This doesn't dent that at all though. Again - it's not as if I'm saying it shouldn't be on MNF at all. I'm saying it should absolutely air there. The synergy would draw eyeballs to the trailer that might not otherwise have seen it zipping around the internet all day. But I just don't see how it's particularly wise to cut out the people who WILL be zipping it around the internet all day (the 20+ million that will be doing so) for the sake of increasing ratings for MNF - which isn't even a guarantee, because there's nothing that says people who normally don't watch football are going to tune in JUST for that, especially when they know it's going online the second it debuts.
The synergy is best used as a means to engage people who aren't already online. That's 10 mil. But putting it up earlier in the morning on sw.com/youtube/iTunes will get you twice that many eyeballs and a full days worth of pre-sales before you add that guaranteed 10 mil from the football game.
But the purpose of debuting on MNF would be to bring more eyeballs to MNF, not to the Star Wars trailer.
Ultimately, I'm not sure whether it matters whether it is released online Monday during the morning or at night. Ultimately, what matters is exposure, and plenty of people will be watching it whether it's at work Monday morning or Tuesday morning. And plenty of people will be buying tickets online either Monday morning or Tuesday morning for a movie that's still two months away.
I just don't think it matters at all when, where, or how they release this trailer or info about ticket pre-sales. This thing is a juggernaut that will stomp everything in its path regardless of the conditions.