Need Help. I want to get my kids in to star wars, but I keep hearing conflicting things about which movies to watch in what order.
Should of just asked GAF to begin with.
What order should we re-watch the older films in preparation for TFA
I would start with the Original Trilogy (4, 5, 6). TFA is going to be based as a direct sequel to Episode VI.
If your kids are really into it, then I would watch the prequels (1, 2, 3).
If this is your first time ever watching them, your going to be thrown off a little bit by some of the things that you see. That's by design, as Lucas has went back over the years and has "redone" some of the story to fit an overall arc from Episode 1-6.
Some will recommend to just watch them from Episode 1 on. Its your choice really, but if your kids have no idea, or if you do not have any idea on the big "reveal" in Empire Strikes Back, I would start w/ the original trilogy (4, 5, 6).
THERE'S MORE! Lets say you get through all the episodes, and you want more. There's the Clone Wars TV show, which takes place between Episode II (Attack of the Clones) and Episode III (Revenge of the Sith). It fleshes out a lot of the story on the prequels.
But more than anything, just enjoy them for what they are. A lot of people tend to go overboard on Lucas "ruining their childhood" because there has been so many changes to the overall story. But the story is complete, at least from Episodes 1-6. Now we start a new chapter, with a new legacy being built with the new characters.