Holy fuck 1753 meg patch. Its going higher instead of lower.
Jesus christ SMH.....
Yeah, it's pretty ridic
Holy fuck 1753 meg patch. Its going higher instead of lower.
Jesus christ SMH.....
Holy fuck 1753 meg patch. Its going higher instead of lower.
Jesus christ SMH.....
Uh, they added a new map, what exactly did you expect?
Uh, they added a new map, what exactly did you expect?
These fucking patch sizes *groan*
Stun from medium distance > close in while shooting > floaty robot explodey ability I forget the name of > grab should 100% almost everyone if you can pull it off. Add his jump after the grab for more damage.How the heck am I supposed to play Karl? He seems useless. is he only good for weak harassing?
Match I just had said:
Stats and balance should be run server side. You have to log on to Ubernet every time you play, that shouldn't be a big deal.
As for maps and pros, I don't mind caning a big download every four to six weeks, once a week is just silly.
Did someone in here say something about that being related to the Unreal engine? If so then Epic dun fucked up, son.
Is anyone else experiencing a crash while the lobby is loading?
100% of the time starting yesterday, I accept a match, and the game crashes on me.
I'm able to instantly startup SMNC again and it asks me if I want to join my game in progress, I click accept and I'm thrown right into the game.
It's so troublesome
The map increasing the size makes sense, but it seems even damage value change patches garner a fat download as well. Larger than they should be. a New Map and a handful of items should not equala GIG2 GIGs.
At most it should be about 400mb.
Uber is blaming it on the UE3 engine. Sadly that argument doesn't hold much water given there are other UE3 games that don't have 1.5GB+ average patch sizes each week.
Lol the Cheston on my team in this game kept complaining that I was getting in his way.
But anyways.. must have been really painful to be on red that match...
Lol the Cheston on my team in this game kept complaining that I was getting in his way.
But anyways.. must have been really painful to be on red that match...
Ouch, haha.
The scoring in this game confuses me sometimes... how did you not end up with way more money than the Cheston? He had a few more bot kills, but you must have had huge bot/kill streaks going since you didn't die.
Picking up money makes a big difference, that's why the Money Magnet product is horribly overpowered.
if it grabs coins slower it would be ok, right now you don't even have to stand still and you will collect all the coins in a huge radius quickly.
Spark needs to be nurfed already, annoying the shit out of me seeing him go 24 to 2 because his dps is stupidly high, however the assassin feels rather balanced to me.
Spark is fine. One grapple with a single teammate around and he's toast. Just like all the other Commandos.
His gun is ridiculous.
The shots are fairly easy to dodge. Just jump around and strafe left/right.
Wow, thanks...
The shots are fairly easy to dodge. Just jump around and strafe left/right.
Picking up money makes a big difference, that's why the Money Magnet product is horribly overpowered.
Spark is fine. One grapple with a single teammate around and he's toast. Just like all the other Commandos.
if only avoiding spark was that good, when someone who knows how plays spark picks him he is near impossible to keep up with, he can teleport out of danger and team mates shooting him in grapples? good luck playing solo matchmaking especially when someone like me for no reason at all get's beginners as team mates against pre-mades (I just had 2 in a row like that and it's heartbreaking, MNC you could carry the team if good enough but not here)
All spark needs is like a 20% damage drop on his melee attacks to keep him under control, he is the juiced assassin from MNC.
Also gun mountain is terrible in design, shelly needs reworking because right now if you keep pressure in the middle you've basically won, if a team tries to shell back they are bombing an empty area of the field.... then bots alone takes about 15 minutes to walk them to the money ball due to the lengh of the map.
It's beyond fun and is rather silly, in a bad way.
One thing I wish they would do is a better way of calling out enemies to your team. It's beyond frustrating when I have a commando grappled behind my team and none of them even turn around. It really ruins solo queuing for me when teams don't pay attention to their surroundings.
Use the voice comms. I've started calling out my grapples to teammates and it's helped a lot. Also, use the team vision to call out enemies that are flanking your team. It's very easy to get tunnel vision in this game and if you do basic callouts like "Sin flanking left lane, watch your back", it can produce some nice results.
Wow, the new map is awful.
How does the team vision work exactly? Does it show any enemy that your team has line-of-sight to?
I'll have to try the voice comm more, I always forget about that. Only problem with that is that it's sometimes hard to match a voice to a character, but it's still better than nothing.
I still think they could take some cues from Left 4 Dead to make team communication a little more automated and informational. Though I'm not sure how much it would help since a lot of the problem is just people not paying attention. This afternoon a teammate and I were retreating after narrowly winning a confrontation, and we both got ripped up by a Spark while our full-health Tank merrily killed bots no less than ten feet away. In that case, the audio should have made it pretty obvious there was a fight going on right next to him, but he was too focused on bot-killing to turn around.
Oh yeah I hate it, I wanna quit out of the game every time but I have yet to leave a match, I don't do that. It's clunky, small, the guns do too much dmg, the layout is awful... etc.
I really want to see MNC grenade 3 arena in super, make it a little larger so support the new stuff and it would be a great and quick map just like it is in MNC.
I like the new map, it's different![]()
They'd need to add a lot more cover or something. Snipers had line of sight to way too much of that map in the original. Could be a cool map in SMNC though.
Yeah, I don't mind it. It's pretty chaotic but I think part of that is just people still learning it.
I think the guns could use reworking though -- I played against a guy the other day who got probably 8-10 kills from the gun alone. It needs to just add a bit of pressure, not score a bunch of random kills. It's basically two extra mini-annihilators which just give even more power to the team with the most map control.
Just had a couple of great games and noticed some reoccurring themes.
1. Turrets need shields that last longer when attacked by bots, either that or speed up how quickly they recharge.
2. If there are two commandos on a team they will dominate your support classes. Ideally I would like it as a 1 class per team, including paid characters but I doubt that can realistically happen.
Other than that, why aren't there more people playing this? I hated the beta, gave it 3 tries and hated it, they threw the MNC I knew under the bus. Release comes, sure, I'll give it one more try as I know I want to like it. Now it's my go to online game.
Turrets just got a buff. Players now have to constantly attack the turret to keep the shields down instead of just tapping it. 1 shot = 1 sec to a max of 20 sec. Also, the Level 2 Lazer Blazers can be upgraded to Level 3 for $500.
1. Turrets need shields that last longer when attacked by bots, either that or speed up how quickly they recharge.
Other than that, why aren't there more people playing this? I hated the beta, gave it 3 tries and hated it, they threw the MNC I knew under the bus. Release comes, sure, I'll give it one more try as I know I want to like it. Now it's my go to online game.
This is news to me and also great, hope all turrets start to work that way.
It's a bug that was introduced in RC6 and Uber is letting it play out this week to test how upgrading impacts Super Crossfire. Biggest thing I've noticed is it draws out games even longer.