The first sequence in Pittsburgh is tense as hell. All of it for that matter. That ending too ugh
Ending spoilers:I just knew they were going to kill her. I just didn't anticipate that Joel would kill everyone including the doctors to get Ellie back alive. I reluctantly played that section and was gutted when he killed Marlene. I didn't realize that I was playing as a selfish, psychopathic old man until the final 30 mins. He doomed humanity so that he could live out his years with someone that could replace his daughter. It's not that I don't understand why he couldn't let her go, I just angry that he didn't for the sake of humanity. Ellie definitely wanted her death to mean something and Joel stole it from her.
Seriously.I don't get how that turned people off. The ENTIRE journey led up to that decision. The whole point of the story was finding things and people to live for in a hopeless situation
Playing on normal and finding the human enemies quite dumb. Several times I walked in their view and nothing, they continue searching. I played the ps3 version on hard btw. Should I do the same and what does everyone else think about the A.I?
Why would you go easier instead of harder on a second play-through?
It doesn't really matter ifthere are more that are immune or not. Either way someone has to be sacrificed for the greater good. That's a decision that only the person themselves can make. I get the impression Ellie was willing to make that sacrifice and for Joel to take that away is to rob her of control over her own life.
Would you let YOUR minor child sacrifice his/herself for a CHANCE to save others? Unless you would, I don't see how you can question Joel
Ending spoilers:I didn't realize that I was playing as a selfish, psychopathic old man until the final 30 mins.
Ending spoilers:I just knew they were going to kill her. I just didn't anticipate that Joel would kill everyone including the doctors to get Ellie back alive. I reluctantly played that section and was gutted when he killed Marlene. I didn't realize that I was playing as a selfish, psychopathic old man until the final 30 mins. He doomed humanity so that he could live out his years with someone that could replace his daughter. It's not that I don't understand why he couldn't let her go, I just angry that he didn't for the sake of humanity. Ellie definitely wanted her death to mean something and Joel stole it from her.
I played the game on Normal last time and did ok, lots of parts to salvage. I'm doing ok on Hard but man it is fucking tense, I've also died a lot more and parts are kinda rare.
I have two holsters and I'm working on upgrading my bow and revolver xD loving playing this game again.
I want to thank everyone for their suggestions on fixing the gamma/brightness problems. I changed a few settings in my PS4 display output menu and the game looks PHENOMENAL now. I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. If someone wants to try it, here's what mine looks like with a 50" Sony Bravia LED (you might need different ones depending on what type of display you're using)
The only times I'm dying on surviver is when I've purposely killed myself to restart the encounter for messing up the stealth.
So what did u change?
nah, just remake the game for the ps4. start from the ground up.Starting with the Dam chapter I've started seeing more pop-in of objects. Pretty bad and noticeable.
Up to that point it's been fine. I have the physical copy.
I will say you can see other signs of the difficulty they had porting this. It may "run" and "look" better, but it's not as polished as the PS3 version. I see flickering textures, messed up lighting coming into interior dark areas from texture seams, and the pop-in issue already mentioned.
Patch that stuff and this game is flawless.
Man, they really botched the 30fps option. lol. I am pretty sure I'd remember it running like that in the original version. It did not run like that.[/B]
If you are using hdmi cable from the tv to the playstation set it to rgb limited on both your tv an console. Panasonic plasmas don't support rgb full through hdmi only through dvi to hdmi or vga to vga.
Both the "range" options were set to auto, I changed them to limited. And changed deep colour from off to auto.
It doesn't really matter ifthere are more that are immune or not. Either way someone has to be sacrificed for the greater good. That's a decision that only the person themselves can make. I get the impression Ellie was willing to make that sacrifice and for Joel to take that away is to rob her of control over her own life.
Her choice didn't matter as I'm sure they would have gone forward with the operation regardless of her consent. Marlene made that fairly clear when discussing the situation with Joel. Ellie only had the illusion of choice going either way.
Just went through Ellie's backpack and browsed her Artifacts.... I didn't do this my first time around on the PS3 version.
Fuck man... Her commentary...
When seeing Riley's Firefly Pendant
"I miss you."
When seeing Sam's Robot Toy
"That was so stupid... I should have said something different to you."
(Wonder what she's referring too her... I'm guessing the "I don't believe in Heaven, infected people are no longer here")
When seeing her Mother's note to her
"I'm trying to make you proud."
When seeing the picture of Joel and Sarah
"I should have given this to you when I had the chance"
Ellie ;~;
How do you do this? i'm pretty sure there wasn't an option to open it :/
Is this confirmed? I have a digital copy :/...
Also, I wanted to note that I have the physical version and I have not seen any pop up for foilage at all like someone pointed out in a video. Draw distance is really nice.
Yea it looked quite weird when I turned the 30fps mode on.
Kinda looked like it was choppy, but might just be my eyes adjusting to it.
Ending spoilers:I just knew they were going to kill her. I just didn't anticipate that Joel would kill everyone including the doctors to get Ellie back alive. I reluctantly played that section and was gutted when he killed Marlene. I didn't realize that I was playing as a selfish, psychopathic old man until the final 30 mins. He doomed humanity so that he could live out his years with someone that could replace his daughter. It's not that I don't understand why he couldn't let her go, I just angry that he didn't for the sake of humanity. Ellie definitely wanted her death to mean something and Joel stole it from her.
As new Grounded Bros we must do the "I Just Beat Grounded Dance".
Both the "range" options were set to auto, I changed them to limited. And changed deep colour from off to auto.
Well the gold trophy just popped for getting all collectibles and I know I am missing a couple artifacts.
Collectables question, maybe spoilers.
the part when you are at the university campus with the statue and the monkeys, one of the conversations is to talk to Ellie when you see a firefly symbol on the wall. I did not get credit for this conversation no matter how many times I restarted the checkpoint, anyone else?
The conversation trophy is fucking fucked. On the end of my hard plus run now and (Spring Spoiler). Tried various methods. Ain't happening.Ellie won't stop by the airplane advert on the bus
Fix this shit. That's a great convo tidbit we 're missing out on.
Quick question. If I playboy grounded mode will I get all the trophies for the lesser difficulty modes ala hard, survivor?
In playing through on normal and will probs finish and skip to grounded and try complete it on grounded twice
Halfway spoiler
Ish was an idiot as she led the infected survivors in the sewers.
I tried to play the grounded but whenI found this part almost impossible. Then I come back to the lower difficult. It's really frustrating.Joel fall in a Bill trap
I've only played on Normal and Survivor but do you not get unlimited ammo at this section in Grounded?
If you do, it's just learning to prioritise targets and making sure you re-load at appropriate times (and of course reasonable aim). The infected come from the same directions each time in the early part of this encounter so if you vaguely know the pattern it helps a lot.
Don't give up! Endure and survive.![]()
The collectibles/conversations and trophy weirdness was there in the PS3 version and has never been patched. I don't really care too much about trophies/achievements but this pisses me off no end everytime I see it:
I have been through and viewed/listened to ALL of them several times, both by using square to read AND X to zoom and it just won't pop!
Eventually I just said fuck it, I'm not spoiling the flow of my Survivor run just to get this bullshit trophy to appear.
If they do patch the PS4 I hope they do the same for the original but I'm not holding my breath.