Just got a new patch on PSV. Not sure if anyone else has mentioned it yet. Adds invite-only tournaments and fixes bugs.
Edit. Ooooh. Says it fixes leaderboard bug. Loading now!
Edit 2: Still broken. Friggin' A.
Edit 3: Works on PS3. Yay. I'm usually #3 out of the folks on my lists, for tables I've seriously put time into. Low activity tables, I am actually #1 or #2 on a couple. (I.e. no ParallaxScroll) I should post my STP ratios (self-to-parallaxscroll ratios). I think my best is like 7:10.
To top it all off, I finished all goals for TotAN. Finally rescued the princess for the first time ever. Then the game bugged out on the second rescue attempt (failed) and it didn't record the score. Basically got stuck in some dead state between end of rescue the princess and beginning of new ball.

At least I got my trophy, I guess.