Fine Ham Abounds
I had no idea the PS3 version had input lag. Either I get used to these things really quickly, or my brain is slow. Probably both. Good news about PS4 though.
Some people didn't notice, but maybe the only reason I noticed was because I had both my PS3 and 360 on the same input coming through my receiver and I could tell that one was noticeably more responsive than the other, TV "game" mode or otherwise. Maybe I'm just hypersensitive to that stuff.It's reportedly only 1/60th of a second which is why you likely never noticed... many people have HDTVs with more lag than that. In any case, Farsight says they found the problem and will fix it in a patch. By all accounts so far, the PS4 doesn't have this issue.
Some people didn't notice, but maybe the only reason I noticed was because I had both my PS3 and 360 on the same input coming through my receiver and I could tell that one was noticeably more responsive than the other, TV "game" mode or otherwise. Maybe I'm just hypersensitive to that stuff.
Some people didn't notice, but maybe the only reason I noticed was because I had both my PS3 and 360 on the same input coming through my receiver and I could tell that one was noticeably more responsive than the other, TV "game" mode or otherwise. Maybe I'm just hypersensitive to that stuff.
Well, if OnLive was my only source for something, it probably wouldn't be noticeableDon't ever use onlive or gaikai. There's a constant 8-10 frames of input lag.
Spot on.Me too. I think what people don't realize though, is how easy it is to notice this stuff if you are playing the same tables on both hardware. I don't think either of us would think there was anything wrong at all if we'd only played the game on PS3. The lag is so slight that it doesn't stop the game feeling playable or responsive at all, but if you're used to that faster response, you are completely aware of real situations where you wouldn't have drained, or missed that shot, on the 360 version.
Not everyone gets to fly through space looking for the next table of the month, but this squirrel is a rare breed!
Well, if OnLive was my only source for something, it probably wouldn't be noticeableI'm sure there are a number of games that are fine with it, and pinball probably wouldn't be that bad with that kind of delay (you'd get used to it, I guess) if you had nothing to compare it to. But because there's a definite difference between the responsiveness of the iOS/360 and PS3 versions, it's *all* I notice
Spot on.
Me too. I think what people don't realize though, is how easy it is to notice this stuff if you are playing the same tables on both hardware. I don't think either of us would think there was anything wrong at all if we'd only played the game on PS3. The lag is so slight that it doesn't stop the game feeling playable or responsive at all, but if you're used to that faster response, you are completely aware of real situations where you wouldn't have drained, or missed that shot, on the 360 version.
Goin' Nuts was in Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection, IIRC. The ones left from earlier games are Scorcerer, El Dorado, Jive Time, and Strikes N' Spares, I think.Goin' Nuts was in one of their earlier games -- was Flight 2000? If not then that is two left from earlier games that haven't appeared in TPA, Sorcerer and El Dorado (I think).
Glad to see both Goin' Nuts and Flight 2000.
Yup, and it gives you the achievement/goal for it, too! That's the beauty of emulation... *everything* is emulated. If you played that same table on a platform/version where it was scripted, it's likely that wouldn't be in there.Wow, the Easter egg in Monster Bash noted here ( actually works on TPA. Now I have to see if any of the other ones do.
Yup, and it gives you the achievement/goal for it, too! That's the beauty of emulation... *everything* is emulated. If you played that same table on a platform/version where it was scripted, it's likely that wouldn't be in there.
I think you'll find all of these will work as well, provided TPA gives you the access to do it (as in, you don't need to do it in attract mode, because it has the splash screen on it).
By far my favourite/the funniest easter egg (I use the term loosely here) on TPA is in TNG, where if when you lose a ball and Data says "If you had sent the ball on the proper trajectory..." you push both flippers, Picard interrupts him with a "Thank you, Mr. Data". Better still, you get a 10 million points bonus for it, bahaha.
This is probably my favourite non-TPA one. It's especially awesome because it was legitimately only discovered I think two or three years ago? So for 15 years, no-one knew about it and it's one of the most popular pinball machines ever.
Yeah, that might be something that complicates things if we're ever to see this in TPA. Then again, there was a Bugs Bunny pin... Hm...I love Michigan J. Frog. He could be my favourite Looney Tunes character ever. I also love that because WB had nothing to do with Indy or Williams, that it massively infringes on copyright. lulz
Nah, they'd probably just remove it. I know they removed a song or two in CFtBL due to licensing, so I don't think it's that hard.Yeah, that might be something that complicates things if we're ever to see this in TPA. Then again, there was a Bugs Bunny pin... Hm...
What? WHAT? Why are you posting that? Have they confirmed it?!?
Given that this thread is in Gaming Community, I think it's close enough that it could just be about pinball generally, with a main focus on TPA. Clearly, however, I Am Not a Mod®.Sorry, didn't mean to do that. (This should be a general pinball discussion, too, IMHO.)
yeah, that's how I see this thread too. As a general pinball thread with a TPA focus.Given that this thread is in Gaming Community, I think it's close enough that it could just be about pinball generally, with a main focus on TPA. Clearly, however, I Am Not a Mod®.
That said, yeah, a bit more annotation of your original post would have helped.![]()
I have no problem with this, butSorry, didn't mean to do that. (This should be a general pinball discussion, too, IMHO.)
That said, yeah, a bit more annotation of your original post would have helped.![]()
Don't forget F-14 Tomcat, either. God damn, that game looks brutal.I have always been baffled as to why High Speed hasn't shown up in any of the Farsight titles. Is there some issue? The machine is fucking awesome and it should be on the list.
About to find out, I hope. Just finished downloading BF3, WW/SS tables, SotC, and GT Academy demo... took forever to install everything. :|Is it there on the PS3 version?
Tee'd Off had a production run of 3,500, according to the IPDB. I don't think it's that one. Goin' Nuts was never put into production. That's why I'm convinced it's that one.Happy they got the Season 2 pass out there, picked up the eight available tables. Looks like the next two are Flight 2000 and Tee'd Off -- somebody on the "official" forums noticed that the icon for the Season 2 pass on PSN contains mini pictures of the tables thus released and includes what looks like Tee'd Off to the right of Flight 2000. Though I'm not sure how that jibes with the clue. So maybe it will be Goin' Nuts.
Yeah, so I went to the beercade yesterday. Kind of a bummer about their pinball machines though. I mean, I imagine being a bar they probably get treated pretty rough, but a lot of them were in pretty bad shape. At least everything was set to free play.
Back to TPA discussion, the PSN store got Table Pack 13 and the Season 2 pass today. Downloading the Season 2 pass also gave me Table Pack 14, even though I don't see it in the store ATM. I'll email FS and ask them if I can get credit back for downloading Table Packs 1-12 separately.
Buying the Season 2 pass gives you early access to PinBot and Centuar.What what what?! Table Pack 14, too? I didn't get the season pack for some stupid reason and picked up the WW/SS pack, but I now cannot start it in the Season 2 list nor is it in 'My Tables' list after purchase and update. Urrgh.
Okay, I'm gonna prove how stupid I am by purchasing the S2 pass though I've already bought three of the first packs on it.Buying the Season 2 pass gives you early access to PinBot and Centuar.
Table Pack 14 is available to the rest of PSN next week, btw.Okay, I'm gonna prove how stupid I am by purchasing the S2 pass though I've already bought three of the first packs on it.
Are they the targets you *might* hit if you shoot the ball in that middle lane? Ugh, fucking hate them too.So, right now, I'm 4/5 standard goals on Centaur, PinBot, and Whitewater, and 3/5 on Space Shuttle. Whoever put those drop targets in Space Shuttle I need to light the jet bumpers where I just can't hit them is on my shit list.
Exactly. I might get a better glance at them if I shake the table at the right time, but seriously, that should be a wizard goal, to get all three jet bumpers lighted.Are they the targets you *might* hit if you shoot the ball in that middle lane? Ugh, fucking hate them too.
That's the reason they included it in the first place, so that any new tables that might have issues can bypass that issue. I don't think it was a general in-game user preference thing, funnily enough!Wow, the patch to optionally turn off event camera on the PS3 is a nice improvement! I can't believe that they didn't allow this sooner.
It really helps me on certain tables since event cameras sometimes screws up the game's logic and caused glitches. I can also more easily follow the action without waiting for the camera to switch back to normal.