I more meant "version 2" as an entirely new software platform. What upgrades that entails I think would be unique to each hardware platform, but I'd say at a minimum there's things like core engine improvements, physics and obviously the menu navigation and general aesthetic... that sort of thing (as an educated guess). So each hardware platform has it's own strengths and weaknesses, but the ones they can upgrade, they will (depending on how flexible X platform is on patching/updating). I believe there was talk of the first/next 360 release to be using this base, but they weren't sure on the PS3 getting it because of how PSN handles updates (I believe).
If that makes sense
No problemo. Sadly it means I have to wait as well, but it's all for the best. Such a shame we still have no definitive version, with the 360 being the closest (but never updated), PS3 experiencing flipper lag compared to the 360 one, the PC one nowhere to be found and the handheld devices obviously severely hardware limited.
I don't think it's just your luck, remember ST:TNG is a cunt of a tableGlad to hear there's no lag detected... have you played both the PS3 and 360 versions? Would you say it's as responsive as the latter?
Responsive as the 360 version. I remembered the complaints from this thread as I was playing it and spammed the buttons, they kept instantly reacting no matter what was going on.