I'm going by what Making Star Wars have posted. Maybe he got it wrong or it was incorrectly translated.
Didn't they make quite a fuss about moving back to summer releases? Would be a bit odd to backtrack on that.Unless... Unless they already know that they're pushing Episode 8 back to December.
(they're not gonna do that, I don't think)
Didn't they make quite a fuss about moving back to summer releases? Would be a bit odd to backtrack on that.
There is no way production begins only 13 months before the release date in a movie with such a heavy amount of needed post production like this. I bet it is just when he shoots his parts.
This is Rian Johnson I am not worried. I will be shocked if it's not better than The Force Awakens.Eh, you never know. With Disney aiming for yearly Star Wars films, these things are going to be garbage before you even realize.
Well I work in VFX and am starting on Star Trek Beyond and can tell you that we'll end up with 9 months of post production after shooting completes. Of course some work can be done before/during production as well, but it's pretty short!There is no way production begins only 13 months before the release date in a movie with such a heavy amount of needed post production like this. I bet it is just when he shoots his parts.
so are we expecting Aftermath to hit audible at midnight EST or PST? never used it to get a book at release before
The cosplay for Finn has already began, now black people can become 3 different Star wars Characters lol. Im happy
Okay so I'm all ready to get through the work day
What app is this you're using? I need to find this in audio book form.
Audible for windows phone...but all platforms have an app
Okay so I'm all ready to get through the work day
Is Aftermath on the Audible store then I assume? Dark Disciple wasn't, not on the UK one at least. Book isn't out until 10th here though, super gutted.
For those of you playing Star Wars Card Trader, they released a set of 8 beautiful Force Awakens cards last night. Only available for a few days however.
HQ image released. Trailer soon?
Is it wrong how bothered I am that his fingers are so close to the saber blade?
He's still getting the hang of things. If anything, it just continues the pattern of first time lightsaber users not really appreciating the danger of what they're holding:Is it wrong how bothered I am that his fingers are so close to the saber blade?
HQ image released. Trailer soon?
Weird enough, they went ahead and created another verified Facebook page titled "Star Wars Movies".
With Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the stunning music of John Williams is returning to a galaxy far, far away and to your record collection.
StarWars.com is thrilled to announce that Williams soundtrack for Star Wars: The Force Awakens will hit stores on December 18, the same day as the movies release, and is now available for pre-order. Williams stirring, romantic compositions are a key component of the Star Wars saga, and among the most well-known music in film history. With new characters, worlds, and surprises on the horizon, the legacy of powerful, moving Star Wars music continues.
Just started The Clone Wars.
The movie was pretty forgettable and I can see why critics didn't like it but only two episodes into season one and I like it a lot more than I expected.
Can't wait for it to get even better.
First two seasons are a little rough, but season 3 the show really picks up.
He's still getting the hang of things. If anything, it just continues the pattern of first time lightsaber users not really appreciating the danger of what they're holding:
I'm surprised we haven't heard/seen people cut/kill themselves just turning on the thing out of curiosity.
People told me that when I first watched it too but I really like Seasons 1 and 2. The show does get even better starting in season 3 but I think the first 2 seasons are pretty great on their own merits.
I think it's best if Williams' score is first experienced in the theatre.Soundtrack to The Force Awakens isn't dropping until December 18th.
What a crock of BULLSHIT.
I think it's best if Williams' score is first experienced in the theatre.
Soundtrack to The Force Awakens isn't dropping until December 18th.
What a crock of BULLSHIT.
See above. Probably so as not to spoil the film like last time.
See above. Probably so as not to spoil the film like last time.
Music doesn't spoil the movie. Never has. If anything, being familiar with the music AS music before you see it in context enhances the scene.
Also just because someone let "Qui Gon's Noble End" onto a tracklisting back in 1999 doesn't mean it's going to happen again. It's been 15 years and it's maybe the most knee-jerk reaction anyone in the fandom has to the word Soundtrack.
I hear what your saying, but look at the Uber-Anti-Spoiler Wall Disney has dropped this time around. They ain't takin' no chances.
Today, Marvel announced Star Wars Special: C-3P0 #1, a new story from the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens publishing program coming in December. Reuniting acclaimed and award-winning writer and artist team of James Robinson and Tony Harris for the first time in nearly two decades, the tale follows golden rod on a solo adventure leading up to his appearance in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and reveals how he received his red arm.
All four C-3P0 fans are going to be so overjoyed.
All four C-3P0 fans are going to be so overjoyed.
All four C-3P0 fans are going to be so overjoyed.
And then 3PO killed a red protocol droid and took his arm.I'm in. Even though the explanation on how he lost his arm will probably be uneventful.
I am hoping he was attacked my a flock of mynocks and they chewed it off....but I'm not holding my breath.
I'm in. Even though the explanation on how he lost his arm will probably be uneventful.
I am hoping he was attacked my a flock of mynocks and they chewed it off....but I'm not holding my breath.