Where did that idiom originate from anyways?
If it's not there they will just be one sale short I know it won't matter to R* but that's just a decision I made last year Wii U multi platform titles will get my money if it's not there I'm not buying it.As they say, hope for the best but expect the worst; don't let hope get in the way of expectations, so that when we eventually find out no GTA 5 or UE4 there is little disappointment.
In formal english usage no idea but in GAF usage I would have to say
Drinky Crow
famous for eating Crow (being wrong about all things Nintendo)
most notably Nintendogs Saga
I think there is a 3rd party WiiU exclusive game we are missing guys and no one wants to leak it
you can't counter my point with just no without your own counter source of its use as a meme around here :|
Yeah, "to eat crow" is just a turn of phrase, haha
Drinky Crow is named after an [adult swim] show
I think there is a 3rd party WiiU exclusive game we are missing guys and no one wants to leak it![]()
Drinky Crow is named after an [adult swim] show
I was not talking about the origins of Drinky Crow's name I was talking about the amount of times the man had the dish served
nah. drinky crow existed before then.
What are you referring to?
Not sure if he was suppose to talk about it, but the director of Project Cars confirms they're working on a Wii U version.
We kind of already knew about it, but he says it right out. He can't talk about development for it, but they'll be showing it at E3, it seems.
the big one of course :|
the obvious megaton that we all are missing
There's probably a few, actually.
the big one of course :|
the obvious megaton that we all are missing
The new Rabbids game is already announced.
how is that a megaton?
Depends on what you mean.
Exclusive from Ubisoft?
Nintendo x Third Party game?
Capcom's revival of some old franchise?
Thanks for that.
A PCars WiiU version was already confirmed but it's awesome to know that they'll show it -in some way- at E3.
It also seems that they want to take advantage of the lack of sim-like racers on Nintendo systems/WiiU which sounds great - hope they'll set the bar high for others to follow.
hmmm when you put it that way... well I'm fuck... my poor wallet.
so they finally got MT Framework up and running on WiiU?
Why wouldn't they? It was running on the 360 and PS3 and even on the 3DS.
how is that a megaton?
Clearly, the coming of Project Cars on Wii U set a different tone for the system in regard to this genre.
How could a 3rd party game on a Nintendo system be a megaton?![]()
So true.
I just hope other studios follow - some "healthy" competition to take the #1 spot, for this genre on the WiiU, would be great for gamers
I said exclusive though...
Nintendo still needs an exclusive in this department
How could a 3rd party game on a Nintendo system be a megaton?![]()
Wasn't there a rumor floating around about a first-party(?) sim-ish racing title, being developed for the WiiU?
Its actually kind of interesting to think of..
Nintendo home consoles haven't played home to some major franchises including Assassin's Creed and GTA
There hasn't been a proper numbered Final Fantasy in nearly 20 years. A proper Metal Gear... even if I love Twin Snakes
A proper Dead Space or a Resident evil in 8 years (yes we had RE 4 re-release)
No Battlefield or a Castlevania game since the N64...
How could a 3rd party game on a Nintendo system be a megaton?![]()
How could an Ubisoft game be a megaton?
I keep saying this, but 3rd party wise, Japanese support is going to be very interesting to see. Other than a few games announced last year, Japanese 3rd parties have been virtually silent. I'm still expecting 1 Japanese 3rd party megaton.
There was a rumour that British Lucid Games is doing something.
The context was about a 3rd party exclusive. I also don't think a 3rd party port is a megaton, but well, lowered expectations may transform it into one.
I'm just not too hopeful. Japanese developers have failed to deliver this generation, even on 360/PS3. Western studios don't like to take risks.
I don't even remember the announcement of a single exclusive Wii U title that's meant to be published by a Western 3rd party besides Rabbids Wii U and Killer Freaks. Perhaps those titles were just not very far at last E3, but perhaps 3rd parties take just the easy route again and port, port, port.
What can be a megaton apart from GTA V being exclusively available on WiiU and Retro working on Zelda WiiU?
Not an Ubisoft game that's for sure.
Beyond Good & Evil 2?
Metro: Last Light is focusing on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. A Wii U version is in the works, but is unlikely to launch alongside the others. See here.
I would love to see the amount of money that would convince Rockstar to make GTA V Wii U exclusive.probably somewhere in the neighborhood of a kajillion dollars
Beyond Good & Evil 2?