explains why shes ugly, i suppose
i mean her nose is under her left eye

explains why shes ugly, i suppose
i mean her nose is under her left eye
Jex put me on the list after I got banned.
It probably doesnt mean much.
How is the drawing going by the way?
That I do.
Ryo Ku Bu 5
Sword Art Online 4 Preview
In comes Silica. *sigh*
that article title. fuck
The best show. The cast is so good. Shiro is awesome, Kiki is awesome. Everyone is awesome, including the villains.
Aside from lolicon pandering the show is honestly pretty good.
yep, they really did go all out on fixing up things for the BD's and boy does it show!
Naruto SD 17
Where was Sasuke...
Aside from lolicon pandering the show is honestly pretty good.
that article title. fuck
Sword Art Online 4 Preview
In comes Silica. *sigh*
I don't know if it's the best show but it's certainly superior to numerous other Gundam shows. I think it helps that it's fairly short and contained.
theres nothing like pedo pandering to remind you that you arent the target audience :|
I guess the fact that the source material was a harem should have been warning enough
Multiple girls fall in love with him = Harem.Was the source material really a harem? I mean... the dude sort of sticks with one girl all the time and could care less about the other girls.
Awesome looking Fate/Zero Blu-Ray Box II Stuff
Can someone translate? I can't read japanese. I see dates though.
Duckroll will do a better job than I will.
It comes in a huge-ass box. 462 mm tall, 614 mm wide, 62 mm deep.
Seven disks (4 Blu-Rays for the series, one special Blu-Ray, and 2 CDs). Japanese and English subs. Eps 14-25, more of "Onegai Einzbern", trailers, commercials, credit-free OP and ED. 1 CD is a soundtrack, and the other is a drama CD. Plus behind the scenes production materials, interviews, etc. The bonus BR has something called "Fate/Zero Remix 1 & 2", but I'm not sure what that actually is.
Preorders start on the 27th, and it comes out on September 20th. If you preorder you get an awesome staff poster thing that you can see on that page. It's pretty large. I think you can only get it if you preorder at various ufotable locations like their cafes or their website.
If only you liked yuri then I could get rid of a certain somebody.
Is this the one that Aniplex will ship to America as well? Or just Japan. T_T
Is this the one that Aniplex will ship to America as well? Or just Japan. T_T
The best show. The cast is so good. Shiro is awesome, Kiki is awesome. Everyone is awesome, including the villains.
it was fun while it lasted
I always knew you were a nakama.
If only you liked yuri then I could get rid of a certain somebody.
Why would you wish to harm your yuri comrades?
But does any of those stick/live for more than a episode or two? LN#1 did present is at an non-harem. Kawahara is a perv nonetheless.Multiple girls fall in love with him = Harem.
Duckroll will do a better job than I will.
It comes in a huge-ass box. 462 mm tall, 614 mm wide, 62 mm deep.
Seven disks (4 Blu-Rays for the series, one special Blu-Ray, and 2 CDs). Japanese and English subs. Eps 14-25, more of "Onegai Einzbern", trailers, commercials, credit-free OP and ED. 1 CD is a soundtrack, and the other is a drama CD. Plus behind the scenes production materials, interviews, etc. The bonus BR has something called "Fate/Zero Remix 1 & 2", but I'm not sure what that actually is.
Preorders start on the 27th, and it comes out on September 20th. If you preorder you get an awesome staff poster thing that you can see on that page. It's pretty large. I think you can only get it if you preorder at various ufotable locations like their cafes or their website.
I don't, I was just joking. Comrades? I love my yuri comrade but I'm pretty sure theres only the two of us.
Altima's Burst the Gravity Music video (Accel World OP2)
Hilarious shit. Who the fuck is that at the end of the video? Maon Kurosaki is hot.
Why do Japanese create music videos about something that isn't at all related to song?
Look, I'm liking it thus far, but responses are no fun when you oversell it.
I don't know. I think it gives a good counterbalance to your nuance. If your intention isn't to invite discourse, then perhaps you should start a blog!
mayaka where???
Is that box for holding the first season too? Why the fuck is it that large?
Here is the runway. We know where the plane is with regards to everything around it.
A car arrives and parks relatively close to the plane.
(Ignore the blood)
Now there is also a truck, but the cars placement is consistent with the last picture.
Holy shit! How did everything fly back all the way over there!
Jorgungand Ep.1-12
So it's an entertaining show, kind of a Black Lagoon lite. Basically if you enjoy the first episode it's just that repeated.
mayaka where???