Sword Art Online 4 Preview
In comes Silica. *sigh*
no, ur face
People hating on the cute loli huntard episode will be the first to go when the storm hits.
Sword Art Online 4 Preview
In comes Silica. *sigh*
I dont think I would wholly agree, a few episodes in the middle were kind of a bit of drag since I think there was one or two that actually lacked compelling action, there was always at times less of an emphasis on Jonah, and the Velmet arc was..not particularly fully entertaining.
Tempted to check Jormugand now.
Why do Japanese create music videos about something that isn't at all related to song?
I find it hard to straight up recommend. It's not great but it's not terrible. I think I was craving a hamburger and then this hamburger showed up just at the right time. If I was in the mood for a steak, this wouldn't have cut it.
I hope that makes sense.
thanks for the impressions ..i was disapointed in Dx2 for the same reasons, dx3 was better but i don't like the suite cast/powers/universe, i guess i should quickly watch NS ASAP.
Also i kinda expected them to change the lights each movie ..i hope the light don't cost too much
It should be funny to watch a screening where the room is lighted by those during screen time
Speaking of music videos, the full PV has premiered for Maaya Sakamoto's More Than Words, the theme song for the Code Geass OVA. The single was released today - unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be available on iTunes![]()
If you specifically don't like Suite, then NS will probably annoy the hell out of you, unfortunately. They get a fairly significant portion of the screen time.
Aww, this is disappointing to hear :/
mayaka where???
It's a show where the direction potentially ruins an otherwise okay premise/story.I find it hard to straight up recommend. It's not great but it's not terrible. I think I was craving a hamburger and then this hamburger showed up just at the right time. If I was in the mood for a steak, this wouldn't have cut it.
I hope that makes sense.
Trigger will be the new GAINAX.
K-ON 2: The Adventure of Yui 09
This show fills me up with warm feelings in my chest.
I'll do it tonight after I get back from work D:
Did you already do yours?
Awesome looking Fate/Zero Blu-Ray Box II Stuff
Can someone translate? I can't read japanese. I see dates though.
Duckroll will do a better job than I will.
It comes in a huge-ass box. 462 mm tall, 614 mm wide, 62 mm deep.
Seven disks (4 Blu-Rays for the series, one special Blu-Ray, and 2 CDs). Japanese and English subs. Eps 14-25, more of "Onegai Einzbern", trailers, commercials, credit-free OP and ED. 1 CD is a soundtrack, and the other is a drama CD. Plus behind the scenes production materials, interviews, etc. The bonus BR has something called "Fate/Zero Remix 1 & 2", but I'm not sure what that actually is.
Preorders start on the 27th, and it comes out on September 20th. If you preorder you get an awesome staff poster thing that you can see on that page. It's pretty large. I think you can only get it if you preorder at various ufotable locations like their cafes or their website.
I always knew you were a nakama.
If only you liked yuri then I could get rid of a certain somebody.
Nanoha 4
I don't even.
Utena 1
Alsoget, in the very first eps?waifu
This show is truly revolutionary.
The designs for Madhouse upcoming sci-fi anime look pretty appealing.
The story follows a "time researcher" and a group of children in a depopulated world that finds itself stuck in time. In order to save humanity, some of the characters are chosen to travel to the future (depicted in the anime), and others to the past (depicted in the manga), while those who are deemed unsuitable for the technology stay in the present (depicted in the novel.)
Read more at http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/new...an-arata-naru-sekai-anime#WBiKOWyA6zCx5OwB.99
Why does that site always have a K-on yuri banner of the two worst girls?
That sounds like a fairly interesting idea for a story. I will check that out. the character designs are meh though.
The novel character designs are lazy, but the anime designs are great.
Another Space Pirates?http://yaraon.blog109.fc2.com/blog-entry-10908.html
The designs for Madhouse upcoming sci-fi anime look pretty appealing.
Are those the anime designs? Then what do the novel designs look like?
[Hyouka] - 13
It's interesting to note how smoothly they're able to change from portraying things naturalistically and instead portray them subjectively. We in the audience instantly know that the manga isn't actually shooting out rays of light which full up the room, we understand that it's just a visual metaphor.
mayaka where???
Gintama 01-02
You may after 400+ chapters.
So, the first two episodes that basically introduces everyone and everything. I think this is my third or fourth time seeing this and while I am already acquainted with the Gintama world I can see why this probably isn't that great of a first episode. It's long, the comedy is pretty sparse as well as the action. Characters are introduced left and right without really explaining anything and the plot isn't even that interesting. But, at least its time to start Gintama!
And the first 2 episodes of Gintama were the 2 worst eps. Can't believe you'd watch it 4 times!
Anime ruins everything.Novel designs are cuter.
HOOK IT UP MY VEINSDid someone say Trigger?
Directed by Akira Amemiya, animated by Trigger! (More at the link!)
Stop. Trying. To Hook Me Back. On Hyouka. I already have too much KyoAnishit on the table.[Hyouka] - 13
I know this aired a million years ago, in Internet-Time, but I really wanted to revisit one particular scene.
During the course of this episode one of the main characters in the series, Mayaka, gets into a rather nerdy argument about the value of manga with one of the members of the school's manga society. Mayaka argues that manga can have some worth outside of being disposable entertainment. To defend her case she cites one particular work that really touched her. Later on we see her searching her bedroom in a ultimately fruitless attempt to locate her copy of the work in question.
Even though she never finds what she's looking for we get a brief flashback depicting what happened when she first read this manga:
I really have to tip my hat to the director of this episode for conveying, through visuals, how Mayaka felt when she read this manga that left such an impression on her. This is far more effective than, say, having Mayaka tell her friend that she really enjoyed reading it, or whatever.
It's interesting to note how smoothly they're able to change from portraying things naturalistically and instead portray them subjectively. We in the audience instantly know that the manga isn't actually shooting out rays of light which full up the room, we understand that it's just a visual metaphor.
Anime ruins everything.
Anime ruins everything.
Gintama 01-02
You may after 400+ chapters.
So, the first two episodes that basically introduces everyone and everything. I think this is my third or fourth time seeing this and while I am already acquainted with the Gintama world I can see why this probably isn't that great of a first episode. It's long, the comedy is pretty sparse as well as the action. Characters are introduced left and right without really explaining anything and the plot isn't even that interesting. But, at least its time to start Gintama!
Novel designs are cuter.
Is there a Bluray release of Gintama? I heard they're doing HD remasters of it, how much have there been remastered yet?
Is there a Bluray release of Gintama? I heard they're doing HD remasters of it, how much have there been remastered yet?
They really are!
Long running shounen series do not get bluray releases, at least in Japan, which is the only place Gintama (the tv series at least) exists right now.
I was wondering if he was actually going to get that milk!
I don't, I was just joking. Comrades? I love my yuri comrade but I'm pretty sure theres only the two of us.
Long running shounen series do not get bluray releases, at least in Japan, which is the only place Gintama (the tv series at least) exists right now.
More will come. Believe.
I didn't know you hated Fate/Zero that much.
I thought HxH get blu ray in JPN?
I think he is talking about older series. Fairy Tale for example has blu releases while OP don't(but probably will).
A 110 episode OVA called Legend of the Galactic Heroes even got a blu release.
I think he is talking about older series. Fairy Tale for example has blu releases while OP don't(but probably will).
A 110 episode OVA called Legend of the Galactic Heroes even got a blu release.
I was actually talking about super long running as in 200+ episode shows, but FT is bound to get there eventually, so I guess I'm wrong.