I thought Aftermath was okay. When the story stayed focused, that is. Story wasn't very focused, though. Every single interlude was more or less a waste. Shoulda all come out, along with the (too numerous) dialog nods to the OT. That's one "tradition" of the EU that can say in the legends designation.
About 2/3rds of the way through, I realized that with the episodic feel the novel had, what I was really reading was more or less "Chuck Wendig's Rebels Season one." A similar collection of archetypes (Man hiding from his past, Bounty Hunter with a conscience, Duty-bound mom, Headstrong Son, Sociopathic Droid) bouncing off of each other and learning to be a real team while thwarting the efforts of a single Imperial.
Wendig's voice still comes through, and I didn't mind that. But considering the man is such a huge advocate of cutting, cutting, and cutting your work until it's as streamlined as possible, there's about 100 pages that could come out of this thing and nobody would miss it.