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Super Monday Night Combat |OT| Time to let loose with the juice!

thanks for the tips....been watching a few vids and reading just so im not the worse on team.....been placing 2nd and 3rd regularly so im happy

yeah saw the roster change thingee....good idea i guess

lol at ABSURD pay system they got (ffs its like 15$ ON SALE for sexy schoolgirl Megabeth :( ) **

im moving along. I figured id give a few of the other classes a try....went assassin first naturally and ditched that idea quick. then to some alien cage robot dude and wasnt good there either.....then found Megabeth which is my main now which after a few rounds im doing alright.

Basically Im quickskating to highpoint and robot/turret blasting and potshotting whoever strolls along that dont know better to look up....Rocketjumping is great just need to get the hang of it a bit better.

I already got the steam sale package so does that up me to premium for trading or do I have to buy something directly in game?Im not really sure.

** does everything drop/buyable with ingame creds or just the endorsements/buffs?


That girl in the bunny hat
thanks for the tips....been watching a few vids and reading just so im not the worse on team.....been placing 2nd and 3rd regularly so im happy

yeah saw the roster change thingee....good idea i guess

lol at ABSURD pay system they got (ffs its like 15$ ON SALE for sexy schoolgirl Megabeth :( ) **

im moving along. I figured id give a few of the other classes a try....went assassin first naturally and ditched that idea quick. then to some alien cage robot dude and wasnt good there either.....then found Megabeth which is my main now which after a few rounds im doing alright.

Basically Im quickskating to highpoint and robot/turret blasting and potshotting whoever strolls along that dont know better to look up....Rocketjumping is great just need to get the hang of it a bit better.

I already got the steam sale package so does that up me to premium for trading or do I have to buy something directly in game?Im not really sure.

** does everything drop/buyable with ingame creds or just the endorsements/buffs?

Sounds like you know how to play Megabeth already. :) She's a pretty easy, basic soldier-type class, hard to get wrong. Get the elevation, spam rockets, don't take anyone on face-to-face.

Outfits are pretty crazy priced. It'd be a good idea for them to do more sales, maybe more bundles. Luckily, that post-game prize drop? If memory serves, it can drop anything that isn't a Pro. It usually drops products and endorsements, but I got the Dusk Til Dawn Jetgun for Tank as a drop. (At least, I have it, and I didn't buy it, so...)

I'm 99% sure you're set to trade. You can always add me on Steam to try a trade, I've got some useful-but-undesired stuff I can exchange. :)


I guess some guy really wants my white chestrong astronaut outfit. I know it is "retired" from the storefront and I haven't ever seen anyone else parading in it, so I assume it is worth something, considering I dropped $20 for it. Haha, but I'm pretty attached so I'll just hang onto it for a while.


wow i SUCK at this game.t....sorry ketch, im assuming you here as you had a [gaf] tag....i was on my 3rd play ever so i couldnt help more :(

Yea that's me (Ketch on steam). Don't worry about it though, it's not the most straight forward game, but if you stick with it I think you'll find it's not a steep learning curve and it's also quite fun.
Yea that's me (Ketch on steam). Don't worry about it though, it's not the most straight forward game, but if you stick with it I think you'll find it's not a steep learning curve and it's also quite fun.

Im getting it...playing megabeth now instead of support and it comes a little more naturally (which odd as I play med in TF2, though its same style....stay right behind action).

Usually top 2 on team now.

The credits really whack took me a few days to get my 6k and had to make choice for botblaster product or megabeth and went bot blaster hoping i can get the last few K needed for megabeth if she gets locked....though i guess I should learn other classes and probably could've afforded the Blaster with TF2 goods or a drop....oh well its a HUGE bot pummeling help.

Hoping to hell i can get sexy school outfit from a little tf2/steam trading but I refuse to punt that type of cash for a skin

hope to play with some you guys soon so I can watch some real players!


Im getting it...playing megabeth now instead of support and it comes a little more naturally (which odd as I play med in TF2, though its same style....stay right behind action).

Usually top 2 on team now.

The credits really whack took me a few days to get my 6k and had to make choice for botblaster product or megabeth and went bot blaster hoping i can get the last few K needed for megabeth if she gets locked....though i guess I should learn other classes and probably could've afforded the Blaster with TF2 goods or a drop....oh well its a HUGE bot pummeling help.

Hoping to hell i can get sexy school outfit from a little tf2/steam trading but I refuse to punt that type of cash for a skin

hope to play with some you guys soon so I can watch some real players!

What's your steam name? We should play. Always looking for some more regulars. Send me a PM if you want.
What's your steam name? We should play. Always looking for some more regulars. Send me a PM if you want.

Added. If you ever desperate for a not good but not noob player just send a invite

WOOT got my first hat drop so that answers that for me.....hats drop XD
got a Illusionist Head for Leo...shame I dont see many people playing him so im guessing it isnt a hot item :(

more people should play this


That girl in the bunny hat
Added. If you ever desperate for a not good but not noob player just send a invite

WOOT got my first hat drop so that answers that for me.....hats drop XD
got a Illusionist Head for Leo...shame I dont see many people playing him so im guessing it isnt a hot item :(

more people should play this

Agreed. :(

I play Leo a lot though! He's my go-to Defender, because he's great for taking a sort of front-line position, almost like a Striker. Really complements a Support or Combat Girl that's playing a little further behind the line. Plus it lets me avoid the Annihilator battles (since he's terrible for that) while still contributing to them with the global heal.
This thread needs more action!!!!

What is the value of the TF2 purple sets (in tf2 terms so i can understand)??? i kinda want a demo head but im not going to pay much for a head for a game that 3 people play and was 50CC i believe


I wish I knew the worth of either games' items... I'd gladly unload my tf2 collection for SMNC stuff, but I can't be bothered to do the research.


That girl in the bunny hat
I wish I knew the worth of either games' items... I'd gladly unload my tf2 collection for SMNC stuff, but I can't be bothered to do the research.

And unfortunately, there's no spreadsheets for SMNC and most trading seems to be on a dollar value basis (i.e., two items that sell for $5 each are considered a fair trade). That doesn't translate terribly well into TF2 items. I don't even know how it translates into CC items. :/
wtf.....lvl 50 now....am i in like a new bracket or something???

i usually scored top 2 or 3 with very few deaths (0 deaths more then a few times i believe) but all day ive gotten stomped....like last place with 10 deaths stomped. Also noticed I dont need to autolock MB (yeah yeah autolockings for dicks but when you can only play 1 class you gotta do what you gotta do) and alot of nonfree, dressed characters (chesters, karls, artemis etc)....or did i just get unlucky a few automatch rounds?

@nad as far as tf2 stuff for SMC gear theres quite a few people on Ubers site that do that....but they seem expensive to me....being nosy and sifting through your BP i saw a bills which will net you in the ballpark of 8keys....which in smnc im finding dont go very far.
For eg....MB rocker complete 9keys, 2 rof bacon for like 3keys etc..


wtf.....lvl 50 now....am i in like a new bracket or something???

I'm not aware of any brackets aside from 1 - 20 and 20 - 100, maybe it is just a stream of bad luck. Happens to me too, every now and then.

As for the item values... That does seem like sort of a crap tradeoff. Don't feel it's worth the effort for just a few endorsements. Eh, oh well.


That girl in the bunny hat
I'm L55, and I've had a real mix of matches lately too. Had one <10 minute stomp, one where a guy was yelling at me for not getting kills- when I was playing Leo- and a bunch where a dolled-up pro came dead last. I've noticed fewer leavers though, which is nice.

Then I had two matches tonight. Both >30 minutes, both very well balanced and very exciting. Lost the first and won the second, but up until the last Annihilator I honestly thought they could've gone either way. Everyone played very maturely and competently, even the Assassins (free commandos are usually a mess). People were rolling interesting and intelligent strategies, they knew the value of the various map elements, Annihilator fights were actual fights... it was awesome.
yeah I just got done (losing) a >30 minute match...which was nice...no leavers and good players...the only part that sucked was...well...they were good players and i wasnt (bottom again). Them anni battles with good players can be freaking exhausting....with the new guys id just roll up....hit my shitty whirling derby skill and just activate anni all casually....that shit dont fly with the better guys. Even when it looked clear someone would go for it and a vet would snatch them up outta nowhere .

The skill of these guys is really disheartening....dunno if they souped up with endos but getting killed....by the same dude repeatedly kinda sucks. Guess i wont get better playing new guys though

did have a nice, planned, ring out which i was mad proud of cause i planned it.....rocket jumped over wall, switched wep mid air, landed behind support, grappled to ring out and jetskated into safety (past the assault that was dominating everyone).


That girl in the bunny hat
Finally saved up enough CC to get Artemis. And had a nice little demonstration of how, while leavers might be bad, feeders can be worse.

Seriously. An Assassin ended the match with 2 bot kills. For fuck's sake.
update news
Free Pro Rotation: Cheston, Karl, Sniper, Support, Tank, Wascot

GG: Hey Chip what do ya know? Chip: I know Rule Changes: 16

B&B week at Super MNC. Balance and Bug Fixing. Thanks for all the feedback in person, in emails, on the forums, and various other places, some unbeknownst to our government. We took great aim at a lot of the products, improving some and reducing some. This is intended to make the choices in your product set a little more interesting.

It's still summer time! Check out our new line of "Spunky Guzzler" uniform heads and chew it down without a frown!

As always, feel free to leave us feedback at http://www.uberent.com/forums! If you have issues please email [email protected].

New Rules

Added and removed certain new and certain outdated ProTips.
Increased the difficulty of standing on walls you should not be able to stand on.

Bug Fixes

Fixed crash related to Turbocross matches.
Fixed some instances of bots no longer moving or reacting when they are stunned and then grappled.
Fixed air control giving more speed to Pros than it should.
Fixed category selection in the store when going there from the button to buy keys in the locker room.


New Bundle: Spunky Guzzlers.


Growing Years: Removed from store, set to Classic
Gong Rescue: Removed from store, set to Classic
Perfect Wonder: Removed from store, set to Classic
McCharles Of Power: Removed from store, set to Classic
Solid Silver: Removed from store, set to Classic
B-Unit: Removed from store, set to Classic
Vice Bros: Removed from store, set to Classic
Duck Handles: Removed from store, set to Classic


Bot Buster: Fixed incorrect description.
Cold Roll: Now affects enemies around the target that died, not the player with Cold Roll.
At'em Bomb: Detonation Time: 2.5 -> 2
Blaze of Glory: Detonation Time: 2.5 -> 2
Blaze of Glory: Radius: 512 -> 768
Slow Death: Detonation Time: 2.5 -> 2
Slow Death: Radius: 512 -> 768
Parting Gift: Detonation Time: 2.5 -> 2
Parting Gift: Radius: 1024 -> 2048
Death Wave: Detonation Time: 2.5 -> 2
Death Wave: Radius: 512 -> 768
After Shock: Detonation Time: 2.5 -> 2
After Shock: Radius: 512 -> 768
Investing for the Unenhanced: Interest: 0.5% -> 0.75%
Investing for the Unenhanced: Max Per Use: 10 -> 15
Snappy Comeback: Duration: 10 -> 20
Jumpy Spunky: Jump Power: 2000 -> 1750
Awesome Spunky: Radius: 1024 -> 1536
Juicy Spunky: Critical Damage Multiplier: 1.5 -> 1.4


New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler


New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler
Dagger & Sword: Fixed not being able to grapple at all times. Now works similar to other melee-style weapons.
Cloak: Drain Per Shot: Dagger & Sword: 4 -> 2
Cloak: Drain Per Shot: Shuriken: 1.4 -> 0.7


New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler
Patriot Head: Fixed typo in name.
Fly: Drain Per Shot: Assault Rifle: 0.75 -> 0.25
Fly: Drain Per Shot: Grenade Launcher: 3.75 -> 1.25

Captain Spark

New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler
Voltage Spike: Alt Fire now requires 4 hits to fully charge.


New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler
Family Jewel: Fixed not getting critical shots when it should.
Exploding Barrel: Full Damage Radius: 128 -> 192
Exploding Barrel: Minimum Damage Radius: 256 -> 384

Combat Girl

New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler
Combat Kitties: Damage in Turbocross increased by 13%.


New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler


New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler


New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler


New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler
Venice Defense: Fixed not getting proper stat scaling in Turbocross.


New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler
Rocket Ma'am: Damage Radius: 256 -> 196


New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler
Shotgun: Minimum Damage: 10 -> 30
Firebase: Damage in Turbocross increased by 13%.


New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler
Sniper Rifle: Fixed eye wear from sometimes covering up the zoomed in scope.


New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler


New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler


New Uniform Head: Spunky Guzzler
Coin Launcher: Spread: 0.16 -> 0.12
Coin Launcher: Tofu Bacon: Speed: 3000 -> 5000
Coin Launcher: Fixed Tofu Bacon from not respecting muzzle location or aiming direction.
Shifty Shuffle: Now counters all grapples while active
Shifty Shuffle: Duration 5 -> 4
Shifty Shuffle: Lifesteal: 0.05/0.1/0.125/0.15 -> 0.06/0.12/0.15/0.18


MB nerf....now im worthless

Goon Boon


Best outfit of all games.


That girl in the bunny hat
This is not a brag post. Just a bump.


Oh who am I kidding. (Did you all die or something?)

Nice. I had a pretty poor performance a little while ago, came dead last on the team as Support. And our team had less cash than our opponents and was consistently out-leveled and lost 2/3 Annihilators.

Still won.


I was having some bad performance too, and someone complained about it in that game as well. I wonder what the deal is. I think I was playing at about 15 - 20 fps... even at the main menu. Weird.


That girl in the bunny hat
I was having some bad performance too, and someone complained about it in that game as well. I wonder what the deal is. I think I was playing at about 15 - 20 fps... even at the main menu. Weird.

Well naw, the game was running fine. I was just out of it. I'm normally #1 or #2, I just kept letting myself get ganked and ganged left and right. I couldn't even lay down my Firebase at the Annihilator successfully. I swear the only way I helped on the one we did get was by distracting their Tank and Veteran, I was such an easy kill they just had to go after me. Bought our Assault enough time to hit it.

But eh. I knocked out a few of the turrets, scored a double kill with an airstrike they didn't see coming. I helped, just not that much.


Well naw, the game was running fine. I was just out of it. I'm normally #1 or #2, I just kept letting myself get ganked and ganged left and right. I couldn't even lay down my Firebase at the Annihilator successfully. I swear the only way I helped on the one we did get was by distracting their Tank and Veteran, I was such an easy kill they just had to go after me. Bought our Assault enough time to hit it.

But eh. I knocked out a few of the turrets, scored a double kill with an airstrike they didn't see coming. I helped, just not that much.

Oh, lol, I'm dumb.
I was having some bad performance too, and someone complained about it in that game as well. I wonder what the deal is. I think I was playing at about 15 - 20 fps... even at the main menu. Weird.

Yeah I've had that before an had to restart my pc, only the once though. Anyhow, I have finally given up on this game, not because it's not fun but because my friend and I can't group up and find games, 30min+ waits are ridiculous. We resort to doing singles an hoping we get in the same match let alone the same team, its such a shame.


Yeah I've had that before an had to restart my pc, only the once though. Anyhow, I have finally given up on this game, not because it's not fun but because my friend and I can't group up and find games, 30min+ waits are ridiculous. We resort to doing singles an hoping we get in the same match let alone the same team, its such a shame.
What region/time do you guys play? I'm usually with a buddy but queue times are 10 min at most. Only time it goes over that is if it bugs and we have to requeue.
What region/time do you guys play? I'm usually with a buddy but queue times are 10 min at most. Only time it goes over that is if it bugs and we have to requeue.

Evenings in the uk, European servers are really underpopulated even at 'peak' times and the US ping is just too high for us.


As much as I love this game I kind of had to give up on it for a while due to there hardly ever being anyone on to play games in Australia. It got to a point where 20 minute waits were quick and now it just doesn't happen at all.

So I started playing on the American servers and while the lag sucks, the game is worth it and the wider player base means I suffer less for the lag due to a larger chance the opposition will be terrible


This game really could use a couple more players. It having less than 1000 on at any one time is ridiculous. And all the times I've tried to play this, there's been less than 10 people in Europe.


As much as I love this game I kind of had to give up on it for a while due to there hardly ever being anyone on to play games in Australia. It got to a point where 20 minute waits were quick and now it just doesn't happen at all.

So I started playing on the American servers and while the lag sucks, the game is worth it and the wider player base means I suffer less for the lag due to a larger chance the opposition will be terrible

This game really could use a couple more players. It having less than 1000 on at any one time is ridiculous. And all the times I've tried to play this, there's been less than 10 people in Europe.

Yeah, it sucks. When TotalBiscuit released his WTF is... video for it, it only boosted player counts to about 1900 during peak times EST. Seems like it wore off and we're back to square one.


That girl in the bunny hat
It's Blitz!

Free Pro Rotation: Artemis, Assault, Captain Spark, Gunner, Support, Veteran

GG Stack: It's on!

We have Super Blitz mode ready to be played and Agents are invited to the preview! Coming to you from the 1-800-QUERY-HELIOS Dome, Super Blitz mode has been added to the play options for all Agents. Free Agents will have to wait until the preview period is over. Anything acquired during the preview you keep. Super Blitz currently has one mode that is infinite rounds. As you play you can earn or purchase weapons and tokens to give you a chance to get farther!

New Rules
Added Super Blitz Preview for Agents.
New Item: Blitz Tokens

Bug Fixes
Fixed some chat context menu formatting around player names.
Fixed player being able to stand on the end-game platform in Bullet Gorge.

New Arena: 1-800-QUERY-HELIOS Dome - Super Blitz Only

New Bundle: Blitz Six

Blitz Buster: Enhanced version of Bot Buster that goes up to 300 Bot Rating. - Super Blitz Only
Blitz Dodger: Enhanced version of Death Dodger that has a much shorter teleport time. - Super Blitz Only
Blitzy Spunky: Blasts a huge area of damage when juice is used. - Super Blitz Only

New Weapon: Blitz Skewer I - +50% Damage - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Foie Gras I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only

New Weapon: Blitz Dagger I - +50% Damage - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Sword I - +50% Damage - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Shuriken Launcher I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Uniform: Blitz Assassin - Super Blitz Only

New Weapon: Blitz Assault Rifle I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Grenade Launcher I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Uniform: Blitz Assault - Super Blitz Only

Captain Spark
New Weapon: Blitz Voltage Spike I - +50% Damage - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Ray Gun I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only

New Weapon: Blitz Tommy Gun I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Family Jewel I - +50% Damage - Super Blitz Only
Spunky Guzzler: Fixed store icon being incorrect.

Combat Girl
New Weapon: Blitz Combat Healer I - +60% Fire Rate - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Nailgun I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only

New Weapon: Blitz Minigun I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Dual Minigun I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Mortar I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Uniform: Blitz Gunner - Super Blitz Only

New Weapon: Blitz Lucinda I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Love Pistol I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only

New Weapon: Blitz Handler I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Bouncing Buddies I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only

New Weapon: Blitz Mona Laser I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Balestra I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only

New Weapon: Blitz Rocket Ma'am I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Bearing Hates I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only

New Weapon: Blitz Heal/Hurt Gun I - +60% Fire Rate - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Shotgun I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Uniform: Blitz Support - Super Blitz Only

New Weapon: Blitz Sniper Rifle I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz SMG I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Uniform: Blitz Sniper - Super Blitz Only

New Weapon: Blitz Jet Gun I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Rail Gun I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Uniform: Blitz Tank - Super Blitz Only

New Weapon: Blitz Flying Falcons I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Hot Seat I - +50% Damage - Super Blitz Only

New Weapon: Blitz Coin Launcher I - +50% Damage, +100% Ammo - Super Blitz Only
New Weapon: Blitz Heartbreaker I - +50% Damage - Super Blitz Only

In short- if you've bought anything in SMNC, you can preview Blitz, which is the PvE mode. Blitz uniforms are just green skins. New arena is a big ol' circle.


That girl in the bunny hat
People are already racking up 2-hour-long Blitz matches. It's insane.

Also the new products were removed, since people could get them into Super Crossfire. They kinda break the game a little.


That girl in the bunny hat
People have figured out how to grief Blitz. :/ Buying Longshot turrets everywhere, makes the whole thing end fast. Pretty lame.


That girl in the bunny hat
Blitz is now open to everyone!

Free Pro Rotation: Assault, Karl, Gunner, Support, Leo, Tank

GG Stack: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Blitz is now open for everyone! Because of everyone's amazing feedback, we feel ready to make Super Blitz available to everyone!

As always, feel free to leave us feedback at http://www.uberent.com/forums! If you have issues please email [email protected].

New Rules
Blitz is now open to everyone.
Added "Super Blitz Best" to stats for the best round attained in Super Blitz.
Added "Super Blitz Best" to all individual Pro stats for the best round attained in Super Blitz with that Pro.
Added "Blitz" category for Products.
Added Artemis to Training Camp targets.
Added new GG Blitz VO.
Blitz Combat Credit reward increased by 267%.
Blitz XP reward increased by 600%.

Bug Fixes
Fixed Blitz Tokens being reset when you respawn.
Fixed being able to get more than 5 players into a Blitz round.
Fixed music being triggered multiple times during Blitz mini games.
Fixed flair, weapons, and taunts being mixed up in Blitz if multiple players used the same uniform.
Fixed Blitz Post-Game Prizes from never dropping.

Super Blitz
Added much more difficult bot rounds after round 60.

New Bundle: Blitz 10

Buzzers: Speed: 1500 -> 1000
Buzzers: Damage: 750 -> 600

New Product: Massive Blitz: 100% Air Control and much higher jump - Blitz Only
New Product: Massive Juice: +25% Rate of Fire while juiced and much faster juice gain rate. - Blitz Only
New Product: Bot Scrambler: All bots targeting you will stop when juice is used and you can not be the target of bots until juice has ended. - Blitz Only

Blitz Skewer I: Fixed weapon doing far lower damage than intended.

Blitz Dagger I: Fixed typo in name.
Blitz Dagger I: Fixed upgrading to a non-Blitz sword resulting in no weapon.

Captain Spark
Blitz Voltage Spike I: Fixed weapon doing far lower damage than intended.
New Uniform: Blitz Captain Spark

New Uniform: Blitz Cheston

Combat Girl
New Uniform: Blitz Combat Girl

Blitz Minigun I: Fixed upgrading to a non-Blitz Dual Minigun resulting in no weapon.

New Uniform: Blitz Karl

New Uniform: Blitz Wascot


That girl in the bunny hat
And there's a new universal boost code:


It gives:

4 Blitz Tokens
100% XP boost 5 matches
100% CC 24 hours
1 Spunky ball

So you can fire it up, do some Crossfire matches for the real XP booster, then goof about Blitz and abuse its crazy-high CC payout even further.


That girl in the bunny hat
Small bugfix week. Hopefully it means voice comm is actually worth using again.

Free Pro Rotation: Cheston, Karl, Combat Girl, Leo, Megabeth, Veteran

GG Stack: You want it hard? Lets get Rule Changes: 19

Bug fixing week. We've tacked a bunch of bugs, added the last of the Blitz uniforms, and improved the end-game of Blitz. Enjoy!

Also, check out Uber's new Kickstarter project: Planetary Annihilation! Don't worry, it won't interfere with Super MNC updating.

As always, feel free to leave us feedback at http://www.uberent.com/forums! If you have issues please email [email protected].

Bug Fixes
Fixed some instances of being able to hear the other team through voice chat.
Fixed some instances of replays not showing up in MNC TV.
Fixed Pros being able to keep their own Moneyball down.
Fixed Bot Buster and Blitz Buster not stacking properly.
Fixed lunge damage always showing up as Assault Charge.
Fixed some instances of losing all speed bonuses after a lunge or charge.
Fixed landing page headlines so that you can no longer click on them when you are not on the landing page.
Fixed size of options screen scroll bar.
Fixed "Undefined" sometimes showing up in the Blitz Prize UI.

Blitz 16

Super Blitz
Fixed multiple Jackbots being spawned when only one was intended. This should make post-round 60 slightly easier.
Slightly decreased the amount of bots spawned post-round 60.

New Uniform: Blitz Artemis

Blitz Mortar I: Fixed incorrect ammo count.

New Uniform: Blitz Gunslinger

New Uniform: Blitz Leo

New Uniform: Blitz Megabeth

Firebase: Fixed the upgrade level 4 Health Recovery Aura from slowing down health recovery in Turbocross. It will now properly increase health recovery.

New Uniform: Blitz Veteran


Haven't played in a few days... Gotta get back into it. Too bad the patch isn't too interesting. Blitz is boring now, too, lol.


That girl in the bunny hat
Endo/Product recycling is in, finally. Though, it's not rebate, it's re-roll. Could prove interesting.

Free Pro Rotation: Assassin, Assault, Gunner, Megabeth, Support, Tank

GG Stack: Oh Rule Changes: 20 is upset again!

Recyclo the Recycle Bot is now available! Go to the inventory screen to recycle your Endorsements and Products for a small combat credit cost. You will either get nothing or something better than what you recycled! This included better Endorsements, most expensive Products, or even weapons, taunts, and uniform pieces!

As always, feel free to leave us feedback at http://www.uberent.com/forums! If you have issues please email [email protected].

New Rules
Added Endorsement and Product recycling with Recyclo!
Added talking indicator to the scoreboards.
Added Blitz topic to encyclopedia.
All Blitz weapons are now green to match the Blitz uniforms.
Turbocross now assigns new players to a random team instead of Hotshots.

Bug Fixes
Fixed landing page ball and invite button tooltips.
Fixed voice chat icon in the roster.
Fixed team assignments in custom Turbocross matches being ignored.
Fixed Jackbots still slamming while stunned.
Fixed the HUD turning itself on when you are locked on a player during a replay.
Fixed some instances where players would fail to spawn or be stuck in the loading screen when they try to reconnect if they disconnected from character select after selecting a Pro but either without locking it or with someone else taking it after they drop.
Fixed some instances of player spawned bots not spawning.
Fixed Blitz Minigames starting before all bots were destroyed.

Rampage: Removed the initial pulse from the start of Rampage.

Blitz Flying Falcons I: Fixed falcons doing less damage than intended.

Jet Gun: Alt Fire Spin: Fixed getting stuck if grappled until he is grappled again.
Jet Gun: Alt Fire Spin: Fixed not correctly playing grapple animations when grappled while spinning.


That girl in the bunny hat
What's this mean?

If you have an endorsement or product you don't want, you can go to Recyclo. Toss the item in, as well as a few credits, and you get out something different and 'better' than what you put in. Or, you might get nothing, but when that happens the odds of getting nothing on the next item goes down. "Better" is in quotes because it's based on value or endorsement tier, not necessarily what's more useful. But, you could toss in a Regular endorsement and get a Bacon one, or throw in a cheap product and get a Pro skin out of it.

Before, it was thought that 'recycling' meant you'd give it the item and you'd get back some fraction of its CC cost.

And there are murmurs that maybe, Flair/Weapons/Skins will be recyclable in the future. Which, if that happens, I wouldn't expect it to be an improvement on output.


Damn, getting a Bacon endo I need could save me a lot of time and credits

Nice. Popped in a level 1 speed boost and got a level 3 accuracy boost! Perfect for my current endo build until I decide whether to spend some coin on another Bacon version!


Is there a way to save replays of the last match? I see I can download it in-game, but I want to save it forever. Lulziest match ever. We CLEARLY should have lost, and my own teammate was begging the enemy team to just finish us off, and right when he said that I destroyed the moneyball, winning us the match

That seems to be the only advice on the matter. Guess I'll wait to watch it and attempt to upload it to youtube
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