Oh man, that episode coming up, it's just, man... at least watch #9 & #10. All will be revealed and played out for this arc.
Oh, I did. I got to episode 18.would have been really impactful and emotional had it not been for the fact that it was happening becauseMikoto's slow, degrading death, losing her motor abilities, as her intelligence returned to that of a foxIt just felt like such a betrayal that they were building up for something big in the episodes prior and the big payoff is thatmiracles don't last forever or some guff and she could no longer maintain her human form.she was a fox all along.
If there's anything that makes that whole arc better after episode 18 could you tell me it in spoilers? I have no desire to pick it up again but if my complaints are rectified later in the series then I'd quite like to know.
Otaku were a mistake . They're nothing but trash.
Well bebop, in some parts didn't age perfectly ..and some anime did stuff better than beebop before and after it.. i won't argue that there is a potential debate here.
But no way you can convince me that beebop is bad. no way.
And that's the problem i have with DTL comment.
Beebop wouldn't be in my top 10 of best anime. It would be in my top 20 however . Despite it's age , it's a must-watch if you're watching anime IMO.
Now everything make sense.
Oh I agree with the bolded. The issue is that the discourse of this subject in the OT won't reach above Animewasamistake.gif, "FUCK K'ON!", and "all anime is trash - trust me I'm an expert who hasn't watched a single anime in 15 years!". That's my source of irritation.
I'm not actually sure how K-ON became to be the poster boy for moeshit when Lucky Star and all those Key adaptations came before it
Hell even Azumanga Daioh was before those and people seem to love that
Anime is like baseball and Nintendo. Always "doomed", but still trucking.
When the nuclear apocalypse hits, it will still be there. And probably the catalyst of it.
Seitokai Yakuindomo is the very definition of a sitcom. Don't expect much progression in the show - in fact, they troll people who expect progression in the series finale of the last season.I watched it centuries ago, and all I can say is that I dont get all the praise for this show.
Characters doesnt develope, there's no interesting plot. Is purely based on sex jokes. If you find those funny, I guess it's an OK show. Either it's a waste of time, IMHO.
But I guess the best you can do is check it out for yourself.
Rokka no Yūsha PV
quarterly? More like monthly, lol. It's my fault... I know; all my fault dammit.
This Firehawk post though:
LOL, the Hate is real!
I just remembered we talked about this. lolhaha firehawk12! Alright, I will play some shitty games with you next time you ask because of your SAO hate![]()
Also Happy Birthday Cajunator!
I just remembered we talked about this. lol
At this point, I'm pretty sure Saekano reaches the "heights" of SAO in my mind.
ehh, danmachi one is very well animated and feels like actual combat (it's not the finishing blow), Sao one feels like a fighting scene from dragonball/KLK where you repeat 4 frames all over, all that dressed in fancy effects.
Brynhildr in the Darkness ep. 1-5:
This is a crazy dark show. I mean, talk about the ultimate death awaiting. Watching teanage girls gettign killed because they areWeel the MC doesn;t mind that much, at least he got a full frontal view of one of them, but damn, this is terrible. BNow I need to find out who recommended this one to me and why? Was this oen supossed to be romantic or something?Alien infused witches is pretty gross, I mean, really, really gross
lol this show
They recommended you Brynhildr because you watch everything lol.
Besides, there are evil forces at work here.
This will probably turn out to be my comfy relaxing fantasy anime. The setting looks really nice, it has that ancient Aztec feel to it. Will definitely watch it.
God I hope the Studio doesn't screw this up. I mean the Director is the person who did Spice&Wolf and the Horizon writer. This series could turn out great.
Rokka no Yūsha PV
They recommended you Brynhildr because you watch everything lol.
Besides, there are evil forces at work here.
This looks nice, I have on my list for the summer. Who knows it might surprise us like DanMachi didThis will probably turn out to be my comfy relaxing fantasy anime. The setting looks really nice, it has that ancient Aztec feel to it. Will definitely watch it.
God I hope the Studio doesn't screw this up. I mean the Director is the person who did Spice&Wolf and the Horizon writer. This series could turn out great.
I can only imagine. I'll have to use the search function to find the culprit...
Brynhildr is legitimately hilarious. It's a better list show than 90% of the list.
Brynhildr is legitimately hilarious. It's a better list show than 90% of the list.
At least you have Kazumi
Is it though?
Okay, does anyone have a gif of the finishing blow from this past weekends battle with the minotaur
I just want to compare the two of them side by side. Both were awesome.
Sigh. Of course this was from a harem.
Brynhildr in the Darkness ep. 1-5:
This is a crazy dark show. I mean, talk about the ultimate death awaiting. Watching teanage girls getting killed because they areWell the MC doesn't mind that much, at least he got a full frontal view of one of them, but damn, this is terrible. Now I need to find out who recommended this one to me and why? Was this one supossed to be romantic or something?Alien infused witches is pretty gross, I mean, really, really gross
One can only endure so much of Lynn Okamoto's brand of shittiness.You should watch Elfen Lied after you finish Brynhildr.
Sigh. Of course this was from a harem.
One can only endure so much of Lynn Okamoto's brand of shittiness.
Elfen Lied doesn't have the same feel as Brynhildr, it's just plain bad.
You should watch Elfen Lied after you finish Brynhildr.
I've been ignoring this since your watch, but since it's spreading...Makoto. Her name is Makoto.
Which is best, Dirty Pair or Dirty Pair Flash? Flash is just a remake, right?
Love that creepy and "wrong" atmosphere appearing unexpectedly in this show. Best episode yet.
You should join us in the FSN thread, that's where the love is. I really enjoyed it.
Then the show works as intended.Nanoha Vivid 08
Out of all the girls I swear it feels like Einhart is getting the most quality training session. I know they've tried to make Vivio her rival but damn does it still feel like Einhart is still significantly better than Vivio.
At least they tried something differentDanmachi dakimakuras (NSFW)