That's what I was getting at. I figured it out on my own. but got killed by a runner before I did.
Also, here's my first photo.
Just needs a TLOU logo.
That's what I was getting at. I figured it out on my own. but got killed by a runner before I did.
Also, here's my first photo.
Now add Snatcher for the Sega CD, then I'll be impressed.
Just needs a TLOU logo.
The only missing button prompt that's hard to remember the timing for on Grounded is the melee counter on TRIANGLE.
It's available from the start.Can anyone confirm whether the Left Behind DLC is available at the menu?
I just don't want to have to re-play the entire game to access it...
Can anyone confirm whether the Left Behind DLC is available at the menu?
I just don't want to have to re-play the entire game to access it...
Watching the Giant Bomb Quick Look to hold me over until UPS gets here.
NoAre subtitles on by default? Eurgh
UPS pls
What's the consensus of 60fps vs 30fps w/improved shadows?
Fuck I knew something was off when I kept dying to melee encounters. I forgot you have to press triangle sometimes.. When you miss a punch I guess?The only missing button prompt that's hard to remember the timing for on Grounded is the melee counter on TRIANGLE.
I wouldn't know. The picture isn't mine and my digital EU preorder already downloaded doesn't unlock for 5 more hours...
What's the consensus of 60fps vs 30fps w/improved shadows?
At 60fps the PS4's shadows are already clearer than the PS3's, but admittedly there are still some rough, pixelated spots. Standing your character near a wall exposed to direct sunlight tends to bring out the PS4 remaster's ugly side, but the 30fps toggle resolves this in an instant. At the flip of a switch, aliasing is removed from long straight lines projected onto walls, and more granular shadow details - such as plant-life - become sharp and defined. It's an issue most noticed around the Bill's Town section, where sunlight is at a low angle - though curiously not for shadows produced from the characters torchlight.
However, this comes at a cost besides the frame-rate cap. A shadow glitch is introduced on this setting, removing crucial shadow maps around interior areas. This is most keenly felt while travelling through the warehouses with Bill, where streaks of light line the corners of each room. It's an immersion-breaking glitch that disappears on returning to the 60fps mode; perhaps suggesting that the patch's enhanced 30fps mode could have benefitted from a little more testing. Hopefully this will be resolved in a forthcoming update.
On that note, we'll have to wait and see what happens. From a second play-through of the game at 30fps, we've noticed no other visual differences; textures, ambient occlusion and effects are entirely untouched. Given the massive performance head-room when running at this capped rate, it's tempting to imagine what extras Naughty Dog could have added here without breaking the budget; improved effects, or even super-sampling, for example.
What's the consensus of 60fps vs 30fps w/improved shadows?
I don't have the game, but I'm pretty sure every mode is unlocked from the start.Is Grounded selectable from the start? Thinking about trading in my PS3 copy and finally getting a PS4, but I really don't want to have to play through on a lower difficulty again.
Did they add trophies for the new difficulties?
I think I'll just play this time on Hard and complete everything and go back and try grounded later. It sounds more intense while Hard mode was actually fun.
Is Grounded selectable from the start? Thinking about trading in my PS3 copy and finally getting a PS4, but I really don't want to have to play through on a lower difficulty again.
Is Grounded selectable from the start? Thinking about trading in my PS3 copy and finally getting a PS4, but I really don't want to have to play through on a lower difficulty again.
UPS pls
I'm in the same situation.
In the dream I knew that he was goin' on ahead and he was fixin' to make a fire somewhere out there in all that dark and all that cold, and I knew that whenever I got there he would be there.Never played TLOU the first time around. Grabbed my PS4 copy during lunch break and threw it into my PS4 to install/download/whatever. Now I'm sitting at work waiting, knowing the game is waiting for me.
Haha, all you guys trying 30fps after playing at 60fps are all like "NOPE". I'm genuinely curious now to see if people who said they will be playing at 30fps (for the better shadows) will keep it there after playing at the default 60fps.
Haha, all you guys trying 30fps after playing at 60fps are all like "NOPE". I'm genuinely curious now to see if people who said they will be playing at 30fps (for the better shadows) will keep it there after playing at the default 60fps.
As weird as this is going to sound, the locked 30 on this feels worse than the sub 30 on PS3 to me.
Cross post.
So i've played through the first 2 hours so far. And I must say that I was still not sure which FPS option I was going to choose even right before starting my play through. I started with the default (60), everything looks and feels great. Shadows look fine. They look like shadows. I switch to 30 fps about an hour in with a good section showcasing some shadows and I must say that there really isn't much of a difference. And then... I move. I walked around with joel and holy shit. The fluidity and even the crisp clean look of things is completely gone. I now honestly can say that this is one of those cases where if it wasn't for threads like these I wouldn't even notice or pay much attention to things like the slight difference in shadows (I know there are cases where its way more noticeable but, I feel these may be rare occurrences) or even that LOD problem with the flashlight and things looking lower res when not pointing directly at it.
There is no going back to 30 once I played with 60. The game just didn't feel right anymore. Nor in my opinion did it look as crisp and as good as before (with 60). Naughty Dog put 60 as default for a reason and I believe they were right in doing so. 60 fps honestly feels like the highlight of this Remaster.
Puts on locked 30 to see what it was like.
Ew. Ugh.
*Goes back to 60*
Erection resumes.
Haha, all you guys trying 30fps after playing at 60fps are all like "NOPE". I'm genuinely curious now to see if people who said they will be playing at 30fps (for the better shadows) will keep it there after playing at the default 60fps.
After seeing 60fps on videos compared to 30, there is NO WAY I'm picking 30, it looks so smooth.
Holy fuck! My body was not ready for 60fps...
Haha, all you guys trying 30fps after playing at 60fps are all like "NOPE". I'm genuinely curious now to see if people who said they will be playing at 30fps (for the better shadows) will keep it there after playing at the default 60fps.
Not for me. The PS3 version took around 2 minutes, this took maybe 30 seconds for me.ugh the initial load for this is just as long as it was on PS3