Why wouldn't a tree be able to be strong in the Force? It's a living thing. It's got midichlorians!
And if a cave can be full of the dark side, a tree can have the Force too.
No no, I mean I get it. Every living thing has some force sensitivity.
My point is what makes it special? Just because It was on the temple doesn't mean it's gotta be some mystic shit. Luke should've at least hinted at his suspicions or something
Sorry if I asked this already but where can I read about the major problems of Phantom Menace? I get that the movie ended up being disliked a lot upon release.
Personally my ranking of the prequel trilogies are
'Best': Attack of the Clones, mainly because the 2nd half is good. The first half would've been a lot better without the Padem and Ani stuff.
The other 2 I'd rank beneath it.
Phantom Menace has some good stuff but the bad stuff compound it. Revenge of the Sith was too rushed.
Other than that I'm about to start Season 5 of Clone Wars. Season 4 was overall really good, the best season IMO, although various story arcs felt like they padded by one episode too long.
Huh, that's a rare opinion, must people like myself usually think it's the weakest due to the kind of unnatural romance. But gotta say, i kinda warmed up to it when my girlfriend commented that most boys are freaking creeps when nervously trying to impress an important girl at that age and said she felt that angle made sense for her.....Looking back at my late teens, I can only agree.
As for people hating on menace the list kinda goes like this.
1- Jar Jar binks being annoying, and he is.
2-Changes, they hate changes from the OT, Qui-Gonn being Obi-Wan's mentor in his teens while yoda being only being his teacher as a kid offscreen pissed fans expecting to see them together. Another good source of criticism in that area is the change to more fast paced battles (Those get nitpicked to hell and back)
3- The Midichlorians, some people thought they were the force itself, and got pissed, and other got the explanation right, and got even more pissed because they thought a physical component to the force takes away the magic of it.
4-The focus on politics. I mean I get it, it's all Palpatine's game. But many just wanted more adventure less world building and exposition.
5-Jake Lloyds acting.
6--The hype was waaaay too strong, I expect a similar effect on VII's reception a la Age of Ultron.
And I say this as someone who reaaaally liked the prequels as a kid.But I am just as critical of the original trilogy though (Fuck 3PO)