Kit Fisto has an almost Jamaican accent in TCW. I like it.
Nothing can salvage that name, though.
Kit Fisto has an almost Jamaican accent in TCW. I like it.
Nothing can salvage that name, though.
I'm listening to the latest episode at work right now. Full of Sith is my favorite Star Wars podcast.Yup. I was that asshole.
The remixes are all here, too.
(I'm also a sometimes guest and sometimes producer of Full of Sith, if you're looking to listen to a Star Wars podcast)
Is Aftermath written in present tense like in that one preview/excerpt i saw?
Because if it is, i won't be reading it, even though i'm interested in the events of the book. Can't stand present tense narration in literature.
-Wedge Antilles was recruited for the Rebel Alliance by Ahsoka!
Some strange things in there.
That's not the kind of retcon I expected to happen. I like.
I don't. Make's the galaxy needlessly smaller place. Not everyone should be connected somehow.
Not sure it is a retcon though, more of a reveal as retcon changes existing stuff.
Not everything should be connected, but its Star Wars. Everything is connected when it shouldn't be.I don't. Make's the galaxy needlessly smaller place. Not everyone should be connected somehow.
Not sure it is a retcon though, more of a reveal as retcon changes existing stuff.
I suppose about the use of "retcon".
In this case, I think the Rebellion was small enough at the time that this particular event doesn't really reduce the scope of the galaxy.
I guess. Admittedly it is a very small thing.
But i'm worried this will lead to other such connections
In fiction, there tend to be heaps of these small things, so many one starts to wonder....
I guess. Admittedly it is a very small thing.
But i'm worried this will lead to other such connections
In fiction, there tend to be heaps of these small things, so many one starts to wonder....
That's not the kind of retcon I expected to happen. I like.
Well, she needs to survive Rebels to do that, right guys? Guys?
Technically she could have already recruited him by the time we see her in Rebels.It could have happened before A New Hope.
Maybe we'll get Wedge in a few episodes of Rebels S2?
The problem then is justifying why she doesn't help the rebels in either of their biggest assaults on the Empire. It'll be interesting to see what they decide on.I would personally like it if Ahsoka survives Rebels but that's more of a "want" and not a "need". Obviously it's in the hands of Filoni and the Story Group. It could happen with her likely not being an actual Jedi - "Certain point of view" and all that.
Imprisoned? Frozen?The problem then is justifying why she doesn't help the rebels in either of their biggest assaults on the Empire. It'll be interesting to see what they decide on.
The problem then is justifying why she doesn't help the rebels in either of their biggest assaults on the Empire. It'll be interesting to see what they decide on.
If you are referring to the battle of Yavin, I don't think it was a very long from the time they got to Yavin to the time the Death Star got there, and was destroyed. So if she was out on a mission or something she wouldn't have time to get back and help. I think the biggest problem would be why didn't she train Luke if she survived. Luke is searching for someone to help him, I'm sure someone would have said, there is a Jedi right there, go ask her.The problem then is justifying why she doesn't help the rebels in either of their biggest assaults on the Empire. It'll be interesting to see what they decide on.
As much as I like her, I really want her to die like that. It would be very satisfying.Thats why she will die in the end of sesson 2 in a epic battle with Vader
Thats why she will die in the end of sesson 2 in a epic battle with Vader
Both would be best.Vader needs to kill her. Or she makes a sacrifice and dies a heroic death for the new Rebel alliance.
Excerpt from Aftermath novel with interesting plot details. SPOILERS.
"No Sith remains. And the lone Jedi that exists--the son of Anakin Skywalker--possesses an untouchable soul. At least for now. We must instead move towards the dark side. Palpatine felt that the universe beyond the edges of our map was where his power came from. Over the many years he, with our aid, sent men and women beyond known space. They built labs and communication stations on distant moons, asteroids, out there in the wilds. We must follow them. Retreat from the Galaxy. Go out beyond the veil of stars. We must seek the source of the dark side like a man looking for a wellspring of water."
Is there something regarding Boba Fett in the new Book? Or is he dead per ROTJ-canon?
Looks like Hasbro will be releasing the second wave of Force Awakens Black Series figures at the end of September/early October.
It's rumoured to be Poe, Phasma, Constable Zuvio and someone else.
I love this gif.
I think something about his partially acid burnt armor being sold by some merchant, and then some guy taking it away. We still don't really know if he's dead or alive.
So its really Lukes old saber? I cant recall that it had a shaft for the laser over the laser releasethingyLooks like Hasbro will be releasing the second wave of Force Awakens Black Series figures at the end of September/early October.
It's rumoured to be Poe, Phasma, Constable Zuvio and someone else.
I love this gif.
The shaft is really different. Hm...
His face reads to me like: "I have no idea what I'm doing but here we go!"
I think something about his partially acid burnt armor being sold by some merchant, and then some guy taking it away. We still don't really know if he's dead or alive.
Cool. Thx.
So maybe...Kinda shitty of true because I enjoyed the butthurt haters, but this would make a lot of sense.the rumored Boba Fett exchange of the clone for another person for a Boba Solomovie was instead for a book?
Haha wowreally wouldn't want to be the guy sent to get that from the stomach of a sarlac. Maybe it was found outside near a dead one..
Looking forward to Force Friday then getting my hands on Atfermath and Shattered Empire in the coming weeks.
But this wouldn't recton the Prequels. The original (bogus) rumor did.
Unless someonecrawled out of the Sarlaac wearing it and discarded the armor.
I've only been watching Clone Wars for about a week, and I'm almost at episode 50 already. It just keeps getting better, and I can't stop watching! Legitimately upset that I didn't get into it sooner, but at least I get to binge-watch like crazy.
Is there going to be a new Darth Maul figure come Force Friday? Is there a detailed list/leak/reveal of what to expect anywhere?
Also regarding Maul, what's canon for him: markings are sith tattoos or just typical for his species making them just natural markings? I've heard both over the years. And what are the more worthwhile EU materials relating to him?
As you can imagine, I was a huge mark for Maul back during episode I and my dusty Darth Maul statue needs company and I'd like to get more material pertaining to him. Thanks.
I don't think they are any prequel era figures coming out on Friday, just Force Awakens characters and some Old Trilogy figures.Not sure on the markings (I think they are tats). But for canon stories for Maul, you need to watch The Clone Wars and read the Son of Dathomir series (comic book). All the other EU stuff with him doesn't count. Unless you don't mind the Legends stuff (and in that case not sure I can recommend much as I wasn't a huge fan).
Not sure on the markings (I think they are tats). But for canon stories for Maul, you need to watch The Clone Wars and read the Son of Dathomir series (comic book). All the other EU stuff with him doesn't count. Unless you don't mind the Legends stuff (and in that case not sure I can recommend much as I wasn't a huge fan).
Big thanks. Yeah this household is excited to start Clone Wars.I don't think they are any prequel era figures coming out on Friday, just Force Awakens characters and some Old Trilogy figures.