RIP The Big O.The only good mecha anime Sunrise has ever made were the ones they targeted to children.
You crossed the line Japan. You crossed the line.
Seriously, I just can't help but feel like a studio, publisher or whoever is ultimately responsible doesn't respects its own IP enough when they...'whore out' their characters for crap like this.
I just don't (want to) believe that Shirobako needs this kind of merchandise to be profitable or...more profitable. Y'all will tell me it's still a reasonable thing to do and worth the otaku-bucks but man, I need to wtf at this.
once you give your ip to a corporation all bets are off forever
Gintama has always been self-deprecating. I mean it made so many jokes about being forced to change time slots over and over again.
RIP The Big O.
The only good mecha anime Sunrise has ever made were the ones they targeted to children.
Animator expo short said:"I can Friday by day!" by Kazuya Tsurumaki and Hajime Ueda
I sure wouldn't show GaoGaiGar FINAL to children. Especially if they just finished the original.
Anno was right, anime truly was a mistake.For Aoi's purity's sake I'm now in favor of banning all anime.
VOTOMs is yesterday's news. Its kid brother Layzner is the true champion.
You crossed the line Japan. You crossed the line.
Anno was right, anime truly was a mistake.
For Aoi's purity's sake I'm now in favor of banning all anime.
I know you guys will buy that t-shirt Aoi Dakimakura.
Sound! Euphonium - 01
-This show makes me nostalgic as fuck. All these situations are realistic for a real band. The competitions, tears, emotions, rankings, a contrabass for a concert band... All there.
-Conducting animation didn't line up with the performance at the start. The one at the end did.
-The audio performance was as bad as Kumika thought it was lol. I'm glad they did bad studio recordings for the bad performances in the show. I don't know if normal people can tell or not, but yes, it was accurate. It was cool that they even got a fast-tempo piece closing conducting style correct for how you finish a piece for the Offenbach at the end.
-They actually took the time to say that a baritone and euphonium are different instruments.
-Dat tuner
-Dat background audio and general band room pre-rehearsal warmup
-Tuning the concert band with a b-flat from a b-flat clarinet (the audio was actually a b-flat too). Concert bands use this pitch compared to orchestras, which tune on A starting with an oboe moving from winds to strings, who then will tune all of their open strings accordingly.
-Dat 4th valve on the euphonium.
-Those performance markings on her sheet music.
-Those trombone slide positions!
-Sucking at trying to buzz in a mouthpiece for a beginner; The struggle is real for many newbies. I loved the learning how to buzz section. Though, using a V isn't the best method for a beginner lol. Making a tight circle with your thumb and pointer finger is way easier.
-Onee-chan is rocking a high-quality trombone. Dat trigger.
-I can't fucking believe they actually used an Alfred Reed arrangement/edit. Like holy shit. I performed that version for concert bands at least 6 times over my time as a performer. He's a prolific concert band arranger/composer. I'm really excited that they will be using legit concert band arrangements and compositions.
-Even their seating arrangements are spot on. It is odd to be using tiered podiums, though this could be a Japanese thing.
-Where are the french horns (which is supposed to be called just horn, for all you who don't know)? There are horns in concert settings.
-They have way too many saxophones lol. Like jesus.
This will probably be my favorite show this season on premise and art alone.
I played the alto sax when I was in school. I was impressed with the fact that the animation had the characters actually pushing on the right notes when they were playing there part. A lot of research clearly went into this. Looks to be a fun watch.
This season so far has really been delivering for anime.
I'll note that you are literally the first person I have seen exclaim this sentiment here.
I'll note that you are literally the first person I have seen exclaim this sentiment here.
Which one? There was a few there.
This season has some really great shows so far.
As for the note thing, that's what I observed. Than again I only play the saxophone, piano and guitar. They could be off with other instruments but I doubt it.
I don't know, I'm much more interested in this season than I was last season.
I mean yeah, we got the rest of Shirobako (which I plan to check out eventually) but we also got GBF TRY going downhill and the rest of Cross Ange.
Compared to those two, I'd say this season is showing some promise.
I played the alto sax when I was in school. I was impressed with the fact that the animation had the characters actually pushing on the right notes when they were playing there part. A lot of research clearly went into this. Looks to be a fun watch.
This season so far has really been delivering for anime.
Nah this season has been P good. Better than last season imo.
I don't know, I'm much more interested in this season than I was last season.
I mean yeah, we got the rest of Shirobako (which I plan to check out eventually) but we also got GBF TRY going downhill and the rest of Cross Ange.
Compared to those two, I'd say this season is showing some promise.
The season has really great shows thing. Lot of disaffection going on at the moment.
And to think, Ninja Slayer has yet to air!
this season is automatically worse since last season had Your Lie in April.
former sax player here too. Euphonium so far is the best thing out of this season's crop.
Yeah its pretty great. I remember being nervous when my high school teacher many years ago wanted me to go from alto to tenor or baritone sax. Sigh... memories.
The season has really great shows thing. Lot of disaffection going on at the moment.
So far this season has been all moe, no substance.
Gintama is back and new show from Chihayafuru/Nana director
stick to gaming side for being wrong all the time
I honestly think it is too soon one way or another to say considering we are not even done with all of the premieres yet.
Son, I played all 3. Mostly tenor though.
It's not too soon to say a season is good if you liked the shows that have aired so far.
Show by Rock!! is best first episode of this season so far.
Based Bones.
Hibike! Euphonium Episode 1:
I almost fell asleep watching this, another pass for me.
this season i'm going to be watching
Owari no Seraph
Arslan Senki
Kekkai Sensen
and Shoukugeki no Soma
are there any other recommendations that are starting to air?
What an interesting season. After Funimation appearing to take simulcasts seriously last season and really competing with CR, they seem to have given up already. Wonder what happened.did it not spike subs last season? Or is CR simply more aggressive after the shock of last season?
Hey anime gaf, my first time posting in here... I think?
I used to be a cartoon snob, insisting the only anime worth watching was by Studio Ghibli or Satoshi Kon. Then less than a year ago I happened on the 2014 spring anime thread here and experienced the onset of strange urges and or cravings. I think I started with Katanagatari and then moved on to stuff from the spring season -- probably most of it, before getting into the crunchyroll back catalog.
I don't seem to be able to stop. Some personal favorites are Moribito, Silver Spoon, Usagi Drop and Toradora. Really looking forward to more Haikyuu as well -- that show snuck up on me and by the end I felt like a kid watching after-school cartoons every week.
I want to say thanks to the active community here -- the reviews and recommendations have been great over the past year and led me to a ton of gems I wouldn't have found or given a chance otherwise.
I think I've probably watched over 50 series at this point, and that's not counting the ones I abandon. Help me gaf!
Shirobako was the highlight of a pretty sparse winter season for me. It's one of the only shows I've quit after two minutes, and I only gave it a second chance because there was so little else to watch. Yona was fun too.
I'm perpetually looking for more shows to watch, and I'll pretty much hunt anything down. Definitely interested in recommendations. Fantasy with realism, stuff with a lot of detail, and character centered dramas/comedies/romances with good dialogue are probably the things I naturally look for, but one contradiction I've learned: Don't judge a cartoon by its cover. I'll watch an episode or two of anything, there are a lot of shows I love I would have skipped otherwise.
Thanks for the welcome!
Hestia has taken over my twitter. It's all about the boob ribbon.
Hello Kirino Mosaic - 01
Kirino mosaic has 2 things that make it stood out of the rest :
-Best proper english since dogdays S3
Just look at that karen stealing the show
I mean every character is excellent and after so many month the cast is again at the top of it's game.. But KM is something else ... a proper slice of life anime with comedy.. that doesn't go toward pandering.
Something simple yet effective. With a main couple that is so earnest , so pure in their desire that you can't hate them ..
YES !! That is Kirino Mosaic , now in "Hello" mode... it's as glorious as ever !!
Hasn't even been that long and I already forgot about Rolling Girls. What a forgettable show.