dungeon ni deai wo motomeru no wa machigatteiru darou kaHestia
is very popular...
dungeon ni deai wo motomeru no wa machigatteiru darou kaHestia
is very popular...
A loli with big boobs..you don't say....
And that bloody boob string of hers....
Yet you missing 1 of Hanada Kyoani show.
Never read her other novel and i don't think Japanese will confused her novels.
Not sure what you're trying to say here, because surely you don't intend to mean that Kyoukai no Kanata of all things is the same as Sound! Euphonium.
Have you read Sound! Euphonium?
I should really start Gintama but I wanna watch Girls Und Panzer first...
The string hold up those boobs.So we're discussing boob string theory now?
So we're discussing boob string theory now?
So we're discussing boob string theory now?
No one is going to disagree with you.
well one is shorter while the other is better. Gintama is an investment but unlike cars, the value only grows with each passing episode.
"Typical Kyoani"
It's not like i'm only one talking about this.
Well saying stuck in 2009 is not 100% right because at least they made Nichijou at 2011, too bad the sales is not very good in Kyoani standard.
Yes? though just fast reading. Btw did you thought i'm saying this show is some Okada-level shit? of course not.
And from the pace Kyoani maybe only adapt vol.1.
I wish KyoAni was stuck in 2009, or rather 2010-2012, because that's when they made their best productions. At any rate, I think any serious examination of KyoAni's shows will show that, despite all featuring high school characters, they are not just carbon copies of each other, for better or worse.
Not having read Sound! Euphonium myself, I can only go by what people who have read it say. Ultimatemegax says there isn't a large romance component, you say there is, I don't know who to believe.
Aside from basic information about its crew - direction by Rintaro, animation by Madhouse, writing from Katsuhiro Otomo - I don't know a lot, other than the fact that it was an adaptation of the manga by Osamu Tezuka, and that it also drew strong inspiration, especially visually, from the extremely influential 1927 silent film of the same name. (The manga in question was inspired by but mostly different from OG Metropolis.) I suppose if you returned to the sources and read the Tezuka manga and the silent film it would make for interesting and illuminating comparisons.
Sorry for double post, but it's sad news so don't want to post in my previous reply.
Cocoa Fujiwara, mangaka of Inu x Boku SS passed away
RIP, she's only 31 years old...
Sorry for double post, but it's sad news so don't want to post in my previous reply.
Cocoa Fujiwara, mangaka of Inu x Boku SS passed away
RIP, she's only 31 years old...
Sorry for double post, but it's sad news so don't want to post in my previous reply.
Cocoa Fujiwara, mangaka of Inu x Boku SS passed away
RIP, she's only 31 years old...
Sorry for double post, but it's sad news so don't want to post in my previous reply.
Cocoa Fujiwara, mangaka of Inu x Boku SS passed away
RIP, she's only 31 years old...
Sorry for double post, but it's sad news so don't want to post in my previous reply.
Cocoa Fujiwara, mangaka of Inu x Boku SS passed away
RIP, she's only 31 years old...
Sorry for double post, but it's sad news so don't want to post in my previous reply.
Cocoa Fujiwara, mangaka of Inu x Boku SS passed away
RIP, she's only 31 years old...
Sorry for double post, but it's sad news so don't want to post in my previous reply.
Cocoa Fujiwara, mangaka of Inu x Boku SS passed away
RIP, she's only 31 years old...
Motherfucker, only a few years older than me
has anybody here read the manga of the Inuyasha/Ranma author? Is she still banking that phat money on the 'will they won't they' plot point? I completely forgot an anime based off her work is this season and I'm curious if it's the same crap
The most important question here is: have you seen Revolutionary Girl Utena?
How informed are you on "the classics"? Stuff like Cowboy Bebop, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Neon Genesis Evangelion and so forth?
Some people like to make a myanimelist or hummingbird account to keep track of all the stuff they've watched and how they felt about it. It also helps others to give recommendations at a glance.
pourin moe 40sSorry for double post, but it's sad news so don't want to post in my previous reply.
Cocoa Fujiwara, mangaka of Inu x Boku SS passed away
RIP, she's only 31 years old...
Kill la Kill because of the sword and Dandy because sakuga? iunno
Tiered seating for orchestras in jpn schools is real bee tee dubs, at least on stage
I think I'm in love with YuruYuri.
It was mostly ignored here, I think.Tari Tari was 2ch 2nd-best show of 2012, don't worry.
Not sure why seems west not liking this show though.
Didn't you give up on that noitaminA show? lolSound! Euphonium - 01
This will probably be my favorite show this season on premise and art alone.