There are more like Ellie that are immune. Not only do they reveal that in the last level if you actually looked, but in reality, there is never just one single immune person.
You should do some more exploring in the last level. Ellie wasn't the only immune person.
Left Behind was pretty, pretty, pretty good. I was a little surprised by its brevity but I enjoyed it quite a bit. I guess it's about time to replay this crazy game now. It's hard for me to get back into it because it's so depressing and stressful.
Try it in Grounded. I played the other parts without any great problem, but this ... you need to do an headshot for every single infected because if you hit them in the other parts of the body, you are dead.
Spoiler for 70% through the game:In winter, did you go through Ellie's backpack and look at each artifact?
This game is so much better on the higher difficulty settings. I only got the chance to finish it on normal last year.
What's the general vibe from 360 only people who had never played this before. Does it hold up to the hype?
Is this true? Is this in a note or something? I don't remember hearing about that. So what Joel says to Ellie at the end of the game was true? I thought the whole point of him saying that to her was the he was lying/being selfish.
Depends on how high of a difficulty setting you're playing on really. I'm at theon grounded and I'd say it's significantly more fun on normal than on grounded. Going almost 100% stealth and melee only like you have to do on grounded is kind of boring sometimes. It's all about replaying areas until you learn where enemies walk and you come to learn that the AI is really dumb. It's the same thing over and over again. At least on normal you can mix things up with gunplay and stealth way more often. Maybe hard is the sweet spot where enemies are dangerous but you still have enough ammo to shoot but I haven't played it.dam
Starting with the Dam chapter I've started seeing more pop-in of objects. Pretty bad and noticeable.
Up to that point it's been fine. I have the physical copy.
I will say you can see other signs of the difficulty they had porting this. It may "run" and "look" better, but it's not as polished as the PS3 version. I see flickering textures, messed up lighting coming into interior dark areas from texture seams, and the pop-in issue already mentioned.
Patch that stuff and this game is flawless.
I want to thank everyone for their suggestions on fixing the gamma/brightness problems. I changed a few settings in my PS4 display output menu and the game looks PHENOMENAL now. I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. If someone wants to try it, here's what mine looks like with a 50" Sony Bravia LED (you might need different ones depending on what type of display you're using)
I thought it was the only ending that made sense.
After Sarahs death Joel was a broken man. He lost his faith in humanity when Sarah got shot by soldier, not killed by infected but killed by a human.
Thats the reason why Joel and Tommy didn't talk to each other. Tommy had hope, he wanted to do something. Joel didn't care. He just survived and did whats necessary in order to survive. He didn't care about humanity. Thatswhy Tommy joined the Fireflys and Joel didn't.
The game hinted at what Joel did all the time. In the very first section after the opening where you walk through the quarantine zone, stick around and talk to the people. Some of them are even scared of Joel.
Tess: "We're shitty people, Joel. Its been that why for a long time."
Joel: "We are survivors, Tess!"
Tess: "This is our chance!"
Joel was able to justify his actions to himself.
When Ellie asked him how he knew about the ambush by the hunters:
Ellie: "How did you know?"
Joel: "I've been on both sides."
Ellie: "So... you've killed a lot of innocent people."
Joel: "*gruml*"
Ellie: "I take that as a yes."
Joel: "Take is however you want."
Yeah an many more such hints.
So, when Joel met Ellie he was very reluctant. Shew reminded him of Sarah and he didn't want to care about other people because that would imply that he could lose them and he couldn't take that anymore.
When Marlene tells them that they have to smuggle a girl Joel doesn't want to take the job. Tess goes over to him and says "I get it." She knows why he is reluctant.
Afterwards there are many more scenes where you see him giving in to the fact that he bonded with Ellie. For example after the "Can't deny that view"-scene, when he looks at his broken watch. The watch he got from Sarah.
At the end Ellie is everything Joels got. He lost his faith in humanity when a soldier shot Sarah. He was a broken man for 20 years and he knew that he couldn't take that another time. Especially not for humanities sake.
So he kills everyone who wants to harm Ellie.
I think nothing else would've made sense for the character.
oh I thought it was a woman
Anybody beat the game entirely through Remote Play yet?
This game is so much better on the higher difficulty settings. I only got the chance to finish it on normal last year.
What's the general vibe from 360 only people who had never played this before. Does it hold up to the hype?
Yeah. I spent a few hours changing my TV and PS4 settings because I thought it was my fault, but it does seem to be this. Rain storm section was especially bad for me too. Once again, how has no one brought this up? Not even digital foundry. This and the matchmaking issues are really putting a downer on this game for me.The VT65 supports Full RGB over HDMI. I actually tried changing it to Full RGB in the TV HDMI settings and forcing it in the console settings too, and it sort of worked except now certain levels (like the demo level) look exceptionally washed out, whilst other levels (like the entire start of the game) look decent enough, perhaps still slightly on the bright side. Gamma does not appear to be consistent throughout the game.
Rest of the game looks great.
I should have prefaced this by saying I'm playing on Hard. Seems like the perfect level of difficulty. I've heard survivour is very playable too. I think Grounded might be a little too hardcore for me
Not for me, but I guess its because the hype for this game is friggin surreal over here (just look, theres 3 OTs of this new remaster). Not saying its a bad game, its good, but thats it, just good. Still a long way to go so my impressions may change.
Complete the game first
Thanks. I'm a try this myself
just finished
Joel is selfish, god damn I get it why he took her at the end but none the less Selfish. Get impression Ellie knew that he took her as well but went with it for now.
You do on grounded mode so I would assume so.Do you get checkpoints in survivour mode?
I'm just gonna throw this out there: the intro to this game is by far the most emotionally powerful storytelling I've ever seen a game pull off.
Dis gon be good.
Someone didn't play Spongebob battle for bikini bottom.
The collectibles/conversations and trophy weirdness was there in the PS3 version and has never been patched. I don't really care too much about trophies/achievements but this pisses me off no end everytime I see it:
I have been through and viewed/listened to ALL of them several times, both by using square to read AND X to zoom and it just won't pop!
Eventually I just said fuck it, I'm not spoiling the flow of my Survivor run just to get this bullshit trophy to appear.
If they do patch the PS4 I hope they do the same for the original but I'm not holding my breath.
I already gave the proof of the sluggish 30fpsYeah I've noticed this too, wasn't sure if it was just the fact of switching from 60 to 30 on the fly would have something to do with it but it feels more choppy then the usual 30fps, at least that's how I feel when coming from Destiny and WD.
I should lock it at 30 then pop in WD then go back to TLOU and see if I notice it still.
I already gave the proof of the sluggish 30fps
Try Tlou on remote play with 60fps on. It's 30fps but a good one. Not choppy. But 30fps on and it's choppy and annoying.
Where it should be the same as remote play is 30fps anyway
Naughty dog ?
Just out of curiosity, did you check inside Ellie's backpack at the start of winter? There's things in there that count.
Yeah. I spent a few hours changing my TV and PS4 settings because I thought it was my fault, but it does seem to be this. Rain storm section was especially bad for me too. Once again, how has no one brought this up? Not even digital foundry.
Just out of curiosity, did you check inside Ellie's backpack at the start of winter? There's things in there that count.
That's because your TV supports full. Some don't and people change it to full and fuck up their settings.
There's no option to open her backpack when you find it as Joel, but when you're literally playing as Ellie, you can go through your own backpack.
Is this true?Is this in a note or something? I don't remember hearing about that. So what Joel says to Ellie at the end of the game was true? I thought the whole point of him saying that to her was the he was lying/being selfish.
Just really well done overall.
I have the Sony W900A.
Should I set the PS4 and TV to both limited or both full?
So every time I need to this to fix it? Because the others games with limited are terrible on ps4. To be honest even with auto. I use full range colours on my ps4, because a lot of games are terribly bright with auto. Anyway, I need to say this remasterd feel too much rushed. I have encountered tons of graphic glitch, poly geometry which disappear & appear more than a time, low res light effects which cause terrible jaggies in the graphic geometry edges. Don't let me wrong, I have tried to replay the ps3 version yesterday & ps4 still it's definitely an enjoy to play, fps on ps3 sucks, but this port it's rushed.
I have the Sony W900A.
Should I set the PS4 and TV to both limited or both full?