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Thank you, Nintendo Switch


Looking at their little Bowser’s Fury-experiment I think that’s exactly where we’re heading. I just hope the next one is not in the “3D World” style, those are my least favorite 3D Mario games by far.
Yeah I want BOTW mario edition, with Bowsers Fury mechanics that unlocks things as you collect expanding the world, also I hope there are cool towns to bisit with more contained individualized levels in certain areas.

However no cat mario, that needs to be retired its too overpowered.


Yeah I want BOTW mario edition, with Bowsers Fury mechanics that unlocks things as you collect expanding the world, also I hope there are cool towns to bisit with more contained individualized levels in certain areas.

However no cat mario, that needs to be retired its too overpowered.
Open world elephant Mario is the new hotness.


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
At the beginning of the Nintendo switch announcement, I thought it would be more of the same and disappointment... But I realized that it was also focused on the mature audience, and when I saw the catalog with a lot of variety such as Death mark and survival horror games it left me a marvelous sense. shocked that Nintendo is finally Region Free in its video games and bringing an unusual catalog...

I appreciate Nintendo Switch and consider it the second best console that Nintendo has launched... The first will always be the Snes.


Excited Wake Up GIF by Originals
Where is this from? I've been trying to find the source


I love the form factor and simplicity of the Switch. Sadly, the game catalogue isn't for me and if there are multiplatform titles they are often the worst version of all, almost to the point of being broken (Commandos 3 HD), or incomplete (Kotor 2) or having other types of issues.

But being able to play Mario Kart and Zelda games makes worth it. Also my wife loves playing Stardew Valley on it (although she's throwing an eye on my modded version on PC already).


Having giant gaps between major releases was a major problem for Wii U, and something Switch has not suffered from.

But even if you only look at the major titles, Switch got new Pokemon, Smash Bros., Animal Crossing, Ring Fit, Luigi's Mansion, Switch Sports, etc. etc. that Wii U never got.

None of this changes that Switch built its brand on the back of Wii U games we already had, which blossomed on better smarter hardware and marketing.


None of this changes that Switch built its brand on the back of Wii U games we already had, which blossomed on better smarter hardware and marketing.
I can see the argument that it's first two months were helped by a cross gen game and a port. But after that the Switch brand was built by regularly receiving games the Wii U never got.


Not gonna lie I believe the Switch to be the 2nd best console of all time behind PS2. The library is Nintendo’s best since the SNES.

Shame Nintendo is still so behind the curve with online capabilities.


Yeah, while I think it faltered for a few years after an amazing first year, it was a solid console.
More than anything I like how it finally allowed Nintendo to put 100% of their output on a single system. Having to buy a home console and a separate handheld if you want to play the next 3D Zelda but also the next Pokemon or Fire Emblem was always annoying.
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Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Was a good run. Switch made it all those years with 2 kids taking it all over the place and main unit still works.
The controllers however were replaced multiple multiple many many times. I can't say anything good about the controllers.


As someone growing up with the Game Boy, I sometimes sit back in marvel and just look at the screen of my Switch, wondering what my kid-self would say about it.

Bought the Switch in launch for my son, together with ARMS, and he was so happy about it. Don’t know how many hours went into Smash for him, but I always had the itch to get one myself. Just the battery time held me back.

When the revision launched, I got the Switch for myself, together with Diablo 3 (already had it for PS4, but double dipped). Since then it has become my most played console of all time. Skyrim, Witcher, Metroid .. If I had to choose a console for a lonely island, it would be the Switch.

Today it’s getting a revival with my daughter, we spent tons of hours on Lego City Undercover. First time she’s playing on a console and learning fast.

Really looking forward towards a new Switch with backwards compatibility.


Never owned one and never will. I don’t travel. There was never any need to get a switch unless you want more Mario and co.
That's an unfair assessment in my opinion. I've only once ever taken it out of the dock to travel since buying mine in 2017. Went down to visit my girl's family in Mexico. It was great but I get uncomfortable with handheld gaming as I age. I greatly prefer the big screen experience. And I've barely touched any Mario games.

While I too toast to the big N for what they've managed to achieve, I think the ol' gals got a little bit more time before she's retired. The recent direct has me quite excited for their future games, and I still have a fool's hope for XCX and Zelda Wind Waker/Twilight Princess making their ways over. Can't wait for the Peach game too.

Perhaps I was just lucky and fortunate that I never suffered from stick drift all these years. I only have the system Joycons and a single Pro Controller. Sadly the haptics or whatever are in the same boat as the Dual Sense's use thus far. Very rarely implemented sadly. I also really appreciate the region free and less censorship policies, which led me to purchase more stuff on my Switch as opposed to my once PS primary focus. Now its(PS) my fourth choice sadly. Such a weird timeline lol.

I truly hope Nintendo ditches the nextgen curse and carries on with the Switch policies and hopefully backwards compatibility. If the launch lineup doesn't woo me and I have to rebuy stuff again, then I'll definitely wait and just polish up collecting for the Switch for a good while. I'm still bitter I can't play the classic virtual console games I bought on the Wii U. And even if the next gen is only PS4 quality that's still might fine, I love what their artists are able to achieve with the Switch, those clouds in Mario look so good, and Fire Emblem Engage is quite the looker to me, quite fluid. If they can just iron out the resolution and framerate kinks then I'll be very happy.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
This is gonna be such a fun thread to revisit ten years from now. Great post, OP.


I can see the argument that it's first two months were helped by a cross gen game and a port. But after that the Switch brand was built by regularly receiving games the Wii U never got.

First 2 months? You are making a timeline up. If you subtract all Wii U games from the lineup, then many of the remaining games either don't sell as well or never even come out, because the system doesn't have the same sales or momentum from the Wii U games like BOTW and Mario Kart 8.

Which is what I was saying, it's a system that made itself off the back of old games. In fact many of the games that weren't Wii U titles ended up being ports or remakes. The Wii U games are just the most important ports that happened to be sold short on the bad Wii U platform and led the pack to fly switches off the shelves.

Switch is a great system for what it is, just saying. Since I already had Wii U it wasn't as mind blowing as for most people. The first 1p game I ran out to buy after Odyssey was Links Awakening. A brand new remake. It is the port/remake machine.

By the way you said U didn't have Smash but it did in fact have the first HD smash too. And I liked some things about it better than Ultimate. Ultimate was the same game with some tweaks and the end all roster.
That wasn't the only problem the Wii U had. You can never blame the people when a system fails, it was all up to Nintendo.
All up Nintendo but you are playing games?
I don't understand - people were obsessed with 'graphics' at that time and not have realized that Nintendo still, even system fails produced one of the best ever games for that system, including BOTW.
It's gamers to blame man. Stupid gamers.

Astral Dog

Its a very special little tablet, easily the best all around Nintendo console

The concept is brilliant,third party support is plentiful (not perfect but for a Nintendo is pretty good) there have been lots of records broken ,success stories for developers

Smash Bros Ultimate is one in a lifetime,3D Mario breaking 30 million sold, Zelda breaking 20 million ,Nintendo throwing everything they can at the Switch and watch it sell.even late third party ports did well

There are flaws and improvments,and one notable first party game absent, but if they can offer the same quality and variety with prettier visuals on next gen i will be over the moon 🌜


All up Nintendo but you are playing games?
I don't understand - people were obsessed with 'graphics' at that time and not have realized that Nintendo still, even system fails produced one of the best ever games for that system, including BOTW.
It's gamers to blame man. Stupid gamers.
Do some research on why the Wii U failed, there were several reasons. And do you think people were obsessed with graphics only during 2012-2017, neither before nor after?
Wait, the system must have the most previous generation remasters of any system in the history of gaming, to the point of overkill, and that's your take away?

One thing - Thank God for third party joycons for those of use with bigger hands. My hands are cramping just thinking about playing with joycons.

You damn right that's my take away when 3 of the remasters I want the most are a no show. Its about the remasters I care about. It doesn't make sense that they port skyward Sword but not twilight princess and wind waker. They already have HD versions on wii u! How hard is it to bring them over to switch? Again, why bring mario galaxy 1 but leave out 2. They called it the 3d collection but somehow left out the best one.
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Gold Member
I mean, haven't you already thanked your Switch (and Nintendo) by paying $300 at launch? That's quite the "Thank You", if you ask me.


I just wish they had more features like

More variety of themes
In depth video editing

Hopefully some of these are in the new console
It is surprising they never expanded more on themes or the general UI. Like you'd think at the very least there be an option to use screen captures as backgrounds.

They also never really expanded on ways to upload/share clips. How they've been sleeping on an "upload straight to TikTok" option for this long I'll never know.
Do some research on why the Wii U failed, there were several reasons. And do you think people were obsessed with graphics only during 2012-2017, neither before nor after?
Research why it's 'failed'? How can anyone tell me what to like or not?
I love the console (WiiU) and I need a research?
As for graphics - everyone was obsessed with graphics because it's most important thing in gaming, nothings new.
Nintendo games look as perfect as they can on given platform.


voted poster of the decade by bots
You damn right that's my take away when 3 of the remasters I want the most are a no show. Its about the remasters I care about. It doesn't make sense that they port skyward Sword but not twilight princess and wind waker. They already have HD versions on wii u! How hard is it to bring them over to switch? Again, why bring mario galaxy 1 but leave out 2. They called it the 3d collection but somehow left out the best one.

Well I think wind waker can kind of be chalked up to it wouldn't look much different due to its cartoons graphics.

As far as Mario galaxy 2, Nintendo is greedy so they probably wanted to hold ot back for a seperate release and charge another $60. (Not kidding here, would have taken like 3 seconds work to include it)

Not sure on twightlight princess.

But anyway, you can't please everyone......if they picked those instead of 3 others someone else would be no doubt complaining......


Gold Member
That's what I'm saying if the Switch 2 is capable of that level of graphics I'll be fine if Switch 2 last me 10 to 20 years. Yes for me Law of Diminishing Returns is a thing. I haven't bought a PS5 or Xbox Series X since I'm just not impressed. If anything I'm upgrading my PC to a cheaper build. I'm sure by now there are parts that can blow my previous build out of the water that are cheap. I still game on 1080p.

Also remember when they release the Switch 2, it will most likely have better hardware in general. Like more ram, etc that will make it like a more powerful PS4

Just like how the Switch is a more powerful PS3/XB360
PS5 and XSX are much better in usability vs last Gen. Loading times, improved performance from cross gen games and current Gen only titles coming out make them much better proposition.

I mean if you have a solid gaming PC that's a diff story, but that will run you more then both (and Switch ) put together. Much better performance and flexibility of course.

I traded in my Xbox One X and PS4 Pro to get PS5/XSX and only basically paid around $200 each. It was definitely worth it.


i will stick to xbox, sorry

just have never liked nintendos IPs, Metroid Prime series is about as close as nintendo have ever gotten at winning me over even the slightest

i must add that im dead inside, maybe this is why


Well I think wind waker can kind of be chalked up to it wouldn't look much different due to its cartoons graphics.

As far as Mario galaxy 2, Nintendo is greedy so they probably wanted to hold ot back for a seperate release and charge another $60. (Not kidding here, would have taken like 3 seconds work to include it)

Not sure on twightlight princess.

But anyway, you can't please everyone......if they picked those instead of 3 others someone else would be no doubt complaining......

Mario Galaxy 2 won't work without a real Wii remote with a sensor bar so we won't ever see it. Too much accuracy is necessary to control Yoshi. It's not just collecting star bits, it's linking together consecutive jumps.

WW's cartoon graphics didn't prevent WW HD on Wii U


If any console deserved a mid-gen refresh it was the Switch (OLED/lite doesn't count). Still, the games are great and that's (presumably) why we're here. Love the portable/docked option and detachable joy cons even though it was only really utilized by a few games.

I'm excited to see what's next. Hopefully it's fully backwards compatible and has a few years less of a lifespan in order to incorporate new tech a little quicker. The last few years have been a bit of a drag with Switch's performance.


Absolutely Cozy
The Switch provided me with so many great multiplayer memories due to how easy it was to bring it with you and set up at a friend's place. The simplicity(and complexity) of the Joycons allowed nongamers to easily jump in and play Mario Party or Mario Kart.

It was so versatile and intimate as you could cozy up in the sofa and just be absorbed by The Long Dark for example. It brought something neither Sony or Microsoft had even imagined.

I'm not sure I'll get Switch 2 as I'm having a blast with PS5 right now, but with the right games I'll maybe get it 3 years into its life.

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