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Super Monday Night Combat |OT| Time to let loose with the juice!


That girl in the bunny hat
Is there a way to save replays of the last match? I see I can download it in-game, but I want to save it forever. Lulziest match ever. We CLEARLY should have lost, and my own teammate was begging the enemy team to just finish us off, and right when he said that I destroyed the moneyball, winning us the match

They get saved to \Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\MNCGame\Demos. And I'm guessing you can open them to replay them later, seeing as demo files do get shared around (mostly for hacker investigation).


They get saved to \Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\MNCGame\Demos. And I'm guessing you can open them to replay them later, seeing as demo files do get shared around (mostly for hacker investigation).

yeah, edited my post and found it. If anyone wants to watch it, I'll share it.

I was bitching a lot about my keyboard because, say I was running forward, I would just stop and have to let go of W and press it again. Was infuriating last night, but I was kind of laughing about it this game because I was expecting to lose anyway, then they just forgot I existed and I cleared a whole lane.


That girl in the bunny hat
I was bitching a lot about my keyboard because, say I was running forward, I would just stop and have to let go of W and press it again. Was infuriating last night, but I was kind of laughing about it this game because I was expecting to lose anyway, then they just forgot I existed and I cleared a whole lane.

I've had that happen. Had it happen in other games too, think it's a result of keyboard focus being improperly switched or lost.

But yea, I love when a team forgets about me. Actually had one match as Leo on Spunky, a teammate and I pushed the left lane all the way to the other team's Rock-it turrets, before anyone even got the first Annihilator. And we probably would've had that and their Moneyball down, if it weren't for a Cheston respawning and spotting us.


I pissed some guy off the other day, somehow. He kept saying shit about "paying to win" and the chickey egg, but it was mostly him being super salty that I was outside their base when he just dropped the 4g for the jackbot and downed it before it reached their second turret. At the end of the match he said it again and I asked what he meant. He didn't reply.

I don't know if he thinks I paid to win because I have the white astronaut Cheston, but perhaps he's implying I pay for my endos and products or something. I mean, I use in-game credits and found them from drops, but the only money I've dropped into this game was for Cheston and that skin, among other bundle skins (which include boosts). Is that considered paying to win?


That girl in the bunny hat
I pissed some guy off the other day, somehow. He kept saying shit about "paying to win" and the chickey egg, but it was mostly him being super salty that I was outside their base when he just dropped the 4g for the jackbot and downed it before it reached their second turret. At the end of the match he said it again and I asked what he meant. He didn't reply.

I don't know if he thinks I paid to win because I have the white astronaut Cheston, but perhaps he's implying I pay for my endos and products or something. I mean, I use in-game credits and found them from drops, but the only money I've dropped into this game was for Cheston and that skin, among other bundle skins (which include boosts). Is that considered paying to win?

Naw, this game's community can be saltier than the ocean. Don't worry about it.

Hell, if you see Odokee, you might as well actively piss him off. He's gonna bitch no matter what, might as well have some fun with it.


Speaking of salt, have they ironed out the matchmaking? Anytime I try to play with a friend to ease them in, we get faced with people that are ~obviously~ well versed and just destroy us.


Fastest game yet. At least, that I can remember.


That girl in the bunny hat
Well, reading through this thread:


I feel like there should be a new topic made to tell people that Turbocross is a thing now and removes most of the MOBA they all seem to hate...

In the past 12 or so games, I've lost twice. I'd like to think I'm improving.

Nice streak! I should get playing some more, but this is a game where my performance is pretty strongly tied to my mood, and I've been a mess lately. :(

And personally, I think MNC as a whole will forever be in a rough spot. It's more strategic than what shooter fans are used to- with its MOBA elements and heavy reliance on team strategy- but it's too 'mindless' for strategy players through its reduced meta and use of twitch action skill. Even though Turbocross does change the balance, I don't know that it does so sufficiently (it's not like MNC was a big hit either). It's not a bad game or a poorly-executed one, though it could always use more help, it's just not what people apparently want.


Jeez Louis.

I tried looking through the official forums today. I don't think I have ever seen so much salt and wrong confined to a single forum.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Naw, they're just naturally salty. Though the lack of update didn't help (of course, even when the updates do come, they don't really help).

They need to reinvigorate the playerbase somehow... I haven't played in weeks because it's dead in Europe.


It's sad that the only thing that got all the people to play in the first place was TF2 hats.

perhaps just another promotion like that. If they set a sweet hat at hitting level 100 in the game, I'm positive a lot of people would keep playing, just for that one fucking hat.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
It's sad that the only thing that got all the people to play in the first place was TF2 hats.

perhaps just another promotion like that. If they set a sweet hat at hitting level 100 in the game, I'm positive a lot of people would keep playing, just for that one fucking hat.

Yeah, no doubt.


That girl in the bunny hat
It's sad that the only thing that got all the people to play in the first place was TF2 hats.

perhaps just another promotion like that. If they set a sweet hat at hitting level 100 in the game, I'm positive a lot of people would keep playing, just for that one fucking hat.

Well, "playing". The game needs better quality of players along with better quality, and the TF2 promo didn't necessarily offer quality. Though I do agree that promotion is the route to take- perhaps try and sell some Tribes players on it, seeing as that game's competitive scene is apparently in shambles.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Well, "playing". The game needs better quality of players along with better quality, and the TF2 promo didn't necessarily offer quality. Though I do agree that promotion is the route to take- perhaps try and sell some Tribes players on it, seeing as that game's competitive scene is apparently in shambles.

They need to make the game a friendlier experience, and I'm not talking about the players.


Some publicity in the format of competitive videos or streams could help. Let's plays are really the only entry point for those that even give a shit. Something official and appealing that could pull people in and portray how fun and competitive the game can be. I know I get more adrenaline pumping in a single game than any and all games I played in league of legends.


That girl in the bunny hat

...or not.

I've actually, for a while now, wanted to take random matches that seemed well-played enough and make a 'real' SMNC 'show'. Like, if it were a real sport, the kind of program you'd see on ESPN. Pre- and post-game analysis, spectator-focused commentary and camera, the lot. Best-case, there'd be a flair only available to those in the videos, creating an incentive for people to play well and often in hopes of getting 'on air'.

The replay system doesn't have a rewind, though, which is too large a headache to really work with as yet. It'd take too much work just to find and record good angles on the action.


Yeah currently the replay system seems too wonky. I would love all the features of, say, halo 3's theater mode.


Wow, fucking so, I guess those numbers WERE the beta numbers overwriting the non-beta numbers, so I wasted my time downloading 2.3 gigs and can't play with anyone.

Fuck this and fuck the STEAM launcher.

Now I'm waiting 4 fucking hours, downloading the standalone Uber launcher just so I don't have to fucking deal with 2.3 gb fucking updates that make fucking marginal improvements, or in last night's case do butt-fucking nothing.

This is such fucking bullshit. People in the chat were all, "read the forums"

No fuck that. That's the biggest fucking problem with this fucking game is that to get any fucking information you have to dig through fucking mounds of incessant bullshit on their godawful forums to find any information, and even more fucking time to get details. If Uber really wants people to fucking get into this fuck nut game they are going to need to open their fucking mouths and goddamn communicate. What the flying fuck.

Yeah, I'm super pissed that half my weekend is going to be spent downloading this fuck.


That girl in the bunny hat
Looks like the engine update is finished, and they're going to swap out to the Uber Launcher next week.

Free Pro Rotation: Captain Spark, Karl, Gunner, Leo, Megabeth, Tank

The engine update is upon us! We have updated the engine to run a much more recent version of the Unreal Engine. This enables us to do some exciting new features in the future. In the short term it's enabled us to take a pass on our shaders and optimize them a little bit for lower end graphics cards.

Also, over the next week we will be switching out the Steam version for the Uber launcher for all our Steam players. This will result in much smaller patches. Steam will launch the Uber Launcher and then the Uber Launcher will update the game.

Stay tuned for some new developments coming soon!

New Rules
Updated the game engine to a much more recent version of the Unreal Engine.
Added video options for fast approximate anti-aliasing and higher quality shaders.
Optimized some shaders to improve performance on some lower end PCs.
Reworked Eliminator Bot AI so that they follow their target better.
Reworked Eliminator Bot AI so that they take into account target level when choosing targets. They will prefer higher level targets.

Might be about time I hop back on board.


I've been on a losing streak ever since this new engine kicked in. I don't know if it is because I'm rusty since playing Borderlands 2 all last week, but I sure raged like a madman my last game because the bots got all clumped up in a lane, then miraculously piled into my moneyball at the precise moment the other team wiped out turrets.


Wow. Dude looks legit. Still watching the video, so if it shows how he plays, I might have a second Pro to play

Also, hearing he has a secondary weapon that is a shotgun is such an amazing reference to Hobo with a Shotgun.


I think once robohobo releases someone should make a thread gaming side about that but mostly to inform people that the game launcher has changed and updates are no longer 2 gb so I think a lot of people will actually want to give the game another chance. The last thread asking why people weren't playing it was plagued with comments about bandwidth and massive update downloads.

Of course the other major complaint was that people didn't like the combination of TF2 with DOTA...


That's probably a good idea. I'll admit even I stopped playing for quite a while (my buddies I played with lost interest/non solo queue times were atrocious, as well as Smite stealing me away,) but I'll check out the new pro at least. A new thread would be worth it, I think.


That girl in the bunny hat
Well, if you're gonna do it, I guess now's the time.

Free Pro Rotation: Assault, Cheston, Combat Girl, Leo, Tank, Wascot

Chip: Are you pumped? I just did 24 Rule Changes, I'm totally jacked!

New Pro Week! Robo Hobo is now available for play! Check out his bio page for skill and weapon descriptions.

As always, feel free to leave us feedback at http://www.uberent.com/forums! If you have issues please email [email protected].

New Rules
Made Robo Hobo playable and purchasable.
Bouncing on a non-standable wall now disables air control for a short time.
Added the ability to purchase turrets via hotkeys.
Moneyballs will no longer take damage from any source if there are two base turrets nearby.
Disconnecting and reconnecting no longer resets your respawn timer.
Added over 100 new GG Stack and Chip Valvano lines.
Added new voice of GG Stack's Question and Answer with the fans via our Twitter feed.
Added more music to the main menu music rotation.

Bug Fixes
Fixed some instances of skills not replicating properly upon spawn, forcing the player to die before they would work.
Fixed some instances of Jackbots getting permanently stuck.
Fixed the Endorsements list getting clipped.
Fixed the level up effect being brighter than intended.
Fixed the Annihilator from sometimes going off for much longer than intended.
Fixed Buzzers damaging players after they are shot and destroyed.

Downtown Spunky
Fixed a glass wall that allowed players to stand on it when they should not be able to.

Skewer: Fixed sometimes getting multiple full power zoomed shots in one charge.

Assault Rifle: Damage done via ADS (Aim Down Sights) is now listed as "Assault Rifle ADS" in the death recap screen.

Gun Flurry: Damage: 12/17/22/27 -> 14/19/24/29

Robo Hobo
Robo Hobo made available
Fixed typo in Robo Hobo's Bio
New Uniform: Blitz
New Weapon: Blitz Sound Wave I
New Weapon: Blitz Bass Blaster I
New Taunt: Well Attended
New Taunt: Flare
New Taunt: Transform
New Taunt: Action Hero
New Taunt: Head Spin
New Taunt: Monday Night Fever
New Taunt: Say Something

Shotgun: Min Damage: 30 -> 90

Combat Credit cost reduced.


That girl in the bunny hat
Halloween stuff.

Free Pro Rotation: Assassin, Artemis, Cheston, Karl, Leo, Tank

GG Stack: Now it's time for HEEEEEEEEEEY Rule Changes 27!

Happy Halloween from all of us at Uber Entertainment! With the celebration we are releasing a limited time set of "Los Muertos" uniforms. Get them while you can!

New Rules
Added Halloween uniforms, flair and bundle.
Improved the match making to allow some cross over between Super Crossfire queues. This should allow team matches to happen more often.

Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash caused by a very poor network connection.
Fixed defaulting the right side of custom games to Icemen as players join.
Fixed bot spawner holos not showing up properly in replays.
Fixed bots exploding properly on the Moneyball in a replay.
Fixed rewinding replays now properly showing turret construction gantries.
Fixed rewound demos not showing the correct equipped weapon on pros.
Fixed juice effects not displaying correctly while rewinding.
Fixed some animations playing improperly in a rewound replay.
Fixed some taunts not playing properly in a rewound replay.
Fixed character shading causing Pros skins to look more like wax than skins.
Fixed burning effects now showing correctly in a rewound replay.
Fixed player staying in ragdoll through rewind.
Fixed some instances of players becoming invisible or unselectable when rewinding a replay.

Los Muertos: All Los Muertos Uniforms and Los Muertos Stare flair.

New Flair: Los Muertos Stare

New Uniform: Los Muertos

New Uniform: Los Muertos

New Uniform: Los Muertos

Captain Spark
New Uniform: Los Muertos

New Uniform: Los Muertos

Combat Girl
New Uniform: Los Muertos

New Uniform: Los Muertos

New Uniform: Los Muertos

New Uniform: Los Muertos

New Uniform: Los Muertos

New Uniform: Los Muertos

Robo Hobo
New Uniform: Los Muertos
New Uniform Head: Chickey - Post Game Prize only
New Uniform Head: Spunky
Robo Bots: Fixed bots not properly attacking enemies above or below them.
Robo Bots: Fixed healing weapons not attaching properly.

New Uniform: Los Muertos

New Uniform: Los Muertos

New Uniform: Los Muertos

New Uniform: Los Muertos

New Uniform: Los Muertos


That girl in the bunny hat
Vending machine and bot balance changes, and replays are actually not terrible anymore. Might look into doing sort of sports-channel-type commentaries, every commentary out there is from one player's perspective rather than in the TV sport conceit...

Free Pro Rotation: Assault, Combat Girl, Gunner, Karl, Robo Hobo, Wascot

Chip Valvano: The rules have changed. THE RULES HAVE CHANGED. Rule Changes 28.

The rules HAVE changed. This week we introduce big game play changes. We've added two new vending machines, Total Recoil and GobiNumb. Matched with changes to Metabolighning machines, these vendors now give buffs for damage rating, health and speed until you die. This enables the late game to be a bit more dynamic. These changes also add more choice in how you decide the game plays out. Do you buff yourself or get an annihilator? Or build bots? The choice is yours! We have also made many other price and balance changes and player spawned bot changes to make these choices even more compelling.

For you fans who love to watch replays, we've also turned on a time line, rewind and fast forward buttons. Plus, the much wanted ability to move the camera around while the replay is paused.

New Rules
Enabled a time line, skip back and skip forward buttons in replays.
New players are now warned when invited or inviting experienced players to a team that they may be matched against other experienced players.
Enabled 4 player teams as part of Pickup Team games.
Cameras can now be moved while paused in a replay.

Ejectors: Cost: $250 -> $150

Vending Machines
Metabolightning: Cost: $250 -> $2000
Metabolightning: Duration: 15 seconds -> Permanent until death
Metabolightning: Speed: +250 -> +20%
New Vending Machine: Total Recoil
Total Recoil: Cost: $2000
Total Recoil: Effect: +25 Base Damage Rating
Total Recoil: Duration: Permanent until death
New Vending Machine: GobiNumb
GobiNumb: Cost: $2000
GobiNumb: Effect: +25% Max Health
GobiNumb: Duration: Permanent until death

Gold Black Jack: Damage: 36 -> 42
All Black Jacks: Speed: 460 -> 700
Gold Bouncer: Health: 7750 -> 8000
Gold Bouncer: Speed: 670 -> 700
Gold Scramblers: Speed: 460 -> 500
Gold Fuji: Health: 10800 -> 12500
Gold Fuji: Speed: 460 -> 500

Los Muertos Stare: Reduced smoke opacity.

New Taunt: Artemis Tell
New Taunt: La Tete
Irradiate: Regen: 60/30/20/15 -> 40/26/20/15

Loco Moco Arena
Added in GobiNumb and Total Recoil vending machines.

Bullet Gorge Arena
Added in GobiNumb and Total Recoil vending machines.

Down Town Spunky Arena
Added in GobiNumb and Total Recoil vending machines.

Gun Mountain Arena
Moved location of Metabolighning vending machines.
Added in GobiNumb and Total Recoil vending machines.

Grenade 314 Arena
Moved location of Metabolighning vending machines.
Added in GobiNumb and Total Recoil vending machines.

Added in GobiNumb and Total Recoil vending machines.

Training Camp
Added in GobiNumb and Total Recoil vending machines.

Exploding Barrel: Min Damage: 27/45/72/110 -> 35/60/95/145
Turbocross: Base Damage Rating: 400 -> 375

Turbocross: Base Damage Rating: 400 -> 375

Robo Hobo
Robo Bots: Fixed Bots getting much more health than intended. This results in approximately 30% health reduction.
Turbocross: Base Damage Rating: 400 -> 375

Shotgun: Min Damage: 90 -> 75

Turbocross: Base Damage Rating: 400 -> 375

Turbocross: Base Damage Rating: 400 -> 375

Party Pooper: Lock Time: 0.25 -> 0.1


I feel like this sort of fell off the face of the earth. I played a decent amount earlier in the year but felt like they rushed this to public release without getting much of the fundamentals right. How are things looking now?


NeoGAF: my new HOME
I feel like this sort of fell off the face of the earth. I played a decent amount earlier in the year but felt like they rushed this to public release without getting much of the fundamentals right. How are things looking now?

It's fuckin' dead. Takes forever to find a game. Shame it is because it's one of my GotY's.


That girl in the bunny hat
It's fuckin' dead. Takes forever to find a game. Shame it is because it's one of my GotY's.

Yea. They added Kongregate integration last patch, dunno what that's done for numbers, but I haven't touched it in ages. Too stressful, I'm not really good for MOBAs. :/


I feel like this sort of fell off the face of the earth. I played a decent amount earlier in the year but felt like they rushed this to public release without getting much of the fundamentals right. How are things looking now?

I'm in the same boat, I want to get back into it because I enjoyed it and even sunk a little money into it... but it was in pretty rough shape last time I played.


Played a match last night. Took forever to find a game, less than 200 people online. Many of the gripes I have with the game are still there, and it looks like they've been really slow with adding new content. The fact that they're seemingly just trying to throw what they have at as many people as they can with Kongregate, Amazon, etc. speaks to what I was talking about in my post above. They needed a more solid foundation.

Not sure how much longer this will last :/.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Played a match last night. Took forever to find a game, less than 200 people online. Many of the gripes I have with the game are still there, and it looks like they've been really slow with adding new content. The fact that they're seemingly just trying to throw what they have at as many people as they can with Kongregate, Amazon, etc. speaks to what I was talking about in my post above. They needed a more solid foundation.

Not sure how much longer this will last :/.

They have a great game, but they have really no good way of getting it in front of people. They should have run tournaments, got some marketing muscle behind behind it and really concentrated on making it a competitive game that can be taken seriously.

Alas, they are so small :(


So how many GAFfers are still playing this game? Any chance of getting a custom Supercross/Turbo GAF match going ... just for funsies?


I'm terrible, but I would be down to play with GAFfers.

I feel extra bad because I threw a lot of money down on the Planetary Annihilation KS so I could get the special flair, but now I'm worried both games will eventually die shortly out of the gate.
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