Completely serious - I would love to see Jar-Jar reappear as a Sith lord.
Thanks for your recommendations guys, I'll get that Rise of the Empire-book on my way home from work today. I was thinking of buying one more book for him, what's the best of the new canon ones released so far?
One of the most famous flubs has just been settled by Luke Skywalker himself. In "Star Wars: A New Hope," the first release in the saga, Luke (Mark Hamill) returns home after destroying the Death Star in the Battle of Yavin. He is greeted by his friends and family (that Leia sister bomb hadn't been dropped yet) to celebrate the victory.
"Star Wars" fans have long questioned whether Hamill broke the fourth wall by mistakenly yelling "Carrie!" when he hugs co-star Carrie Fisher, instead of using her character's name, Leia.
Responding to a fan's question on Twitter, Hamill ended the confusion once and for all and called the supposed mistake "Total BS."
Mark Hamill@HamillHimself
TOTAL BS! Actually said "There she..." as in "There she is." Dialogue in that scene was dubbed. In-jokes disallowed!
Now Pete from Slashfilm is saying no trailer fRom what he's heard. I trust Breznican more, but this has me concerned.
Well didn't a announcement for the first teaser debut 48 hours before release? Isn't Rebels coming back tonight?
Operative words in that tweet are "next week", which still leaves room for ManaByte's (aka Conrad's) foretelling of a Friday, October 16th release. May just be incredibly wishful thinking on my part though.
"Fifty percent of our executive team are women," said Kennedy." Six out of eight of the people in my Story Group are women. I think it's making a huge difference in the kind of stories we're trying to tell."
The long-awaited new trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens will reportedly arrive online Monday, Oct. 19, which will mark the beginning of preorder ticket sales.
According to Screen Crush, Disney is expected to make an announcement about both the trailer and ticket preorders before that date, most likely on Friday or Sunday. The trailer is reportedly targeted for theatrical release on Nov. 6, with Spectre.
Anyway, Shattered Empire #3 and Chewbacca #1 are out today, and season 2 of Rebels starts tonight!
According to CBR, according to Screen Crush:
I hope they make it like the other 6 movies.Making Star Wars are saying it'll get a new logo too.
I hope they make it like the other 6 movies.
So I read the Little Golden Books versions of the Original Trilogy to my 6-year old daughter last night. I really wish I had been videotaping her reaction to the Darth Vader parentage reveal. I saw her eyes widen, and she goes, "Wait... what?!?!" She was incredulous about it, saying, "Is that real? Darth Vader is really Luke's father? No way."
So I read the Little Golden Books versions of the Original Trilogy to my 6-year old daughter last night. I really wish I had been videotaping her reaction to the Darth Vader parentage reveal. I saw her eyes widen, and she goes, "Wait... what?!?!" She was incredulous about it, saying, "Is that real? Darth Vader is really Luke's father? No way."
It's cool to hear someone's genuinely amazed reaction to that reveal. Star Wars is so ingrained in our culture you would almost expect them to come out of the womb knowing that already.
I've glanced through the set I bought. I'll definitely be waiting a little bit until I read them to her since she's only almost three but I'm really looking forward to it.
You ever watch Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? It's sorta like that.Was there ever an EU story or comic that showed what happened at that dinner on Bespin with Vader, Fett, Leia, Han, etc?
If not, I'm surprised given how they've had a story for everything else.
Was there ever an EU story or comic that showed what happened at that dinner on Bespin with Vader, Fett, Leia, Han, etc?
If not, I'm surprised given how they've had a story for everything else.
Very interesting. Who are they? Kiri Hart, Jennifer Heddle, and...?
The only other confirmed Story Group people I can even think of are Pablo Hidalgo and Leeland Chee, so I guess they're the two males.
So connected with JJ and told him to hurry up with a trailer. Fingers crossed! That's all I can do. #injjwetrust
I love that Boyega loves this.
Also with rise of the empire being short stories, a new dawn and tarkin...will there be future collection/compilation books for the other books?
Weve heard from multiple sources that heres whats happening with Star Wars: The Force Awakens this weekend.
First, well get to see the official one sheet on Sunday morning.
Second, the trailer will debut Monday night, roughly around 8pm EST.
Third, tickets will go on sale very soon after that, likely around 8:30pm EST. They should be available at most, if not all, ticketing sites and theaters.
I've heard that specific chain of events somewhere before - I think it was Making Star Wars' initial prediction. I'm wondering if io9 is simply re-reporting what they said without actually realizing it's the same prediction.
Or maybe they spoke to the same source, or independently verified that information via someone else.
I've also seen the guy who called the instagram tease featuring Finn WEEKS before anyone heard anything, saying that the trailer's actually dropping tomorrow.
It's still really up in the air, basically. Monday seems like the most solid bet, though, considering the ticket sales and Breznican's tweet. It's just a matter of WHEN on Monday
Monday Night Football seems logical. Get it in front of the most eyes at once.
But they'll get twice as many eyes if they drop it in the morning online. Also running it during MNF won't hurt, but if they're looking to actually get the most people seeing it, confining it to a televised broadcast of a football game isn't as good as letting it run on demand for whoever wants to see it online.
Basically, MNF alone? 10 mil. (maybe)
All day online + MNF? 35 mil (maybe 40)
Plus that's all day long that you can take pre-sales.
But they'll get twice as many eyes if they drop it in the morning online. Also running it during MNF won't hurt, but if they're looking to actually get the most people seeing it, confining it to a televised broadcast of a football game isn't as good as letting it run on demand for whoever wants to see it online.
Basically, MNF alone? 10 mil. (maybe)
All day online + MNF? 35 mil (maybe 40)
Plus that's all day long that you can take pre-sales.
But there's also the brand synergy aspect of Disney owning ESPN, which airs MNF.
This doesn't dent that at all though. Again - it's not as if I'm saying it shouldn't be on MNF at all. I'm saying it should absolutely air there. The synergy would draw eyeballs to the trailer that might not otherwise have seen it zipping around the internet all day. But I just don't see how it's particularly wise to cut out the people who WILL be zipping it around the internet all day (the 20+ million that will be doing so) for the sake of increasing ratings for MNF - which isn't even a guarantee, because there's nothing that says people who normally don't watch football are going to tune in JUST for that, especially when they know it's going online the second it debuts.
The synergy is best used as a means to engage people who aren't already online. That's 10 mil. But putting it up earlier in the morning on will get you twice that many eyeballs and a full days worth of pre-sales before you add that guaranteed 10 mil from the football game.