novery said:Ever see any dirty dealings at the store? (Co-workers selling somebody's reserved copy to a friend? Theft? Selling used games as new?)
novery said:Ever see any dirty dealings at the store?
dog$ said:Two excerpts from my FuncoLand career:
A manager (friend of mine at a different store) pocketed $100+ on people putting reservations down for the PS9.
I recieved a week of ghost pay after being fired.
Drinky Crow said:I once went into a Gamestop and the guy said "hey you're that dude from the internet" and I went "what" and he punched me in the penis.
I actually don't feel bad about trade-in prices, and I don't believe it's a rip-off. What a lot of people don't realize is that when you've purchased a game, you've paid for a certain amount of entertainment, and most of the time that's what you get. Once you're finished with it, trading it in is just an extra bonus. Besides, if it's a fairly new game, you can get more than half of what you paid for it within the first month or so. We always tell people these things, so I don't know why they bitch and moan because they're only getting $1 for NCAA Football 2001. As far as AAA classics go, I don't see a lot of kids trading those in. Most of the time, it's an old Yu Gi Oh or Pokemon game, or a disc that looks like it was taped to the bottom of a shoe.novery said:Do you ever feel bad for ripping off customers with crappy trade-in prices? (I know I've personally witnessed kids desperate for a new game trade in AAA classic games for $4 store credit. It hurts... Oh, it hurts.)
m0dus said:Alright. This horrid customer story is for the ages.
A customer comes in to our Software ETC, and browses around the store for a while. Eventually, he picks up a copy of Redneck rampage for the PC, and takes it up to us at the counter:
Customer: "Is this the game where you shoot the coloreds?
All--and I mean ALL the employees just freeze. Nobody knows what to say at this point, we're all pretty much in shock. Every one, that is, except for the manager, who, without missing a beat, responds:
Manager: "Yeah. but you need the strategy guide to find 'em"
As it turns out, this wasn't the first time this particular incident had happened. Rather than try to reason with the unfaltering ignorance that drives these people, he found it far easier to relieve them of their money.
1. The kind that know what they're talking about.novery said:What are the best kind of customers?
Do you ever feel bad for ripping off customers with crappy trade-in prices? (I know I've personally witnessed kids desperate for a new game trade in AAA classic games for $4 store credit. It hurts... Oh, it hurts.)
Any other good stories that don't involve the customer mispronouncing a game's title?
Oh, here's a good one: Ever see any dirty dealings at the store? (Co-workers selling somebody's reserved copy to a friend? Theft? Selling used games as new?)
Soul4ger said:District manager was in. A kid called, and the store manager (not the district) picked up the phone. The kid asked what the trade-in value for Gran Turismo 4 was. My manager told him the game isn't due out for a few months. The caller INSISTED that he went to Wal-Mart, and they had it in and he bought a copy. He wanted the credit amount. Of course, we already have GT4 in the computer, with new and preowned prices, and trade-in values, because we can take pre-orders. They put that stuff in months beforehand. My manager told him it was worth $25, but warned him that he likely bought GT3 because 4 wasn't coming out until November. The kid insisted it was GT4.
So, my manager got off the phone and we started laughing about it. I also mentioned how it wasn't out in Japan yet, either, but there was a Prologue disc. The chances that he found that in Wal-Mart, though, and that it worked on his PS2 were slim, obviously. We had a good laugh, and talked about how we were waiting it to come in so we could see why he thought it was Gran Turismo 4. At this point, the district manager jumped in the conversation. "If it is GT4, you make sure you get it from him. If he says GameStop will give him more, call down there to confirm, then give him more than they will!" We both just stopped and stared at her. Seriously, my manager always tries to placate the woman and agree with her when she says stuff, just so she won't get pissy with us, and she'll leave as soon as possible. But there was nothing he could think to say this time.
Why do I find that hilarious, yet sad?m0dus said:Alright. This horrid customer story is for the ages.
A customer comes in to our Software ETC, and browses around the store for a while. Eventually, he picks up a copy of Redneck rampage for the PC, and takes it up to us at the counter:
Customer: "Is this the game where you shoot the coloreds?
All--and I mean ALL the employees just freeze. Nobody knows what to say at this point, we're all pretty much in shock. Every one, that is, except for the manager, who, without missing a beat, responds:
Manager: "Yeah. but you need the strategy guide to find 'em"
JackFrost2012 said:This is not really a stupid clerk story, but: in Japan in Akihabara, whenever you buy a game, the clerk always very carefully ensures that A) you are well aware what system this is for and B) that you, a foreigner, can't play this game on your crazy foreign game system, only on Japanese systems. They are VERY clear about this.
CVXFREAK said:I love courtesy such as that. When I was buying a Swan Crystal and FFIV, and a copy of Mario vs. Donkey Kong, they made it absolutely clear they were incompatible. Everytime I bought a DVD, they would tell me "For Japan Only." I of course knew this, and had the appropriate hardware to play it all, but it felt so... touching that they would be willing to risk a potential purchase to look out for the customer. I love Akihabara.
well there are people who are misinformed, but then there are the people that will INSIST they are right and you are wrong.Firest0rm said:OK some people here are posting really stupid things. By stupid I mean, stupid on their side not the customer. Customers are usually casuals they don't live on a gaming forum like you guys so don't expect them to know what the hell broadband is or a router. Or if GTA is coming to GC or not. These guys hear it from a friend and they've come to ask you about it. Its not being stupid, its trying to get clarification. So don't them stupid customers. Call them uniformed customers.
Chrono said:lol I don't know if they're looking out for you or just think your're a stupid gaijin.![]()
JackFrost2012 said:Yeah, you think you're special, but they think you're "special."
CVXFREAK said:I know it doesn't amount to anything deeper than just a courtesy call, but if an obviously-from Japan man were to buy a US DVD in a US Airport, I wonder if he'd get the same courtesy.![]()
atomsk said:my #1 complaint working this job is having to explain the difference between the advance and the SP to every 3rd person who walks into the R-Zone...
Mr. Lemming said:Just think how bank tellers, such as myself, feel when we get calls concerning stuff like this.
Syckx said:. I'll give you annoying phone calls, since those can be irritating, but you have a problem performing basic customer service?
or that the green SP came out in america "my kids friend has one! ive seen it!"
Drinky Crow said:Me and the wife pretty much hauled ass out of the store after that, so I have no idea how it ended. Scary, scary shit. Everyone in the store seemed really freaked out, since this dude looked just like some sort Ed Gein styled hillbilly crazy. Yikes.
Nintendo Ate My Children said:Didn't Target sell the Green SP with Donkey Kong Country one Christmas?
novery said:Not sure where I'm going with this one, but I'd be curious to hear from our esteemed game clerks:
What are the best kind of customers?
Do you ever feel bad for ripping off customers with crappy trade-in prices? (I know I've personally witnessed kids desperate for a new game trade in AAA classic games for $4 store credit. It hurts... Oh, it hurts.)
Any other good stories that don't involve the customer mispronouncing a game's title?
Oh, here's a good one: Ever see any dirty dealings at the store? (Co-workers selling somebody's reserved copy to a friend? Theft? Selling used games as new?)
Poor kid.ninvampire said:After Kirby's Nightmare in Dreamland came out (and sold out ... over and over again) a kid came in after checking out the Target in the shopping center. He was on the verge of tears and between his sniffling asked if we had it in stock. Unfortunately for him my store had been out of stock for about a week and when we broke the news to him he started bawling and screamed as he ran out the door. My ASM and I looked at each other and shared a "Did that just happen?" look.
ManaByte said:There was this guy who liked to exploit the EB return policy before the store banned him from all returns. He would buy a game from Toys R Us (who wouldn't let him return it when opened), and then come into EB and buy a sealed copy. He had to have a mint copy. He'd then return the sealed copy he bought from EB to Toys R Us and the opened copy to EB. They banned him from all returns after a while.
BreakyBoy said:Bingo, 'twas this last X-mas. My friend has one. I've seen it. Hell, I saw him buy it.