I guess I'm playing on Grounded, thanks!
Definitely not recommended for a first timer to play on grounded for the first playthrough!
I guess I'm playing on Grounded, thanks!
I guess I'm playing on Grounded, thanks!
Yes.Do you even have an aiming reticle in Grounded?
just as? he's like 1000x worse
I have a few questions before I start my first playthrough.
What's the recommended difficulty for a first timer? If I were to beat the game on Hard, would that allow me to do my second playthrough on Grounded Plus?
This CrapgamerReviews kid is just as bad as Carolyn Petit... Yikes!
This will be my first playthrough also. Most people have recommended playing Hard with listen mode off. That is what I am going to do first. Then going with survivor my second playthrough to try and get the platinum. I have no idea how difficult the game really is, but hard with listen mode off seemed to be the most recommended.
How do you heal another player with a first aid kit in MP?
And I'd there a way to see if you have the gore enabled?
This game is going to top the charts. Went to Gamestop today to pick up my pre order.
Apparently it's all sold out for those who didn't pre order.
Apparently it's all sold out for those who didn't pre order.
This will be my first playthrough also. Most people have recommended playing Hard with listen mode off. That is what I am going to do first. Then going with survivor my second playthrough to try and get the platinum. I have no idea how difficult the game really is, but hard with listen mode off seemed to be the most recommended.
Definitely not recommended for a first timer to play on grounded for the first playthrough!
I want all of the trophies and I already have a hard time beating a game twice. Three might be too much. Hard > Grounded > Grounded PlusBig mistake if its your first time. You're robbing yourself of the nice challenge and flow that you'll experience in Normal or Hard for your first time.
Otherwise, go nuts I guess.
How do you heal another player with a first aid kit in MP?
And I'd there a way to see if you have the gore enabled?
I want all of the trophies and I already have a hard time beating a game twice. Three might be too much. Hard > Grounded > Grounded Plus
You need to upgrade Joel, his weapons, and enough shivs to open doors.
When going from hard to grounded, you'll lose all progress from hard.
You need a bare minimum of 2 playthroughs to get everything done. I'm debating starting on Grounded then doing Grounded + hoping that it will be enough. Problem being is that there are less supplies on harder difficulties, so I don't know if it'l be enough to get it all done in 2.
Pretty sure that the reason they're gone is because Grounded Mode. Completely HUD-less.
It won't be.
I know that, I actually beat the game on Survivor+ when I had my PS3. The problem is that it's been so long that I forgot what buttons to press. Was hoping you guys would know where I can find that info. I guess I'll just look up a guide that hopefully shows all of that. I should have just done a quick Hard run to get acquainted again.
Nope, downloaded in roughly a minute for me.
I'm so close to buying the US version on Amazon. Will I get an email with a code to input in the PSN store from an US account? Any account? How does this work?
I remember them saying you could.I kind of wish you could turn off the HUD in any difficulty.
Correct me if I am wrong but how are you supposed to do QTE's without the prompt to tell you what to hit?
May I ask why you're so sure of this?
I thought upgrades were static? or is it because of parts?
Will Survivor and S+ be enough?
I remember them saying you could.
I really need to ignore photo mode for the first run through. So tempting to just spin the camera around at every moment and check things out.
Also leaving camera mode enabled means you can't do any of the QTE 'look at this thing happening' moments as they are mapped to L3 too.
Hm didn't hear anything on that. If someone can confirm that then that would be great, but I assumed it was just options like turn off listen mode which was in the PS3 version.
Thread kind of slowed down. Everyone must be playing the gameI have to wait until I get off work later this evening.
Correct me if I am wrong but how are you supposed to do QTE's without the prompt to tell you what to hit?
On survivor there weren't enough parts/supplies on a second playthrough to max my weapons and do the doors.
Because it's always same button, square for takedown, triangle for shiv (if you have one)![]()
I shouldn't have said QTE. I meant that there are certain sequences you initiate with a button press, then the next button you have to press isn't shown on screen and results in you not getting the desired result. On Grounded that usually means death, so I called it a QTE.
PS4 has a Show HUD toggle:
PS4 has a Show HUD toggle:
Because it's always same button, square for takedown, triangle for shiv (if you have one)![]()
Are subtitles on by default? Eurgh
That's what I was getting at. I figured it out on my own. but got killed by a runner before I did.
Also, here's my first photo.